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Mantra to Guru Rinpoche to Dispel All Obstacles in Your Life OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM (Chant

the 108 times a day.)

DUSUM SANGYE GURU RINPOCHE Buddha of the three times, guru rinpoche NGODRUB KUNDAG DEWA CHEN POI SHAB Lord of all accomplishment, great blissful one; BARCHAD KUNSEL DUDDUL DRAKPO TSAL Dispeller of all obstacles, wrathful tamer of maras, SOLWA DEPSO JYINGYI LAPDU SOL As we pray to you, grant your blessings CHYI NANG SANGWE BARCHE SHIWA DANG Please pacify outer, inner and secret obstacles, SAM PA LHUN GYI DRUPAR JYINGYI LOB Bless us with the spontaneous fulfilment of our wishes Padmasambhava, affectionately known as Guru Rinpoche is the powerful Lotus Buddha who dispels all obstacles and worldly problems. Guru Rinpoche is excellent for those who find it hard to concentrate. Reciting his mantra as well as his seven lined prayer (below) transforms all difficulties into opportunities for growth and learning.

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