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Conjunctions I. 1. Fill in the blanks with the proper conjunctions: and, or, but, before, after, if or because.

Which one do you like grapes ______ mango? asked Angela to me.

2. Mum went to the supermarket to buy some meat, fruits ________ vegetables yesterday. 3. Benjamin is a smart boy, _______ he is lazy. 4. Miss Rebecca was angry with her students ___________ they did not pay attention to her during the lesson. 5. Dont forget to wash your hands __________ you eat, reminded Miss Patricia. 6. Mrs. Lawhorn is a busy woman. She has to work ________ take care of her children daily. 7. I will go to Central Park Mall __________ I finish my homework, said Zoey. 8. Fidelia did not go to school ____________ she was sick yesterday. 9. Finish your work ________ you may not play during recess time, warned Mr. Lawhorn. 10. I always brush my teeth _________ I go to sleep at night. 11. There are some apples, oranges ______ pears. 12. I waved goodbye ______ got into the car. 13. Michael can drink tea _____ milk. 14. It is an old book, _______ it is useful for us. 15. I would like to go, _______ I am busy. 16. I could not come to the party ____________ I was sick. 17. My father reads a newspaper ____________ he goes to work. 18. ___________ I brush my teeth, I change my clothes. 19. Jason has a toothache __________ he ate too much chocolate. 20. Do you like to eat apple _______ kiwi? 21. Jack was afraid to sing in front of everyone at his school concert last week, _______ I was not. 22. Mr Gary asked the class to prepare glue stick, Arturo paper ______ scissor. 23. My father always drinks coffee _________ he goes to work. 24. My baby sister likes drinking breast milk ________ solid foods. 25. Brian ______ I are best friends forever and ever. 26. Neil Alden Armstrong was an American astronaut ______ the first person to walk on the Moon. 27. Neil Armstrong was also an aerospace engineer, naval aviator, test pilot, ______ university professor. 28. __________ becoming an astronaut, Armstrong was an officer in the U.S. Navy ______ served in the Korean War. 29. Michael Collins is married to Patricia Collins, _______ they have three children: Kate, Ann, _______ Michael. 30.

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