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E6 201 - Power Electronics Experiment no.

10: Boost converter closed loop control Bring the linear power suppl and the !oost converter ou !uilt in the previous exercises ". #mall-signal trans$er $unction for the boost converter that you C / d H1. Consider the small signal transfer function v obtained experimentally for a duty ratio of 0.5. Plot the gain and phase versus fre uency on semilog sheets. !ra" asymptotic #ode plots on the same. !etermine the dc $or lo" fre uency% gain& locations of poles and locations of 'eros. (a)e sure you have the plant transfer function ready to design the closed*loop controller. "". %esign o$ closed-loop controller H1. + P, controller and a lead*lag compensator are to be used for closed loop control. Place the 'ero of the lead*lag compensator at n. -he pole fre uency is 10 times the 'ero fre uency. Plot the gain and phase of the lead*lag compensator $asymptotic plots%. H.. -he phase margin should be at least /5o. 0ou may choose an appropriate band"idth& but it should be at least 1 )H'. 1ind out the parameters of the P, controller. H2. 3)etch the asymptotic gain and phase plots of the open*loop system. """. &eali'ation o$ closed loop controller H1. -he circuit belo" gives an example of a P, 4 lead*lag compensator for a boost converter. -he circuit utili'es one of the t"o error amplifiers inside -5/6/. -he error amplifier is not sho"n explicitly in the figure. -he dc output voltage $indicated by 7 ox in the figure% is first scaled do"n using 82 and 8/ as sho"n. -his is fed to the error amplifier circuit. H.. 1ind out the transfer function of the circuit for the component values indicated on the figure. Convince yourself that the circuit is indeed a P, 4 lead*lag compensator. H2. 3elect your o"n component values for the controller parameters you have chosen.

H/. 0ou might need to limit the controller output. 0ou can use t"o ..9*7 'ener diodes in a bac)*bac) fashion at the output of the error amplifier. "(. Experimental veri$ication 51. +ssemble the controller circuit you have designed. 5.. ,nclude a .*+ fuse at the dc input of the boost converter. 52. 3et the linear po"er supply output at 107. 3et the reference for a .0 7 output. 7erify the operation. 5/. 7erify ho" the controller "or)s against input voltage regulation by varying the linear supply output bet"een :7 and 1. 7.

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