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Business Justification Letter for earning your CMRP certification To: From: Subject: A certification to improve our companys

bottom line

Im committed to my career, and to our company.

By becoming a Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional, I can el! ensure success for bot " I as# for your su!!ort in !ursuing t e title of CMRP and, in return, I$ll bring t e latest training and education to bear on a better bottom line in a toug mar#et"

Why the CMRP Program is Right for me, and for the Company
%&ery M&R facility is loo#ing for 'ays to increase re&enue, and better efficiency !roducti&ity means a boost to our bottom line" (it CMRPs on our team, our o!erations are guaranteed to run smoot er and 'it less do'n time ) and t at translates to cost sa&ings" T e CMRP !rogram co&ers t e full breadt of maintenance and reliability" *fter !assing t e e+am, I 'ill a&e demonstrated my broad understanding across t e fi&e areas of t e SMRP Body of ,no'ledge: Business & Management Strategic !lanning, 'or#ing 'it sta#e olders, measuring !erformance, managing ris#, budgeting and more" Manufacturing Process Reliability %nsuring safety- managing !rocess and e.ui!ment c ange- understanding standards and s!ecifications- and more" !uipment Reliability Measuring !erformance le&els and identifying ga!s- establis ing, enforcing and re&ie'ing maintenance strategy- a&oiding !roduction do'n time- and more" "rgani#ation & $eadership *ssessing em!loyee com!etence, defining organi/ational structure, de&elo!ing em!loyee s#ills, communicating and more" Wor% Management Identifying 'or# !rocesses- de&elo!ing 'or# !lans and sc edules- documenting current !rocedures- maintaining istorical records- !lanning ca!ital !rojects- using information tec nology- and more"

&o I ha'e your commitment(

T ere are se&eral 'ays I can easily get started and e&entually ta#e t e e+am" I loo# for'ard to meeting 'it you to tal# furt er about t is o!!ortunity"
For more information on t e CMRP !rogram, &isit: '''"smr!"org0certifyno'

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