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Direct Costing

Direct costing is a method of costing in which the product is charged with only those costs which vary with volume.

Direct Costing and Absorption Costing: Distinction

Features of the Systems 1. Income statements Direct costing Easier for non-accounting operating personnel to understand. Profits vary with changes in sales volume. Inventory value excludes fixed costs and understates the value of the inventory. Product cost understates the true product cost. Absorption costing Complicated by effect of over and under absorbed overhead on reported profit. Profits vary with production volume rather than with sales volume. Inventory value includes fixed costs and is therefore fully valued. Products are fully costed.

2. Difference in reported profit by two methods 3. Inventory valuation

4. Product costs

5. Product pricing

Understatement of product costs could result in under priced products.

Absorption costing would reduce the possibility of under pricing.

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