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Bead Cro chet

Easy-Does-lt Series

Bead crochet
hello from alice
Crochetingwith beads is fun.You cn makea beautiful assortment ofprojects with a hookandstruDgbeads{nce you learn a fewbasictriks.The first row canbe a bit tricky.But onceyou've gotten you'llbethrilledwith started, howeasy bead crochet is. In thisbooklet, we've included a widevariety ofprojets thatusemany stitches. Youcanmakegreatiewelry fast with wireandbaded chainstitch. Whenyou getthehangofbeadcrochet rope,try makingaproject with smaller seed beads or pendant-style p.essed glass beads for a delicate or a dramatic effect.Ifyousliptwo beads pr stitch, ratherthan one,you'llgetan unusual staked look.Or useavarietyofbead sizes for exciting spiraling texture. You'I also learn al-overbead crochet andspaced bead crochet for two purses. Thenhave tun crocheting a doll and embelishing it with personal symbols. With all these stitching techniques, theskls the limit for yourfuturebead crochet work.I'vealways wanted to try bead-crocheted lace doilies. what are yoursecret crochet dreams?


figurc I figure Ib


t astcs

4 Easy crochet bracelet J creative bead crochet 6 Fastand fabutous 8 Braided croclret 10 l,aaelpurse 12 Sealel trantbag 14 Fitigree bracetets 16 Beaded rorem doll
iigure 12 figureOb


r tI t
figure 13

tigure l4

chain: Figurera: Makea loopin the thread, crossiDgthe ballendoverthe tail.Put thehookthrough theloop, yarnoverthehook,anddrawit through thefirstloop.Figu.erb: Yarnoverthe hookanddrawthrough theloop.Repeat for thedesired numberofchainstitchesbead ciain stitch: Figre2: Slidea pre-strung bead against thebase ofthe loop on thehook.Worka hainstitch. Thebead is between thechains. single crochet: Figre3a:Insertthe hookthrough thefront andbackofrhe nextstitch. Yarnoveranddrawthrough (2loopson thehook).Figur3b:Yarn overanddrawthrough bothloops(l

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Bea.l6Butto, MlAnzin

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bead single crochet: Figurs 4a andb: Before startinga single cfochet, slidea bead against thebase ofthe loop on rh normally. Thebeads will be on theside facingaway from you. slipstitch: Figure5: Enterrhenextstitch asfor single crochet. Yarnover, and d.awthroughthestitchandthe loop.

Thes designs areloryourpeonaluse. They are not intended forresale. p.r'iansly The material inthisbo0klet has appearcd ntEead&Eutt1nMaga:l,ne.

doble crochetFigur6a: Yrnover. Insertthehookthroughthesecond

ry l l
tigure 15



figurc 16

I f o o o o o ' * r t i
118eI7 ligurc l9


op;rrcurcts risuzo ,,O"
fiSure2l IiBurc2z
beadofthe first row and th first bead ofthe secondrow in the samedirtion. Th nw beadsitson top ofthe old bead and the holesarehorizontal.Figur 19: Stringthe secondbeadof row 2 and go ofrow 1. throughthenext-tolastbead Continuethrough the new beadof row 2. Repeat this stepfor the ntire row

stitch from the hook, yarn over, and drawthroughthe stitch(3loopson th hook).Figue 6b:Yarnoveranddraw through2 loopson thehook (2 loops on thehook).Figure6c:Yam overand 2loopson dnw throughthe remaining thehook(l looprenains).

12:Leaving a wrapped loopsrFigDre placethe tip ofa l-in. (2.5cm)tail, pliersagainst where the chainnose badwill be. Bendthe tail to form a rightangle. pliers, grasp Figre13:With roundnose thetailjust pastthe bendandpul it overthejaw to pointthe otherway. Figure14:Loosen thepliersgrip half-double crochet: Figie7a:Yarn enough to rotate themso theemptyjaw ovr. Insert th hook through the first is above thpartialloopandcontinue or seond stitch ftom the hook, )am pullingthetail aroundthebottomjaw over,anddrawthroushthestitch(3 to thwir. until it's perpendicular loopson thehook).Fipre 7b:Yarn et., Figurels: Pulla splitring,chain, overanddrawthroughall3loopson the into theloop.Figue 16:To keep the hook(l loopon the hook). loop round,grasp it with roundnose hand knot:Figue 8: Makea loop in plirsin yournon dorninant orerhand wrap thepliers'jaws thecross. thcordandbringtheendthat crosses above to avoiddenting the with maskingtape on top behind the loop.Thenpull it thetail with wire.Figure17:Grasp throughto thefront. pliers chainnose to pull itaround the Male the wire until it meetsthebead. knol:Figre9: Bringtheleftsquare pliers; kep wraps handcordovrtheright-hand cordand firstwrapagainstthe the close together. OneMap will keep around. Figurl0: Cross rightoverleft are loop from openin$additionalwraps andgo throughtheloop. deorative. Clip.Press thecut ndin pliers. wrapmakes with chainnose knot:Theextra srgson's the top curl around th sidesfor a th square stilch:Figurel8: String strongerknot. Fture I l: Beginasa for thefirst requird numberofbeads knor ffgurs 9 and l0). Go square ofthe row.Thenstringthefirstbead throughtheloopagain, thentighten. second rowand go throughthelast
B e a d c r B u r o.nS e r dc r o c h . r

Figur 20: even-coult llatpeyote

andloopthroughit String onebead againin the samedirction, leavinga bead!to 3'4-in. (8-locm)tail.Stdng total an evennumber.Thesebeads omprisethe first two rows. (Remove the tail into the the enra loop andweave work aftera few rows.)Figurc 2l: Every other beadFom ffgure 20 dropsdown to form row l. To bginrow halfaspace 3 (count rowsdiagonaly), pick up a bead badand stitch through th second from the end.Pick up a beadand go through th fourth badfiom the end. Endby going Continue in thismanner. through the first badstrung.Figwe 22: To stan row 4 and aI other rows,pick thlastbead up a bead andgo through addedon the previousrow. weave through the work in a zigzng path to end thread.Begina thradthe same way,exiting the lastbeadaddedin to resume. thesame direction

Easv crohet bracelet

stitch crocherb..celcl works up in i jifti with size80seedbeads.Oncc you masterthe techDique with larScseedbeads,nakc r dainty vcrsion with size I l! bcads.Usea coordinating shankbutton as.r clasp. A wristiul ofrhesc simpte bracelets looks grcnr. thc threadnnd usea crochet hook to maker chain sritch (scc"Basics,"p. l), lcaving a 1 4 - n r( - 3 6 m )t a i l . slide 3 beadsagiins hc O hook and a beaded chain stitch (see"Basics nnd photob). Continuc making -1-bead chain stirches(photo c) untilyoureach t h ef i r s t crystal.Thc last stitch beiore the cryslalcould haveeilh.r your work before @ Secure the crystalby enlarghg the lasrloop and passiDg the worked sectionthrough it (photod). lhen righren the krop ncxt ro thc lasrchaiD stitch. S l i d et h e . r y s t a l u pr o the worked sedioD-M,rkea loop nfter the crysralasfor ar overhandknot (see"Basics") and pnssthe worked sedioD through it (photoe). Slip rhe crochct hook into the loop beforc tighteDiDg. srcps4 5 untilyou O Repeat havccrochctcdrhe entire

crochel thebracelel
O Thrcad i needleonro the cndofa spoolofNymoD. Do not cut the thread fronl

a lz-iD. O Strins lscm)

patlern,mixinB 8! seed beads,2 3 trian8lebelds, and a crystal(photo a). Repeat your pattern 6 times. then end with anoiher 3x in. ofseed and triangle beads. This lengthoistrutrg beads makesa 7r in.-lotrg (l9cm)bracelet. O Removethe needlcfrom

slrand. Cut the thrcad from lhe spool,leavinga 20 in. ( 5 l c m ) t a i l a n d p u l l r h et a i l through the last loop to

.350Seed beads, sie8" . 20-30Accent beads, idangle beads, liny leardrcps, elc. .8 5.6mm Bicone ofCzsch iirc-polished crystals . lg Seed beads, size ll" . I Spool l{ymo D .l ll in.(l.3cm)Shank button . Beadingneedles, f12 . GSHypo Cement . Steelcrochet hook, size l1

a needle on rhc O Thread cnding tail. Strin8an 8" or a crysta], I 2 seed beads, the button, and l-2 seed beads. Sew backthrough thecrystal or 8'nnd I 2 bcads on the

rr.rd.' . ..r1.rt\h.l

the lastchainstitch (photo 0. Repeat tlread path twicefor se.urity. O swback through th the bracelt through l-2 in a straightline, passing of thc bead! in eachchain stith and everycr'tal. When you rachthe other end,string an 8cor a crystal and testthe lngth of th bracelet.If it's

too long, gatherup the length slighdy. g strhg enoughI 1" sed beads to makea loop th.t 6ts ovr the button and swbakthrough the rttalor 8" t horo g). Tie th working threadto thc threadtail at th startingend with a knot (se"Dasics").Glue surSeon's the knot.

@ Reinforcedrc loop and tic aoothr knot with thc t ils. Sw surgon's with eachtail through a fw more beads More trimming drc thread.c - DianeDoi'

Creative bead
Ia eadcroche!rope! makbeautifirl but thy monochromaticcolor s.hmes just in about any also be created can pattem you desire. For your fiIst project, uslarger beads strung in a stripe pattem----one That way wftite, oneblads for example. you'll always know which beadis next. th baric After 'ou'v mastered (se p. the followirg l8), use techniqus your own pattems. procedurto creat

Simplycrochet l-2 inchesin plain Draw your pattem white beads. (diamonds,hearts,ltters,etc.)onto the beadropewiih pemanett colored markers(photo a). Then unravelthe rope (photo b). Now you havethe correctstringing order for the cntire pttm on your thrad (tthoto c). You canbeadwholestorieson a lope or u!. a subdshades to fada rainbow across Diec..a - LfirleMaic Cle.d


.tl r?l

B..datBrxon . Croch.r

Fast andfabulous
n thecommercial fishinsharbors nearmy homein Halrri't, fisherrneD workwith ners covered in sparklingdrops ofwater.These necklaes-with theircrystals, pearls, and gemstones heldcaptive by wjre-.em ind me ofthoseglistning fishing ners. Thenecklaces work up quicuyandaretun to make. In no time at alt,you canadda highIasnron accessory to youriewelry co ection. Beprepared to attract someattntion, however. Strangers areboundto stopyou to admire With a crochet wife necktace, lightDess is essential; adda hearybead andih,i droop. Tbefinerthewire,thelishterandmoreflexibte theneckiace. Youcanusefine-auqe srerline, gold-fi lled,andcopper wir. ", *.tirr,rni",";. wire, whichis available in manycolors.
B.rd+Buton. serd cro.her

kcep Fora choker styleDecklace, thesame l c n g t h .F o r a a l l t h es t r a r d s graduateddrape.cut eachstrand a lcw incheslonger thaDthe previousonc. working with crochethooks ofdiffe.cnt sizes changes the leDgtbofchaiD vou make from a given leDgthofwirc. Changingthe wire gaugeaffectsboth Ioop sizeand srrandlength.

pleasirg oicolors,shapcs, distributnrn wheD thestraDds lic together. andsizes

and clasp attaching cones

O cather the wires at oDeeDdofthe nccklace. Twist tbem togethe..Dd trim )photoc). to I in. (2.5cnr( o f a b e a dp i D o r 3 - i n . o n o n e e n d e (7.6cm) pieceof22 g.uge \rire, make a wrappedloop (see Basi.s'). Put the lwistcd tvireshal6'aytlrrough the loop, bcnd rhcm in half, aDdhvist (photod). G) Pull thc headpin through the large opcning in the cone to hide tbe twisted wnc ends(photo e). @ Make the first halfofa wrapped loop rvith the wire that extendsabove t h e c o n e .( i f r h c c o n es s m a l lh o l ei s largerthan about l in./3mm, keepthe loop f.oDr bcing pulled back irrto the coDeby firsr stringinga beadslightly largerthan thc opcning.) Slip one part ofthc cltrspor a wire figure 8 (see 'inaknrg the clasp belor') onto the loop, theDcompletcthc wrappedloop. stcpsto finish the other @ llepeat drese



crocheted strands
O To determirrethe length ofthe crochered strands,subtractthe length ofthc consand clasparon the desired length ofyour finishedDeckh.e. FoL 1 i D .( 3 s c m ) slrands approxinrately sf w i r e . l o n g ,c u t s i x 6 ' f t . ( l . 8 D r )l e D g t ho (sclll) rron ore Starting about 2 in. ) end ofa wirc srrand,make I s t i t c h e( ss c c B . r s i c s p , .3)with loops the largecnough lo accommodate crochcrhook, but not much larger (photoa). Keepthe tensionaDd loop sizeevcnas you work. ) Stringa bc,rdon the of rvire and pushit closcto thc lastchain stitch. Cdtchthe wirc ibote thebeadwith the hook aDdpull it through the loop to makeanotherchainstitch,but don1pull the beadthrough the loop (photob). Make anothcr3 chnin stitches. () Repeat step 3, stringing a rnndom mix ofpexrls and othcr bcads,until you haveabout 2 iD. ofi{ire left. (You crn the necklacc s airy, ireclbrm enhance varying thc numbcr ofchain look by you ve be${een bcnds.) whcn stitches pllthe r{ire the lxst chain stir.h, made the loop. tail through @ Crochet5 nrxe strrnds to conrplerc the necklice.As you work, vary thc bcad placenrent to give the finishedpiccc a

making theclasp
My cldspcoDsists oftwo wire figure'8s rnd a hook with a spiral ernbellishment (photo0. Q ro nrakea figure 8, useroundnosc pliers t o t u m a I i D -( 6 m m ) l o o p a t o n c end ofthe l8 gaugewire. Positionthe pliersabout N in. below that loop and makeaDotherloop in the oppositc wirc. Thc direction. l rim the excess c u t e n d ss h o u l db u t t u p . g i i n s t t h c .cntcr portior ofthe irire- Make a O F o r t h e h o o k .t u r n r t t i n . l o o p i t o n ee n d o f t h e l 8 g . u g ew i r c u s i n g rourdnose pliers.I'lold tbe loop with chuirnose pliersiDd r{nrd thc wirc tail around the loop 2! tiDes b ibnn a t l . r ts p i r n l r p p r o x i ' n . t e l ! y n r .( l . 3 c l n )


.36tt (llm)28-or 30-gauge Wre . Pea coloand szes s.assorted . Crystals beads, assoded coo and/orglass and sizes O llow the tril to extendI in. beyoDd .2 Head p nsor6in.(l5cm)22-gaugew re thespirnl,dreDbeDdit into a .2 1 in (25cm)Cones U'shape.Firrishthe hook by m*nrg . Clasp l8-gauge w re a snrallloopat the $'ire s en.l. orI tt.(30cm) . Si?eJ several hook orKcrochet @ Hanmer the rvirepieces pliers, diagona tincs to llitlen and strengthendreDr, Tools: round and chainnose ifdcsircd. c - src I(; ivi/.nx lvrecutters. hammer(optional)


i t c l v ,f d s h i o n In.rqiziD.s,.lothing stores, ind citalogshlvc beentirll ofberutiful te\velry tb.rt is knntcd or cro.heted$'ith beids. \Vir. ind larcy,vrrns r r e a l s op o p u h Li b r a d d i r r g tcxturrl d iDrel1sion. This iur Deckhce .ombines thesc c l c I n c n tu ssingonlv thc sinplest techniqu.s. To recrertethis lerlur.d ld)k, crocheD r i n ec h u i n s o f r v i r er n d b e l d s iDd thenr toqethcrrvith tinc\' y i r D .C o D c e r l r h e c n do sf t h c b r u i d s $'ith conesfor i clcin ilnish.

wire-crocheled chains
W i r c d o . $ t s l i d co n c ei t s b c r t , s r v o u e.ur't cxsilv tightc or kx.n r stit.h i l l . r i t ; s n r . d e . l . r vl o . o n l r ) l l h . s i r c o i t h c l ( r D b c l ( , r !l o u b e g i nt h c n c \ t s t i t . h ,b u t d o l r ' t l v o n , v ibout .ny i . g u h r s t i l . h c sr i h e vi { i l l h l c n di r r o n . . t h . c h u i r ) is nd nrinds ofvinl ()gcthef. .rrc brdirlecl ,ring sr pcrrls.rnd crvsluls O l(xndo.r11 o D l h f s p o o lo l l i j - g i u g ew i r c .I ) ( ) I lt c u t thc r{ire tior)r thc sBr)l. ) M i k c r h ei r s t . h r i n n , r c hI i n . (;.6c,rr) h o n r t h c . n d o f t h e\ ! i r c ( s . c


p. l). (lr.chcl l-3 Dredium

O slid. i bcdddown ro rhe hook iDd e i o . h c ri . h i i n s t i t c h( s c e B . r s i . i r n d p h o t oa ) .C o l ] r i n u c c r c c h e r i Dtg hc c h i i n r n d s l i d i n rb c t r d s d o w Db e t t ! e e n iu.rkethe chai about onc thitul long.f thrn the dc!ired firrish..l length o i t h c n c . k l . c e .l h e l c D g t h of.hrrr ncccled s'illdepend on hoiv tighth you trr.ridthc chrins togcrbcr. Ifthe ch,rins .rretdr long,you crn lrin thenrlater. O o D c ct h e . h a i n i s d r c d e s i r c d

length, cut thewireftom thespool approximately 3 in. pastthelaststitch. Pullthetail through the lastchainstitch steps 2-4 to make9 beaded t Repeat

the lirst thros braids

stretch thewire chains so 0 Carfully thestrands aremoruniform.Cut a piece ofyarnabout 6 in. (l5cm)longer Hold 3 hains andthe thanthechains. onehandandgentlytwistthem at oneend(photo b). together Tape theh{istedchainsand nber ) to yourworksurface or use strand T pinsto holdthemon loamcore. andplace thefibr Separate theI chains strand overoneofthen (photoc). together. whn G) Braidthe 3 sections you reach thebottomofthe braid,twist asbefore. the ends together steps I-3 "ith theremaining Repeat O for a totalof3 braids. 6 chains

necklace construction
together at one O Twistthe3 braids thetvistedendto your end.Secure worksurface andbraidthe 3 braided (photod).Tst-fitor together sections thebraid.lf neessary, trim measure length,leaving thebraidto thedsired the ends 3-in.tails.Endby hvisting together asbefore. O Cut a s in. (I3cm) lensthof wire andwrapit a.ound 2o'gauge chains onetwisted endofthe braided a fewtimes(photoe). ) Trim theendofthe braidto about z in. (6mm)pastthewirewrap.Fold thetrimmedenddownnextto the wrapping thewire, wrapandcontinue leaving abouta 3 in. tail {photo0. pliersto squeeze the Usechainnose ends. 20-gaugewire aroundthebraided push slide a cone on thewneand @ it overthewire-wrapped end.String a bead on thewire.(lfthe conehasa large hol,stringa 4mm roundsilver bead between thecone andthebead.) loop Makethefirsthalfofa wrapped "Basicl'). (see partinto theloop O slideoneclasp (photog).Iinishthewrapandtrimthe (t Repeat steps l-s on theotherendof th necklace. c - GloridFdrvdr
B.!deIuro! lrr!dcdtl'.r

.1 Spool 28-gaoge wire . l0 in.(25cm) 2()'gaogeWire . 200-325 peads 4-6mm Assorted and Auslancrystals orglass beads .24mm (oplional) Round silver beads .2 cones . 3-5 (2.7'4.5m) yd. Fancyyarn . I Clasp . Crochei hook, sile 7 plie,wire To0ls: chainand rcndn0se (optional) Foamcore and T'pins cutte;

purse Beaded
iscus, thepurse shown here, is mucheasier to male than it looks. Each sideis a single crochet beaded spiral, andit closes just seurely with a snaphstener.It's therightsizefor an eveningbag or a purse ncessities thatyoucancarry inside a larger handbas. Stitchsize should equal beadsize so thework wil [ nat.Transfer beads to thecrochet cottonfor onesideofthe

the thread in the direction ofthe twist to makeit tiShtr and thinner. Continuetwisting until th polish is evenlydistributed and nearlydry. when it's dry, add a secondand possiblyathird coatifthe thread isnl stiffenough. Cut the endoffat a tapr to produce point. a needlelike For purse,string the 6rst side ofthe ) (about1,000), 5 strands ofbeads being caretulto kepthe thradftom snarling. You'll need to kepabout2 yd. (1.8m) ofthrad and somebads a\.ailable to work with, and you'I keppushingthe restofthe beads toward the bal asyou usethe thread. start (figure O Beginwith the knobless l) andchain2. Theloopformedinthe knobless start is the fit chain;leaveit fairlylarge with a longtail (3-4in. / 7.6-l0cm) andletit turn soyoucan work overthe tail (ffgllre 2). (t Hold the tail againstthe loop and work 6 beadstitchesin the loop and ovr the tail. To work a beadstitch, push a beadup and work a singl (yarnoverthehookandpul a crochet loop through th loop into which th hookis ins(ed(photo.). Yarnover thhookandpu[ throughbothloops on the hook (photo b). Gt PuUthe tail to closth loop partwaybut not yet tighdy. Plae a piece ofcontrast thread overthwork (the row marker) so that it will restbetween thelaststitch(st)ofthfirstrcund and stitchofthe second round. Roll'd2r Work 2 bead single crocht (bdt in each st (12stt. To work bds, pushup a bead, insrtthehookin the backloop of the stitch below,yarn over (photo c), and pull through the loop. Yarnoverandpull throughboth loops. At the eDd ofeachround,flip thlong endofthe marking thread overth (photod). workandcontinue purse at a time.Disard anyrnisshapen Rol/rd J: Work 2 bds in the tust st beads. Afterrocheting bothsides of the and I bdsin the second. Continu purse,ioin (18stt. themandmakethstrap aroundin thismanner with thethread piee. from thseond Rord 4: Work I bds in the firct st, *2 bdsin the nextst, 1 bdsin thnxt2 purse sides sts*.Rpeat from * to * to th end of the cottoncompletely fills round,ndingwithI bds(24sts). Q rhe crochet thebeads, soyoucan'tusea needle to Rondt 2 bdsin th first st * I bdsin thread them.Instead, stiffen thelast the next 3 sts,2 bdsin th ner.tst*. 2 in. (scrn)ofthread with clea.nail Repat fiom * to ' around,endingwith polish. Whilethepolishis drying, twist I bdsin each ofthe lastthree sts(30sts).
B.rdsBur0n . .!d Cro.h.r

Rorr,l6i I bds h thc first 2 sts '2 bds in the next st. I bds in the next.l sts'. ' 'i Itepentfrom to cnd I bds in the lasl 2 s t s( 1 6 s t s ) . n o ! ' , / Z 2 b d sn r t h e n r s ts t ' l b d s in the next 5 sts.2 bds in lhe next st'. R e p e aftr o m ' t o ' , e n d i n gw i t h I b d s in eachofthe last s sts (42 sls). Most ofthe beadsin round I will bc on the right side.Thrcad the startiDglJil in the tapcstryneedleand, after pushiDs allthe beadsto the beadedside,tighteD the begnrningloop (photo e). RUDthe stitches star!iDgthreadthrough scveral on the wrong side aDd iasrenit off. fioro,.ldr 1 bds nr thc first 3 sts '2 bds in the next n, I bds in the next 6 sts'. R e p e aftr o n 1 ' t o ' , e n d i n gw i l h I b d s i n t h e I a s tI s t s( 4 8 s t s ) 'l Ro!',d 9i 2 bds in the 6rst sr bds in the next 7 sts,2 bds in thc next st'. Repeatfron. to', eDdnrgivith I bds in eacbofthc last 7 sts (s4 sts). '2 R o r n Ai o i I b d s i n d r el i r s l . l s t s bds iD tbe next sl, I bds iD thc ncxt 8 sts'. Repeatfron] ' to ', ending ivith I bds iD the last,r sts (60 sts). R o r / , dl l i 2 b d s i n t h e f i r s ts t ' l b d s in the Dext9 sts,2 bds iD the ncxt st'. Repeatfrom ' to ', ending with I bds in the last 9 sts {66 sts). '2 Rorrr.?/2i I bds iD the 6rst s sts bds in the next st, I bds in the Dext l0 sts'. Repeatfrom ' to ', endnrgwith I bds in the lst s sts (72 sts). 'l Ror,,,d l J r 2 b d si n t h e f i r s ts t b d s iD thc next I I sts,2 bds in dre Dextst'. R e p c aftr o m ' t o ' , e n d i n gw i t h I b d s i r t h e l a s tI I s t s( 7 8 s t s ) . '2 Rou,rdl.1i I bds in the first 6 sts bds iD the next st, I bds in the Dext 12 sts'. RcpeatfroD * to ', ending witb I bds in the last6 sts (84 sts). R o ! , r dl 5 i 2 b d s i n t h e f i r s ts t ' l b d s i D t h e n e x t l 3 s t s , 2b d s i n t h e n e x ts t ' . Repeatfrom ' to ', ending with I bds i n t h e l a s tl 3 s t s( 9 0 s t s ) . I l o r n d i 6 i I b d s i D t h c f i r s t7 s l s ' 2 bds iD the next st. I bds in the Dext l'l s t s ' .R e p c aftr o n r" l o ' , c n d i r g w i t h I b d s i n r h el a s t7 s t s( 9 6 s t s ) . iaofln.lll work evcn (96 bds). Ar the eDdofthe rouDd, push uP a bead and slip stitch (bd sl st) iD thc first st ( T o b d s l s t ,p u s hu p oithe rouDd. the ncxt stitch, hook through a bead. the y a r no v e r , : n d p u l l t h e y . r n t h r o u g h

figurc 1



sritchaDdthe loop oD thc hook-see "asics"and photo0. Leavc a tailto weave in aDdpull it through the last dre nnrker dedd. stitchto end. Remove sccondpiece, rfore workilgthe @ looselychain (ch) 8 be.ds (photo s). o n g t r i l s ( a b o u t6 - 8 i n . / leaviDl g l 5 - 2 0 c m )a t e a c he r d . Y o u l l a r t a c h rhis later to thc rest oftlre str.p (see ''finishing steps, slcp 1)@ Transferrhe rest oftbe hank of beadsto thc thrcrd aDdilork the second

I piece asfor the 6rstthroughrouDd17, but DO NOT endthe thread.

linisfting steps
beadedcord, $ To makea tasseled, userhc samethread and siart agaimt the last stitch ofround 17.Looselych 72 beads. Pushup l0 beadsand slip stitch (Do bcad) io the lnst ch. Repeatto

m d k el i v el 0 - b c . d l o o p 5 ( D h o t oh ) .

g wo,Ling rh,uugt' ih" iopnr t'".r

loopofthe bend chain,looselybd sl sr in each bd ch back ro rhcbeeinnin*. wirhthes;e ihre,,l ) Continu,nB rightagainst thelastsiitch,hold thetwo sjdes togetherwith thebeads iacing outward. Work throughthesl st ofboth pjeces. Thenbd sl st in thenexr66 p.irs (phoroi). otstitches coDrinue with the @ To nake thestrap, same thread rightaga inshebeadwork

pick up the aDdloosely bd ch 124 sts. 8 bd ch piece fron1 srep 6 of purse sidesandbd sl sr rh.ough its back loops. lvrap theshortpiece a.oundthe tasseled cord(thismakes thestrap adjusiable)and weave in theends wirh thetapcsrry needle. Bdd st backro the stirt ofthe strap. EDd theryork. Then thread thetaik on therapcsrry needle aDdweave themin n$tly. Sew a snap ro rhemiddte ofrhe t opening. o - DonaKnha"B.fljantin

. I BallDMCCebelia crochetcotton, se l0 . I HankS'seed beads,2-cut, orho(-cut . #3or4Steelochd hook .12-18 in.(30-46cm)Thead scfap in contrasting color . #22 Tapestryneedle . Clear nailpolish . Snap set, oDtional


rocheted bags arethe rage these days. You see themeverywhere, from Holln/ood to NewYork ampus. Add City to yourlocalcollege bagforextra beads to yourcrocheted purse, pizazz. Th;sversatile inspired by vintage photos of womenwith parasols handbags, canbeeither andbeaded casual, based on thebeadsyou dressyor It's easy to makeusingafew choose. but ifyou're not basic crochet stitches, familiarwith them,readthroughthe beginning and instructions before practice those thatarenewto you.


materials . 2-3 #5 Balls opera crochet cotton, .1209 Seed beads, sile 8"or8"hex cuts . Cro.hd hook, size C .8igEye needle .Tapeslry nedle .48 in.(l-zm) fordwst ng Decoralive cord (available inlabric sles)
2 scin thedc.' Repeat from * to * to theendofthe round. -work 1 scin the firstscthen2 scin O the nextsc.*Repeat from ' to * to the scforthe nexta O work I scin each rounds. wavein thetails.

Iigure I

handbag Iase
row 3x-in. lO chain stitch(cb) a base "Bas;cs," (se (8.8cm)long p.3). (sc)(see ) work a sinslec.ochet "Basics") the in ach ch untilyou reach 3 scin theendstitch(do not flat,rotate to tum). Keepingtbebase workscin each stitchon theotherside work3 scin theendstitch. ofthe chain. (on subsequent the"end"is rounds, thesecond stitchofeachlsc cluster round.Each worked on theprevious roundhas2 ends.) g Repeat step2 four times. 'Sc in the next4 stitches. work 2 sc O the in thefifth stitch. Scuntil you rach fifth stitchfrom 2 scin thefifth stitch. Scto theend.Work 3 sc from * to * on in theendstitch.'Repeat theothersideofthe oval. steps 2 and4 between ) Alternate approximately until thepiece rneasures size 6Xx3 in. (16.3 x 7.6m)orthe youprefer. O To makethepiotdetailon the .sc in the nextI stitches, bottomedge, loop only,ch workinginto theoutside 3.* Repeat from'to'around thebase. stitcharoundthebase, O Sin each workinginto the inside loop only. for in each stitch around thebase ) sc a lonStail @ Cut thecord,leaving wave in later. To block, orshape, to pin it downtightly soit l;es thebase, flat,moisten thofoughly, andlet it dryovernight. beaded body a Bi8-Eye needle wiih th O Thread (.9-1.2m) String 3-4 ft. crochet cord. Tie theordto thetail against ofbeads.

on thecord. O strins 3 a ft. ofbeads workinswithout beads, ch 8, turn, ) skipthe6rstch,andsbackto thestart (7 sc).workin sfor2%in. (6.3cm). I scand 1 bd sc O Ch l. Alte.nate ansc.Turn, threetimes, endingwith ch I, andwork thenen row in s. Repeat these2 rows until the strap the edgeofthe basewith squareknot (see"Basics ). Endwith 2Yin. mensures 4l in. (1-02m). (6.3cm) I and I bead singl ofsc. Alternate sc ) "Basics")around aroundthestrap, crochet (bd sc) (see O To 6nishtheedse worka work in scalonsallfoursides. ihe base. CoDtinueuntil the bagt sides (revrse roundin crabstitch measure 6 - 7 ' n . ( 1 5 l S c m ) . S t r i n g m o r e second with the singlecrochet). Forcrabstitch, your first stitch \c in the work at right, ente. the workingwithout beads, G) in the l2th on the right,yarnover,andpull next I I stitchesand decrease through. Yarnove.andpull through stitch." Repeatfrom ' to ' fo. the next bothloops(6sresla-c). in the tail, To decrease, enter the l2th stitch as ) Tie offthe cord,weave andblockthestrap. for an sc,take the cord over the hook,


and pull the loop through thestitch only, leaving2 loops on the hook. Repeatin the 13th stitch. Yarn ove. againand pull through all 3loops.

Place lO Laythebasona nat surfac. at each sideofthe thestrap's ends inside endrowsofbeads bag. Alignthe strap's loops. Makesur with thedrawstring the badsfaceoutward. with cord ) Threada tapestryneedle andswthestrap ends onto thewrong sideofthebag.Sew alongthescedging andacross a row ofsc (belowthe yourstithes beadnork). Makesure arenl visibleon the surface. throughthe @ weavea drawstring open belowth ruflle, starting andendinginthecenter ofone of the sends sides. Embellish thedrawstring wirh beads. c - Linlla Lehnan

drawstring andrutlle
for the theopenspaces Q To create drwstring, ch s, "skip I sc,double "Basict in thenext (dc) (see crochet ) stitch, ch l.' Repeat from ' to ". when you returnio thech 5, slipstitchinto insertthe thethird ch. (To slipstitch, hookthrough thechain, bringthe yarnoverthehook,andpull tbe hook thechainandloop backthrough see'Basics.") ) Stanthe rume..Make2 scin the created by thech I, above, and space
cadeB!tron. B.rd cro.h.

Filisree Wacelet
l ) 1

hcse lrcy bri.el.rslr. rc.rl Although irtcntion g.ltcrs. you..rnmik. thcDr \!ith . o n r c n r i o n r lm r t e r i i l s ,l i k c s t c r l i r r g rntl copptr s,irc, trr sihrL, gol<i-lilled, miknrg thc b celctsNith .olorlil .f.rli I f ) o u k n o $ h o $ n r c r o . h c t ,) , o ue r n c . $ i h e o n r t ) l e t cb r r i c c l c ti n i n . \ ' c i s . tlcginncr\ \!ill necdb l.rrn i 1.\! t)rsie geltiDgst.ft.d. Th. lun stitchcsL)cft)rc p . r r ti s g c l t i n gt o t ) l . r r$ i t h t h . . n d l e $ ! i r r i o n so l b e r d \ i n d \ ! i r c . N h c n r o u . r { ) . h . r $ i t h r v n c ,i t \ inponinr ro corrtrolthe sizcofdrc loop bclore you begin thc n.xt stit.h. \\ith fit)crs v,o u . r n u s u i l l v . u s t d r c itut tensioD ilicr d stil.h is conrplete. $,irc do.$ t slidconce it s bent.$ or l(r)scn )ur ) o u . i D t c . s i l )t i g h l e n stit.hcs.rli.r rhe.v irc .rde.Iortunrtcl,v, dddsto dlc rn) irr.guhrill irr lhe stitches ovrnll hcnte:s ofthcdtsign. O ltiDslcr rpprori rtel! 8i berds tli A C h . i n s t i t . h ( e h ) l s c c l l a s i c s ,p . 1 ) th.D i s r r i pt h i t i s L i n . ( + . r r ) )l o n g e r evcD n u m L ) co r l s r i l . h c s( . - l h c9 . t r g . t i r rh.s.trri.elels is lle\ibleb , ut m)st of m i n ch i v c 6 - 7 \ r i r . h e s fer in./l.5cDr. 'IN t o n . r t . h l h c s t i t c hs i / c n ) t h c b . r d s nl u t h e c h i i n . ).uit'usiD g . ) S t r . r i g h r co 'l\rr &rf I i n .!xl rvoLk a si|glc . r o . h e t ( s . ) ( s c c B i s i e \ " )i r t h c n ' . o n d c h t r o m t h c h o o k .s l c r b c u di n k ) plic. rgiinst thc s! un(l .rrkc r berd s i n g l e . ( ) . h . r ( b d s )( s e c l l u s i c sl i n bcl\!een \. nnd r h en e \ t . h . A l t c D r r r c i.fossth. (n!. Enl \!ilh.rnt. L)ds Ild' -li'liulr,.h l, ind double c n r c h . tl d . ) l s . . B r s i e i ) i n r h c f i r n \ . 'Sl c.ibcid r i t h r s n o b c r dt ( p h o t ob ) . r g n i n n t h c l ( r p o n r h eh o o ku n d m i k e u L)crd chrinstit.hlbd.h) (sec ''lh\i.i ) . l ) . i r l h . n . \ t s ( 1 n ob e . r d ) . ' I { e p c utrr o D r ' t o i . r o s s t h c r o v . R r r i : l l n r , . h l , . r n d ( 1 .i n t h c f i r s r d c . ' I l r k e 1 b d . h l n d ( 1 (i n l h c c \ t d e . ' I l c p . r t l i o n r ' t o ' r . f t ^ s ( h cn n L . &(rr .l:l{cp..rt ro\'1. n 0 , 5 :l u m . . h l , i n d s . i n e r e h sritch t'cn)sr sh . n n ! . o f t u r n i n g ,i s i n p r c v n N s I s l e , r d O ( N s , s cr o t h e n r i d p o i n t o i t h eD r r ( n ! e n d . l { ) m i k . t h c . l . r s tl ( q , , $ o r k

t. goolcr )our i p p r o \ i r n a l e l !l l 1 . 1 c h . l o s u r ct r e i d .5 1 t p d i t c h ( s ls t l ( s e e ''llisics ) i ( N d r h cl o o t r o t c i n f o r . c i t ( p h o t oc ) . C d r l i n u c i n s . l o i n i d r t h en i n l n v c n d .\ b u l l b c r r l h e b r r . e l e ts s t d r t i D g p o i n t . h v i s l r h c \ l o r k i n g$ , i r ei D d t r i l k ) g c t h e( r p h o t od ) , t h c n t r i m t h e n rt o . \c pliers tu.oil rbout ir. (1.-1.]n) U t h er v i r c s t i g h d ) ,l h l t c n l h e c o i l ,i n d h i d ci t o n t h e r q o n g s e o l t h c l ) n . e l e l . O ( l u r . r I t i . ( - l l ) e m l)c r g t l ro i $ i r . r n d s . c u r ci l r o e i t h e r . o r D e r o i t h . o t h c rn . r r o $ e n d .S cl o t h . m i d d l c o f r h i sc d g . ,r s r t ) o y c . llenuc thchook r n d p u l l t h c w i L ct h r o u g ht h e l o o p t < r ShiDg thc.l.rsp bcrd rd u snriller b c . d . D d g o b i c k t h . o u g ht h e . l i s p b e . d .\ \ ' r . r pl h c \ v i r cl r o u n d t h e b r s c h eb e i d s o i t h e c h s p b c r < ig , o t h r L r u gt h rg.rin kr r.iDlbrec rhcnr.ihen \!ind thc n) w i r e r r o u n d t h e b r s es c y e r u li lnr,rs f n r r s h r n k ( p h o t o0 . O I n \ c r t t l r . h o o k i n r o r l r cn e y ls t i t . h c d g ef,u l l r l o o t o l s i r c rlongthc t h r o u g ht h s t i t . hr n d . o n l i n u e

. I 30yd. {27m)Spool28-gaugewrre .80-90 ncsilver 0rg0ldJ lled Class. ster 8"lo6mm beads. any szefron .110l4mm io Bea drclasp . Stee hook. sie 2 crochet pliew recutte Tools: chainnose
rvorkilg in s. to firrishthis edge.Pull thc \!i.c ihiough the loop rnd werve thc to t . i l i n r o r h cL ) r r c e l e t h i d e t h ec n d . T r i m l h c e x c e sw s ire. O centl,vpushthe berdsto thc lionr. c

Beaded totem doll

hisbeaded dollis r fn wry ro coDrbirre b.rds ivirhrraditionrl crochet o. bead crocher. Usea
snratldisk mirro. for thc f.ce and decorateyour doll in wh.tever colors a n dd e s i g na s p p c a l t ov o u . y o u D y b e surprisedat ihe dcep mcrDtrrgs peotle lnrd irr your doll. 'l hc bodies o f t h e s eb e a u t i i uIl i r t l c tiguresare crochetedrnd rhen decoratcdnilh ghss bcads.^ p.rtern o f t h e b i s i cd o l l s h l p ei s i n c l L r d eid f you prcter a scwDclorh dotl (figure l). E n h r g et h e p a [ c r D o n . p h o t o c o p i c r and add seamallorvances whcn vou cut the two body Pieces and jojn rhenr. ^licr stuffiDgthe heid nd l,odv nnnly, sewthern togerhcr.rtthe Deck.For i c l o t hd o l l ,b h n k c r s t i t c h lround rhe m ' r r o r | o h o l d i t o n . S e wt h e f r o n t d n d L)nck together.righr sidesfaci'rg,lcaving oncsrde o p e nk r r u r Dt h c d o l l t h r o u g h . Srulfj thcn blindsrirchrhc side closed. Norv comesrhe fun: decor.ucyour dollwirhberds.

crochet doll
Iloli,6i Scacros tl srirches. 1?o$5 7 16.Repear row 6 (12 rows o f l l s cf o r r h eb o d y ) . Row il Sc across 5 stitches_ R o r r i/ 8 2 5 i l { e p e a r . o w 1 7 1 9r o w s of5 sc for a lcg). Cut the rhreadand pull through the last loop. OthrlegA ach the thread to the 7rh sc ofthc lower body; rcpeatroivs l7-2s_ Finishing Scevenlyallthe wayaround eachdollbody p iecervithouurning. 'Ihen s. or scw the front and backofrhe body togethcr,leavingrhe ne.k open. S t u i f t h eb o d y a r d h e a d T . h e ns e wr h e headoDto the Deckopening.

H e a dR o r !l r C h n n r( c h ) 3 ( s e c B a s i c s , ' p . 3 ) ,d o u b l e c L o c h e(td c ) l 2 ( s c e ''ll.sics,") ir thc third.h fronr hook, 2 ( d o D o tr u . D ) . J o ' r r o l o r n ra c i r c l e . C h For the cro.heled doll, coDsrructtivo R o r r 2 j2 h r l f d o u l , l ec r o c h e ( t hdc) r o u n dh e r d p i e c e s , n eb u i t ti r o u n d o {see Brsics ) nr euchdc srirchdrouDd i Drrrror,irndcrochct therl k)gethcr 2 1 h d c j o n r ,c h L n r o u n dt h e s i d c s rnd k)P. fhcn crochct Iior,-lr Sin8lcoeher (sc) (see ''Bdsics') i r e r c hh d ca r o u n d - 2 1 s c j o i n , . hL ' lr s . i n c n c h Ron,.1 o f t h e n e x t2 s c n i t c h e ss , k i pt h e n c x ts c , I s co v c r r h e D e x ls . . ' C o D t i n u c n r c u n df r o m ' b ' , e r s i n gi D t h c D r i r r o r . l i s k ( p h o t oa ) l8 s.-ioin. Ror,,5I r s l j ps r i r c h ( s ls r ) ( s e e ''Ilrsi.s i D c d c h ) s c . r o u n d .C u r t h e t h r c r d i n d p u l l l h r o u g hr h e l r s rl o o p . Other side of thc head Rcpextrows I j. R o . l i S ci n e a c hs c , l r r h es a m ct i m c cntchingthc loop i.on row 1 ofthe m i n ! r d i s k s i d e( n r i r r o rd i s ko u r ) f o r l 8 stit.hes.Six sk\4rcd stjtchcson rhc m i r o r d i s kb . s ea D dt h c h e a db a c k0 2 bt.l) renr.riD opcD for the Deck.Cur lhc t h f e i d i D d p u l l r h r o u g hr h et a s r loop. B o d y ( m a k e 2 ) - R n r / i C h 2 8 .S . i n r h e secoDc dh l i o m t h eh o o k . n d i n e . c h c h ir.(xs-27 sc.Ch t dnd tur ll the end R o l r l i S ci n c i c h s c . c r o s s - 2 7 s c . l(nr5 -l .l; Ilcpeat row 2 (4 rcws o f l T s cl b r t h c r r D r s ) . lo'r-5i Slstrcross 8 s c ,c h l , s . r c ( x s

beading thedoll
Let your imaginationbe yourguide is you decorate your doll. Chooschot, bright colorsor soft pastels or go monochronraric. TheDusebead emb.oidery srirches and you. favorite ofi-botn techniqucsro clotheyor doll. Covcr rhe figure wirh personal you synrbols or dressher realisticalty. may be surprisedat howshe rurns out. ror the lavendcrdoll (front above and at left), t sr.ung seedbcadson the y.rn bcfore crochetingand ndded thcm on many ofthe yarn oversas r crochetedrhe b.Ne(see"B.sics'for beddsinglecrochet).You can produce a snrilarcffect by sewingbeads on after thc dollis sruffed.Photo b shows

ligure 2

fi$rc 3

themto thebodywith halfapplying which you maykrow from stitch, cross Bringthe astentstitch. needlpoint of thestitch, one corner up in thread andsewdownin the stringabead, corner(ffgure2). opposite diagonally and Uselanestichfor thearm bands collar. To do lane bead/busle seed up at thestart bringtheneedle stitch, (no (line), string 3-s beads lane ofa lne is go so the and down more), halfTakea horizontal perfectly vertical.

stitchon thebackandcome bead-wide youwentdown String up nextto where pattern andgo downnext the3-5bead c and to thstartofthe firstlane(Photo andeven. lanes straight 6gure3).Keep appliqud for bead Usebackstitch motifsor makirs outlining appliqu6 up at the Bringtheneedle lines or cncles. line,'st.ing3 beads, beginningofthe thethirdbead andgodownrightagainst the backup betwen Bringtheneedle beads andgo through first2 beads strung d Repeat from - (Photo 2 and3 again. linesand 4). To smooth andffgre run the thebeds, afteraddingall cncles Fill in thebeadsagain. through thread or beads beads with interesting outlines on oneai a time. backstithed I alsoliketo tackon a skirt(Photoe) stitch or peyote with squa.estitch made (see"Basics"). to To addfrinsedangles thebottomoftheskirt,exitthroughthe at thehemof bottomholeofanybead or theskin andaddthreeor mo.eseed all backthrough Sew buglebeads. but theoneon theveryend. thebeads thison asmanyofthe edge Repeat a full asyouwishto createeither beads o fringe. or simple - PatChiova e' ih KathlynMoss

materials . l-in. (2.5cm) slore) Round mir{crafts . 3Skeins pearl cotton {5 (i4ilyou . #5(1.9mm) Steel cochet hook crochetloosel, . Fiberlill . +12 orbeading needle Shans . Nymo Bbeadinglhread . Varietyofglass and 6e seed beads: ll",8q, bugles, 4-6mn semi-precious beads, 3mm charms, etc, stone beads,


lr.rd crochet

r,(l\(' rt\\ I llr.lhrL.jrt i " . r \ . L I t r ( ' i r i t r , r r t f jr t r ( J r ' l l r r . r r t t ) , ) f Ll . l i r t t | ) r n l , ! , t ' . r / \ r . l l r . 1 i r \ rr i . r , t , , 1 r i j . l i , . Lr 1 j \ { p h o k ) c ) , , ,r h f l ) f . \ ] , \ , ) f L , t r . 1 r . r i g h\rr 1 h r r i , , rl r ( ' [ . \ ( ] 1 i r . L li , ! l l r l r r . rf,.,r,1 Ll ( ' L j ! I r , r h t r , t \ l l ) i s r , r i \ r h . [ . 1 r ( )r h .

: ti , . rn r i t . , r r , t O |]!.i( ' h , { r l L l \. i,r1 ! , \, .r I L t $ r l r r

l L iI ) , l ! l l r r r l h r , j i r h . n r i f . r . r r ^ \ \ \ \ 1 r r i r r \ f Lr f l ) l ) | l \ l l ( )n , j j \ t J L 1 , j, j r r \ , , t . , r , r l(Il lrr. (Jl rirlr( t,rth.\lrrl\ b f h \ \ . r , t r lt h r t h r . . i r t , i , . Lrll . ' . 1 r ' . , r ! . l r r l r ( | L ! , 1 .\ , i ( \ , , r r l , ! , 1 ,u n , l . r r i r . t , l . i l , . , r , l \ l j L l Ll h , r ) . \ h f . r l i r

, r , l n , l l ( lL . \ | r l r .t , L t i
,i ! \ . r ( L t l L r ll r r L t Lhr\ . r l l . t rl r r ! l l , ' l l r . i L , r r l

. i i , r f L i r r Ir r r L , i r h rl,,n . r , r . ir . , t r i t . , ) , rr r, ]li,t.

f r , t r f . r r ! l l , r J lr r f I j r . . ! r l | , , r ! h h 1 , 1 t| t ! , f \

cr0cnettng thetLlbe Q t iir ,* r,111,.5".,1,,,,,1.

I i l l l i . L \ ri i , r f r . r l . r j | , t , \ r , r L . r! ! .i),1 L) r . ! r l . \ i l l t ) .

St,t, .\.1,)u..Iiirr. \ i ! r , , r ! .r r r . \ . r 1 . 1 , t ( j i . \ r l l , l r . r lI t . r . L! . r j j l t \f . , ] ) l \ | 1 1 1l!h i r . r f \ i l t \ t r \ \ , r t l i . 1 . l , ! r l L . f \ ( , r . i D ! . r L S\ . Likrrl\ \!) I rlj,,r||L,l

e \ \ 1 , . , , , , , ., ," , ! : k . ,It ;
, , , r r , i \ .n . t . r t r . t J L , . ll jj,t,,i 1L,rr htrj. r lo lhr 1llrll,j \i,[]i . r , r rrll r i f . r tI r , r r l f i , ! L , r (! r I r i r r L i! r h lhi\r,,rLt l . . r t ' r h . , o l ) , r , rj , , r r . t ! h i j r S r r r r r L l r l \ . r l l .1 l j !f r l r r r ! t r \ il,ri,ir.,l,ri I t|. ri,rr rhL,r rr( rrll j\ \hi, I I iL..r \.r fl\ l j i r , , i )( . t r 1 r . | , i 1 r. r . l . 1 ! l , , r. r l ! r l . ! , i l \ l D frL rll,)r,rlr lljr 1r !. ( ,,rrrt.!f

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1 n . , r. r f r . t j , , r , t I l , r A r , , . r L r . , , r . 1 tr. ., j , , j L , , , l j, i r ,i l i , r . , . , , i r ,i r t , ,) t ,rL , rLi ' ^ , 1 . 1 ) . , i |r ,, rh , . \ l O \il..r(t f,rLrfir) !,r,i. i , r 1 1 1 , , , , , ' ,'' r.'.i,. t, i r. \ l" .|l \,,1l , i l , . b . t r. . 1 L r f r . r I i , ) i r L r L i. r r r i I r r i l i , , r \ l \ r. j Lrn r,L i t tj i j L t r l t h i , , L L rL rr lr . \ L r . ) i r L , rf l t , , 1 1 . r l r f. l r . t r r l n ) \ f r , r t r ! r , l L l ,L l r ! , f , : r r i r n " 1 \ t r . l r l i , t , i , i l r l r rl i , j i r I i , \ r , , .l l,,r r. j , .t ,,,. t.r.i., . r ( 1 ,L l i ( h i l Ll \ . r ( l 1 t ) h r n o c). \ r L , I' r , r r J r ! r t r ,b . , r f . . \ L , L r i . 1 , , j t rt h r l , f . r t , . r i r , , r I r ,* r r. l,!.rL t , t f r r . Ll r , l i1 , r r \ , , 1 , r , r , . , , r, 1 , , r O ( I r r r , ,!L ,t ( r),,irr. i j,\ \Ljrr'L i r , f i , i 1 ' ! r . \l l i r . l , \ r1 L |-. r r r .l i r n . i L . i , , j r Lr , . i f . j , t l r , , ,r ) . rj r f . ] l rLih. | | r , tL r . .1j1,!n, \ , , ' , t , L , ,L , I L I L ! . r r t . . , , ri ] t i , , I r \ LI r t r r t r , r , .r I . rr r r l ' ! r . \ r r L , j , L , , rj r , l r r r r L , t , , L r lr .1 r t r t )| \ , ) ! . \ j , , rJ , , , L ) , O \ , , 1 ,, , , . . L r rrL '\. llr! \.r\tit):llr! O \ k t . 1 , . ,, r \ . , , 1" , r . L r L , . r l ) i r t r i , r h r . r , L ),rr , r i i i ! 1 i 1 , r ir L i r f r r f r L jt r l . r \ l , , " ' , r r , ,r ] t , r i ] , , r r , i r , , . f . , ! .r , , j r r . 0 r . t , t n \ 1 , .
L . 1 , . r , , . i r l )\ i L i , i L i L t. lt i frr! r ( .rL!tr rf L j !.! ,j. rr t ' L r f r \ j L t r! ' r r r r ( n , r ! 1 1 | h o l o

hr.rl . ,tl,rt rg.rr,'u r,l r rr

. t ) r r ( t h o t o f l L ir 1 i 1 ) l ) , r . r. t f l ! . 1 1 i ! r . i r I r \ , t r 1 \ l l r . r f1 L i i ( trrinjrk.L!rrrrr.r)l l r(t trrth.r r , r r r ( l ! , r )\ l \ r l r r ) L jb 1r . ( l \ r r . r t , ! | r h . 1 . t rn ( , , , 1 , ( \ \. r n r f r l l t1 r.,,,n.*l O | \,,rLi,(.,, \1{r,.Ln rl\ ir1,.J,)r. , ,, r i I ! r L ( r r ( r \ ( )r h . l , r , r r . t . rJ. l , i , . \ hLn\( . .| ri!ll\ t !1r| lh.

. 1 , i , i , i, , r . L, 1 , i a . r , t . r \ , 1 L i .,i \,ir ,.rr i.,rt..,iL, ,.. i1

starting thetulle .r @ r " , r t , r , , Lr,t:,r, r, r , r rL .tr i It , . , , , , , 1 , , , 1 O r , , . . , , ,L r r , l . i i , r , ' r i t ! , t! . , , t t , , t r ,

L r r L . j r r . L i r r j r . L l jr! \ 1 r i i \

b ) . r , r l t , L i r r l r r , , L L, l fh , l r . , . r ! 1 l i ,l , r , i . l j \ t . . L ' r t )\ n i ! r r , r i , t L i , r r , ! r ) , Lrr\ .

r ' \ | . , . \ , , ' 1 , | . , | , , . 1 1 . . 1r, ( l f i , . r \ L t i l i . l r rI . r 1 r rr I r L \ l f.r$.r Ll rLfr... lr,).Llrr L r rr r . r r rn \ r , ' . l ( ' ! r ) r r i ! \ fr I r L

O t,,,,,ri,r,, t" .j,..1

lrr. r,!,. tI lhr l!r1 r,hr rt' IlL.\ ,rt1lj( !riL h!.! l t h o t ( )( l r l l . l L r f , , f t r t \ , r L i t t. rrr\\(,r r, lLn. rtt lli\l

r , ,r l , r , , . . 1 , ] 1 . 1 i rl j ,I r . . (

startingchain.Pullup the first bead. Then puu outthe inside part oftheloop,thepart thals closerto the next bead. beads this Continueremovnrg way until you ve renroved the 'nessy row(s)and havea tail thaCsatleast6 8in. (ls-20cm) long.As you look down on the tubeend,each b3dwill seemto be anached to the tubecentrby a single liDe(spoke)of thread.To al;gnthe first row properiy, you needto crochet a d st undereachspokein the directionto your opposite work (phoro g). Sl st once more uDderthe first spokei thenpull the threadthrough

side fromoutside thestannrg opposite thefirst to inside go through Finally the stitcb. fromoutside to bead andsew thecrownnext inside under to theothertail (photoh). thebeadwork O Nowjissle issng andtie untilthethread with a square thetaihtogether knot (seeBasics ). tailto O Usetheth.eaded pul in anythread showingon by thecrowns. Endrhisthread going therope. back through Take a smallbackstitch go around a ropethread, through moreofthe ropeand repeat. Backstitch theother tailintotherope. Do Dotsew through anybeads.

square knot on onesideof the centerpiece beadon the core turn thework strand, cord.Then crochetthe second core overandtie anothrsquare rope around the corecord. of th knoton theotherside Join the ropesthroughe the first side strand.Repeat on beadasyou did in centerpiece "finishing the bracelet," knot with c-s steps again.sealthe wlten dry, H}?o Cement. 4 7. Bury the cotton tailsat backinto feedthecorestrands
O Thrcadboth corecordsat one end through a bead cap go 6oD insideto outside, throughthe claspring, and comebackthrough the cap. ) rie rhe coreendsin a

2-3on the steps @ Rpeat necklace, otherendof the puuing tight thecorestrand (photo i). c beforknotting

. #/ or6Shelcrochet hook #2 hook, Clover . #i Sutur oftwisted wineedle needle, *i0lapestry nedle, . 2Small pins or etlover beads salety bracelet (halistriped, .30-359 (l-lX0r.) halfsolid or2colo) 6! Seed beads . I BallorskeinS5Dl\lCpedecotton0requivalenttomatch beads .I centeryhce (2mm bead 0rlargerhole) .36 in.(.9m)Nylon bead cord+3orlarger necldace rlhclasp .75-809(3oz.)6o seed beads l-2 colors .l Ball#5 perle cotton tomatch heads DMC . I Centerpiece (2mm orlargerhole) bead .2yd.(1.8m) Nylon bead cord#3 orkrger . 2 Bead diameter caps, l0-l2mm .1 Clasp ngs orsplit rings \,vith 2 s0ldered . G-s Hypo cement

thebracelet finishing
O Sringthecenterpiece bead ontooneendotthe ) with your handfoldedas (tuckthe aspossible narrowly themiddle thumbuDder tieorhave a triendtie fingers), co.dends around the thecore partofyourhandwith widest a surgeon s knot(see "Basics Besure theknot ). cordwill be is secure. Thecore I to ll,rin. (1.33.8crn)longer rope,but thanthe crocheted you close thissapbeginning core in step 4,below.This limitshowmuchthebracelet it hom canstretch,preventing gettingsolooseit fallsoff O Usethebuttendofthe hookto open oneendofthe tubeandpulltheknotinside ro buryit. Trim therails. oneperle cotton O Thread needle tailontoa#10tapestry row andgo under thechain to fthecrown)ftomtheinside the theoutside. Gothrough bead. Thengo centerpiece the thecrownopposite under to insideand tailFom outside goba.kthrougb thebead. on co under thecrown @

with clasped necklace centerPiece

rope Make two crocheted sections. To determine the leDgth of eachsection, subtractthe lengthofthe centerpiece beadand clasp lion the desired length ofthe necklace and divideby 2. O Afterompletingthe 6rst ropepiecearound a long, doubledcorecord, stringthe

Discover Countless Ideas and Inspiratio

llrsplfe011lu,/iri,/i aga zine
(i)unllrss i d f i s t r )\ | r r k r 1 1 ' x t i \ l t \ I)tslgn rntl cIuut hcurltrlj$rclrr Slcl b\ stcl ilslnrctil)t) rs nrll)lx)tos

Arti$ic &

i:, IlrlurrilLrl pi(ccsil r(xlx\'s ho(csln\lcs .r ]kkc ir\\cl in rn $cningof lc5s _ (if(rlfhr)rr)s ruxlua\10lir|)\ i slr'ucti(nrs

Bead-weavinq Sltches

$ 7 . 9 5U . S .1 2 2 7 2 r s B N0 - 8 9 0 2 1 - 1 4 8 - 0



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