Bb4 Int Test 4A

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4 A (Module 4)


CLASS: .. MARK: ______ 100 (Time: 50 minutes)

A. Match the words. e.g. minor 1 see training ! feel 4 balanced 5 tip-top C ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... A " C D E # diet sessions injury red condition blue
Mar%s : ////

. Underline the correct word. e.g. Tom $on%ided&told in his best friend that he had lots of problems at school. ' Lets get out of this hot sun and sit in the s()do*&s()de. + She hastily ,eeled&en-.)/ed her initials on the old peach tree. 0 Mono L)1e&2ond is in California. 3 Bright yellow definitely t)1es&-.)4s attention. 10 Stop 4ull5in-&$o,in- him !ts not right


11 Scientists are really worried about the ,u.it5&inno$en$e of air around the chemical factory 1 Carrots are .oot&.oute "egetables. 1! !ll be here if you$()n-e your mind. 14 #ont worry. !ts not a deep *ound&in6u.5. 15 $ust seeing him smile after all the trouble hes gone through was /)lu)4le&,.i$eless.
Mar%s : //// .1. .1

C. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets. e.g. !d li%e to enlarge (l).-e) this photograph. 1' My handbag was .......................... (t)n-le) in the tree branch. 1+ This new project will .......................... ()4le) young people to get a part-time job. 10 ! thin% you should .......................... (len-t() that s%irt. 13 Those flowers really ........................ (4.i-(t) up the li"ing room. 0 &actory waste .......................... (d)n-e.) wildlife.
Mar%s : //// 0. 0

' ()press *ublishing *+,T,C,*!-BL(

TEST rammar
!. Choose the correct item. e.g. By the time we get home2 Mum .......... coo%ing. A will be finishing " will ha"e finished ' !m buying flour because ! .......... ma%e a ca%e. A will " will be ! thin% he .......... a great football player one day. A going to be " will be

C will be finished

C am going to

C will ha"e been

! This time ne)t Monday2 my sister .......... to South -merica. A will be tra"elling " is going to tra"el C she will tra"el 4 3ary .......... a teacher when he finishes uni"ersity. A will be becoming " is going to become 5 .......... e"erything by tomorrow afternoon4 A !s *eter pac%ing " 5ill *eter be pac%ing

C will ha"e become

C 5ill *eter ha"e pac%ed

Mar%s : //// 06 .1

E. Com"lete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use u" to three words. e.g. Theres a +ealthy Li"ing 5ee% planned for ne)t wee%. - +ealthy Li"ing 5ee% is going to ta%e place ne)t wee%. ' - few of the students will participate in the e"ent. - few of the students ................................... part in the e"ent. + -ll e)ams will ha"e finished by fi"e ocloc%. ()ams ........................................... continue after fi"e ocloc%. 0 Mr -dams plans on training more people. Mr -dams is ................................................. more people. 3 +ilary intends to buy a new car. +ilary ................................................. to buy a new car. !0 -re you planning on seeing -nn later today4 5ill ................................................... seeing -nn later today4

Mar%s : //// 0. 0

' ()press *ublishing *+,T,C,*!-BL(

F. Fill in# off$ into$ out$ up$ down. e.g. The prisoner bro%e out of prison yesterday. !1 ,ne of the planes wings bro%e ................... when it landed. ! 7nfortunately for us2 the car bro%e ................... in the middle of nowhere.

!! The thief bro%e ................... the house late at night. !4 ! cant belie"e $ohn and Su8y bro%e ................... . !5 +enry was only twel"e when the war bro%e ................... .
Mar%s : //// 0. 0

En%lish in Use
. Circle the correct res"onse. e.g. -9 +ow about doing an aerobics class4 B9 ) -lright2 !ll gi"e it a try. 4 ! promise. !' -9 +a"e you considered joining the sports team4 B9 ) :ou wont regret it 4 ! dont really feel li%e it. !+ -9 The best thing to do is to get a part-time job. B9 ) !tll do me good. 4 That wont do any good. !0 -9 5hy not throw a party4 B9 ) !"e already tried that and it didnt wor%. 4 !m not really in the mood. !3 -9 Bungee jumping is not my cup of tea. B9 ) Come on !tll be great 4 !m not sure that will wor%. 40 -9 ! really dont ha"e time for jogging. B9 ) ,h2 ,;. ! suppose ! could. 4 !f ! were you2 !d ma%e time.

Mar%s : //// 06 .1

' ()press *ublishing *+,T,C,*!-BL(


TEST &eadin%

'. &ead the te(t and choose the best word$ A$ )$ C or !$ for each s"ace.

If youre looking for the 0) .................. exercise thats easy to do and which 41) .................. you fit and healthy, why not try walking? You can start at any age and you can do it almost anywhere. Walking in the countryside is popular 42) .................. many people. Theres nothing like a breath of fresh air and 43) .................. nature to put a spring in your step. Walking uphill can do 44) .................. for you, too. It takes a lot of energy and so you 45) .................. more calories. s a result, you will find that you can 46) .................. weight fast. Take care when going downhill, though, as it can put a lot of strain on your !oints and 47) .................. if you are not used to it. lways ha"e walking boots or trainers 48) .................. and make sure you dress warmly in winter. waterproof !acket is useful to ha"e and so is a rucksack. Youll need to take water with you and perhaps some chocolate or dried fruit for energy boosters. Its also 49) .................. to carry a map and a compass, in case you get lost. It wont be long before you start to feel in tip#top condition. $ut its not !ust your physical health that will impro"e but your 50) .................. health, too. In short, youll feel on top of the world%

e.g. A ideal 41 4 4! 44 45 4' 4+ 40 43 50 A A A A A A A A A A has for loo%ing surprises produce forget e)ercise in ad"isable unstable

" deal " " " " " " " " " " ma%es with watching wonders spend reduce diet on well thoughtful

C standard C C C C C C C C C C creates by e)ploring scenes waste lose muscles under noticeable intellectual

D model D D D D D D D D D D %eeps after loo%ing for sights burn cut fingers up clear mental
Mar%s : //// .16 61

' ()press *ublishing *+,T,C,*!-BL(

TEST *istenin%

+. *isten$ choose the correct "icture and "ut a tick ,- in the bo( below it. e.g. 5hat does Marcias mum want her to do first4 5! 5hat does Tim do to rela) before e)ams4

B C - 51 5hat colour is Sonia going to paint her room4

54 5hat does $ennifer li%e most about the forest4

5hich sport does &ran% want to participate in4

55 5hat did Mi%e do yesterday4

Mar%s : ////




/. 0our friend$ .illiam$ is stru%%lin% with his school work. &ead the rubric and write an e1mail %i2in% him ad2ice. ,341544 words- +nclude# > greetings and opening remar%s > ad"ice to impro"e performance at school > closing remar%s This is "art of an e1mail you recei2ed#

Theres too much homework to do at my new school. Ive also missed the first semester and its hard for me to cope with the workload. I just dont know what to do. Can you help? William ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................

Mar%s : //// ' ()press *ublishing *+,T,C,*!-BL(


61 Mar%s: ////

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