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a ROCOMENT RESORE BD 185 850 | é “PE ott 30a 2? TITLE Persian Basic Course: Supple nt to Volume III. ° . , Structural Drills for Lessons 29-36. INSTITOTION Defense Lanquage Inst., sonterey, ‘Calif. POB DATE Oct 66 : . 5 MOTE For related docvaents, see FL 011 338-350. ' AWATLABLE PROM se Language Inntitute, Poreign Language Center, . Nonresident Division, Presidio of Monterey, Cx 93940 tie ($2.60) LANGAGE Persian EDRS PRICE NRO1/PCO7 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *audiolingual Methods: unicative Cémpetence ‘ ~ (languages): Cialogs ar : 7 Instructicnal a ‘Intensive Language Courses: :~ Language Usage: Listening Comprehension; *Pattern Drills (Language): *Persian: Readiag Comprehension. *Second Lanquage Instruction: Standard Spoken Usag Vocabulary Develorsents Writing Skills ABSTRACT : A supplement to vclume three of a basic ccurse in Persian is presented*that is designed for use in the Lefense Lanquage Institute's intensive prograns for native English speakers. This volume contains structural drills for lessons 29-38. (SW) Semen en eeenenEaeaEAnAENER SOHO ENEE SR RENEE NODES INDUS SA NRREREEE RE HHES * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best thet can be * from the original docu ANORRA KORN ORE AOREAOEERE ES ARNON NEDO NON Oa REE EH £0185850 FLO S44 samp To npmonuoe 08 enn Rad bebe amaanea st Pet TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER ERICL” PERSIAN DEPARIMENT . : : Be BASIC COURSE “SUPPLEMENT TO “VOLUME THREE STRUCTURAL DRILLS . FOR LESSONS 29-38 a October 1965 aay DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE “DEFENSE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE ‘This pomphlet Is for use by the foculty ond staff of the Defense Language Institute solely for official purposes. It is NOT for general distribution. It may NOT be released to other persons, quoted or extracted for publicatton, or otherwise copied or distributed without specific permission in each instence from the Director, Defense Lenguoge Institute, : oe : CW Cc, Ww. CHANEY’ Colonei, U, S, Aeay Director

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