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Internship Report on Nishat Mills

Executive Summary

Nishat has grown from a cotton export house into the premier business group of Pakistan with 5 listed companies, concentrating on 4 core businesses; Textiles, ement, !anking and Power "eneration. Toda#, Nishat is considered to be at par with multinationals operating locall# in terms of its $ualit# products and management skills. % recentl# have done m# internship in Nishat &ills 'imited, in which % got training from each of its department. The internship basicall# revolved around the product knowledge training. The s#stem, the st#le of working ( the commitment of the emplo#ees in N&' is reall# exemplar#. The difference between the success ( failure is doing things right and doing things nearl# right, ( N&' has alwa#s tried for success ( that is wh# it is known to be one of the leading organi)ations in Pakistan. %rrespective of all these positive points of Nishat &ills 'imited, % have noticed a few areas where the improvement can reall# increase the efficienc# of N&'. %n this report % have given a ver# brief review of what % have seen during our internship % have mentioned all these as % have made an internship as according to the schedule. % also mentioned about the Textile industr# in Pakistan and vision of its industr#. Then % have done a detailed *+,T anal#sis as well as P-*T .nal#sis. Then % have discussed about m# learning in the whole internship that is all about the Textile Terminologies and process of the productions. % have made it possible to write each and ever# thing that % have learnt there. % have all m# practical efforts
in the form of this manuscript that/s the asset for m# future career.

To transform the compan# into a modern and d#namic #arn, cloth and processed cloth and finished product manufacturing compan# with highl# professionals and full# e$uipped to pla# a meaningful role on sustain able basis in the econom# of Pakistan. To transform the compan# into a modern and d#namic power generating compan# with highl# professionals and full# e$uipped to pla# a meaningful role on sustainable basis in the econom# of Pakistan.

To provide $ualit# products to customers and explore new markets to promote0expand sales of the compan# through good governance and foster a sound and d#namic team, so as to achieve optimum prices of products of the compan# for sustainable and e$uitable growth and prosperit# of the compan#.

Quality Policy
+e work together as a team for implementation and continual improvement of total $ualit# s#stem in order to achieve satisfaction of our internal and external customers.

Textile Vision 2006

.n open market driven, innovative ( d#namic Textile *ector which is12 %nternationall# %ntegrated. "loball# ompetitive 3ull# e$uipped to exploit the opportunities created b# the &3. Phase out and this enables Pakistan to be amongst the Top 3ive Textile -xporting ountries not onl# in .sia all over the world with the tremendous Textile companies Low Road Scenario represented a situation where onl# the historic export growth rates in textile sub2sectors were maintained. The overall average export growth for the textile sector after anal#sis was finali)ed at 45 per annum.
Do-Able Scenario envisaged increase in unit price reali)ation of #arn, fabric, textile made2ups and garments with an attempt to maintain the market share in each individual market. %t also suggested penetration in the non2$uota markets along with increased share of s#nthetic and blended #arns, fabrics and garments. The overall export growth in this scenario was estimated at 675 per annum. i!" Road Scenario the most ambitious of the scenarios that not onl# adopted the apparel sector as the engine of textile export growth but also recommended diversification in products that hold greatest potential but unfortunatel# have been neglected e.g. woven garments, sports wear, speciali)ed industrial garments, and women wear. !esides broadening of export product portfolio with extra push in s#nthetic and man2made fibers, fabrics and garments,

T"e Textile #ndustry: ,ver the #ears, Pakistan is said to be the single crop econom# i.e. cotton and textile that claims the lion/s share in terms of the contribution in the national econom# of Pakistan. 8espite efforts to bring in diversification in countr#/s overall economic get2up the textile sector continues to be the most important segment of the national econom#. %ts share in the econom#, in terms of "8P, exports, emplo#ment, foreign exchange earnings, investment and revenue generation altogether placed the textile industr# as the single largest determinant of the economic growth of the countr#. 8espite harsh and hard international economic conditions, Pakistan/s textile industr# has weathered the storm b# coming out of the international crisis in a ver# positive manner. 8uring the #ear exports were controlled from falling and significant investment was made in value2added expansion and in !alancing2&oderni)ation2
9eplacement :!&9;. !esides fall out of the events of *eptember 66, the implementation of +T,/s agreement, various bilateral agreements have been signed and implemented. .s a result global scenario has changed. "overnment and the corporate textile sector ad<usted their policies to achieve maximum benefits of free trade. *o, local structure of the corporate culture, investment pattern and fiscal and monetar# policies were significantl# changed.

%&P,9T* textile machiner#

%mport of textile machiner# and e$uipment has picked up since 6==>2=? when a bumper cotton crop was harvested and the Textile %ndustr# reaped massive profits due to lower input cost. %n the last five #ears more than 9s= billion have been invested for the import of spinning machiner#. Nishat is one of the ma<or customers in terms of importing Textile &achiner# from almost all developed countries. %t is expected that an additional 9s6@ billion would be re$uired for !alancing, &oderni)ation and 9eplacement :!&9; in the spinning sector during the next three #ears for producing superior $ualit# #arn besides several units are in various stages of installation in Aarachi also. These facilities would improve value2addition in fabrics, besides increasing the volume of fabrics and $ualit# garments exports from the countr#. Textile is the onl# sector where investment has been substantial and regular during past three #ears. The most encouraging factor of this investment is diversit#. The entrepreneurs, who earlier concentrated on *pinning and +eaving, have now established compact units adding state2of2the2art finishing units and knitting machines to add value to their products. The latest addition to this is the setting up of denim cloth producing units.
.t present, the export competitiveness of the textile industr# can be improved b# aggressive marketing techni$ues and $ualit# improvements which have to be taken care of micro2level that is each textile unit should make its own independent efforts to sell its products in different international markets. .ll the individual textile units should implement the %*, =@@6 program for $ualit# standard and %*, 64@@@ for environmental standards to counter the threat of globali)ation.

-BP,9T* of Textile
8espite sluggish trends in the international markets, exports of textile manufactures increased from C5.>5 billion in 7@@@27@@6 to C5.? billion in 7@@62 @7. The encouraging factor was the increase in the exports of value2added items. The share of value2added products in total textile exports from Pakistan this #ear was 5>.6D per cent as compared to 54 per cent last #ear. otton cloth export also increased to C6.6D billion during this period as compared to C6.@D billion in 7@@@2@6, indicating an increase of =.> per cent. The exports of bed2wear fetched C=6? million against C>45 million; showing growth of 7D per cent, while towels exports increased b# 67 per cent to C7>@ million against 747 million. 9ead#made "arments improved b# > per cent to C??7 million fromC?7> million, whereas &ade2up articles increased b# 4 per cent to CD56 million as compared to CDD6 million. The exports of five sub2groups i.e. otton Earn, knitwear, Tents, anvas0Tarpaulin, .rt, *ilk0*#nthetic Textile and other manufactures declined during the period. otton #arn, which earned C6.6 billion during 7@@@27@@6, earned C C=66 million. The textile $uota exports to the Fnited *tates, -uropean Fnion, anada and Turke# grew b# over 6? per cent with nominal increase in value during the first seven months of the calendar #ear 7@@7 compared to the same period last #ear.
The highest amount of increase of 55 per cent in $uota exports followed b# F* 7= per cent and -F 67 per cent. -xports to anada declined b# 76 per cent in $uantit#. %n terms of value, exports grew b# D@ per cent to Turke# and 6D per cent to the -F. -xports declined in case of anada b# 7= per cent and = per for the F*. The total exports to the F* were 47@ million s$uare meters worth C4?6 million; -uropean Fnion imported 6@5?2million s$uare meter worth C5@= million. anada imported 64 million s$uare meters worth C6? million and Turke#, 6@6 million s$uare meters worth C7? million. The average unit price of Pakistan/s textile $uota exports dropped considerabl# i.e. D@ per cent in case of F*, =.4 per cent for the -F and 64 per cent in case of Turke#. The onl# increase @.76 per cent was recorded in average unit price of exports to -F. The +T, agreement provides for making textile trade completel# free from 7@@5. The textile export figures for the first ten months of the current #ear released b# the -xport Promotion !ureau revealed that the textile $uota exports to the F* improved b# 74 per cent while the increase in exports to -F countries at the end of ,ctober 7@@7 registered an increase of 64.4 per cent in terms of value and 6D per cent in terms of $uantit#. $ ALL%&'%( To get maximum benefit from $uota free regime, all out efforts are needed to boost textile exports and increase access to the international markets. To boost the exports, the *tate !ank of Pakistan has introduced three facilitating schemes for the exporters namel#, 3oreign urrenc# -xport 3inancing *cheme :3 -3*;, Political 9isk "uarantee *cheme :P9"*; and the -xport "uarantee *cheme :-"*;. The bank would provide 76@ da#s credit facilit# to exporters for *outh .merica as compared to 67@ da#s credit facilit# to other markets.
Nishat Group
GThe Nishat "roupG &ian &uhammad &ansha Eaha is the captain of this splendid ship having around D@ companies on board. &ansha, who owns the &uslim ommercial !ank as well, is now setting up a billion rupee :C 6> m; paper sack pro<ect too. He is one of the richest Pakistanis around. Nishat "roup was countr#/s 65th richest famil# in 6=>@, 4th in 6==@ and Number 6 in 6==>. &ansha is on the board of nearl# 5@ companies. hinioti b# clan, &ansha is married to Eousaf *aigol/s daughter. He is deemed to have made investments in man# bourses, currenc# and metal exchanges both within and outside Pakistan. He has had his share of luck on man# occasions in life and has recentl# been awarded Pakistan/s highest civil award b# President &usharraf. He could have bought the Fnited !ank too, but then who doesn/t have adversaries. Nishat "roup of comprises of textiles, cement, leasing, insurance and management companies. %f &ansha was bitten b# !hutto/s nationali)ation stint of 6=>@, his friends think he was compensated b# Nawa) *harif/s denationali)ation programme to a ver# good effect. There is no stopping &ansha and he is still on the moveI The histor# of Nishat "roup dates back to 6=56, when &ian &uhammad Eah#a founded Nishat &ills 'imited. This man of vision, courage and integrit#, &ian &ohammad Eah#a was born in 6=6? in hiniot. %n 6=4> when he was running leather business in alcutta, he witnessed b# the momentous changes that swept the %ndo2Pak subcontinent. This is stor# of success through sheer hard work and an undaunted spirit of enterprise. !eginning with a cotton export house, he soon branched out in to ginning, cotton and <ute textiles, chemicals and insurance. He was elected hairman of all Pakistan Textile &ills .ssociation. He died in 6=4=, at the age of 56 having achieved so much in so short time. .fter almost half a centur# of undaunted success, Nishat group is among the leading business houses of the countr# and ranks among the top 5 groups in terms
of assets and sales revenue. The group has its roots firml# planted into four core business namel# Textiles Power "eneration !anking ement T%)T#L%S The textile business is further subdivided into 72textile division1 Nishat 3aislabad Nishat hunian The textile capacit# of the group is the largest in the countr#. .n addition of 7@,@@@ new spindles, 6@@ new air <et looms and new d#eing plants has increased the existing capacit# of 747,@@@ spindles, >4@ looms and d#eing and finishing capacit# of 5 million meters. The largest exporters of textile products from Pakistan, for more then decadeI P*+%R '%&%RAT#*& Nishat group has also been a pioneer in power generation in the private sector of the countr#. Nishat setup the first power generation unit in the private sector in 6==5. $%M%&T %n 6==7, Nishat "roup ac$uired 8." Ahan ement ompan# 'imited :8"A ; from the second largest pro<ect of the group and is ideall# located in the heart of the countr#, with eas# access to transportation all over Pakistan. 8"A unit No. 6 has a capacit# of 7,7@@ tons per da#. . new unit heaving the capacit# of D,D@@ tons was setup in 6==>. %nternational 3inance orporation and common +ealth 8evelopment orporation have financed this unit. +ith the addition of unit No.7, 8"A has become the
largest manufacturer of cement in Pakistan. ,A&%n 6==6, Nishat "roup ventured into the financial sector through the ac$uisition of &uslim commercial !ank. & ! has grown ever since and is now the largest bank in the private sector. & ! has a network of over 67@@ branches emplo#ing over 67,@@@ people.

The Company
Nishat &ills 'imited is a public 'imited ompan# incorporated in Pakistan under the ompanies .ct, 6=6D:Now ompanies ,rdinance, 6=?4; and listed on *tock -xchanges in Pakistan &is"at Mills Nishat &ills 'imited :JNishatJ; is a public compan# incorporated in Pakistan and listed on all three Pakistani stock exchanges. Nishat is engaged in textile manufacturing. +hich involves spinning, combing, weaving, bleaching, d#eing, and printing, stitching, bu#ing, and selling of textilesK The# deal with #arn, linen, cloth and other goods including fabrics made from raw cotton, s#nthetic fiber and cloth. The ompan# is engaged in the business of textile manufacturing and of spinning, combing, weaving, bleaching, d#eing printing, stitching, bu#ing, selling and otherwise dealing in #arn, linen, cloth and other goods and fabrics made from raw cotton, s#nthetic fiber and cloth, and to generate, accumulate, distribute and suppl# electricit#. ompan# is providing $ualit# products to its customers within the Pakistan and outside the Pakistan. Presentl# compan# is exporting its all kinds if apparel

Major competitors
Nishat competitors are rescent henab .r)oo .lkarms *itara Aohinoor .mtex !ut main competitors of Nishat &ill are J rescent Textile &illsJ J henab TextileJ

Company profile:
$ #%. %)%$/T#V%( &rs. Na) &ansha ,*ARD *. D#R%$T*RS( &rs. Na) &ansha &ian 9a)a &ansha &ian Hassan &ansha &r. &uhammad Nawa) Tishna :N%T; &r. 3aisal -hsan -llahi &r. Ahalid Ladeer Lureshi : hief 3inancial,fficer;
&r. &uhammad .)am &r. 9ana &uhammad &ushta$ .#&A&$% D%PARTM%&T( Mr0S"e"1ad Mali2 3'0M4 Mr0/s5an ,a6wa Mr0,adar Rau7 Mr0As"ra7 Ali Ra1a Mr0#na5 Mr0Mudassar Mr0Asad #8bal Mr0Masood A2"tar Mr0&awa1 Mr09ulu7i8ar A/D#T $*MM#TT%%( Mr0wasee5 ul a8ue *s5ani $"air5an Mian ussan Mans"a Me5ber Mr0 A7tab A"5ed -"an Me5ber %AD *. #&T%R&AL A/D#T( Mr0-"alid -abeer $*RP*RAT% D%PARTM%&T( Mr0 Mu"a55ad A1a5 Mr0-"alid Ma"5ood $"o"an A/D#T*RS( Ria1 A"5ed : $o5;any $"artered Accountants L%'AL ADV#S*R( Mr0 M0 Auran!1eb -"an< Ad=ocate< $"a5ber &o0 6< District $ourt< .aisalabad0
,A&-%RS T* T % $*MPA&>( A,& AMR* ,an2 Allied ,an2 o7 Pa2istan Li5ited A5erican %x;ress ,an2 Li5ited As2ari $o55ercial ,an2 Li5ited $redit A!ricole #ndosue1 $itiban2 &0A Deutsc"e ,an2 .aysal ,an2 Li5ited abib ,an2 Li5ited abib ,an2 A0'0 9uric" Mas"re8 ,an2 P0S0$ Mee1an ,an2 Li5ited &ational ,an2 o7 Pa2istan Standard $"artered ,an2 'rindlays T"e on! -on! : S"an!ai ,an2in! $or;oration Li5ited /nion ,an2 Li5ited /nited ,an2 Li5ited

Business operations
S;innin! De;art5ent( &is"at Textile Li5ited "as se=en s;innin! units situated in .aisalabad0 T"ese units are e8ui;;ed wit" t"e latest 5ac"ines in all o7 t"eir de;art5ents0 #n t"e s;innin! units t"e 7iber is con=erted into yarn< and as t"is t"e 8uality o7 yarn is =ery i5;ortant in t"e textile sector so s;innin! units "a=e a lot o7 i5;ortance0
+ea=in! 'rey Roo5 PR*$%SS#&' Sin!ein! Desi1in! Scourin! ,leac"in! Printin! Dyein!


.oldin! 'enerally t"e s;innin! 5ills 5ec"anis5 is =ery si5ilar0 #t starts 7ro5 t"e 5ixin! de;art5ent w"ere t"e bales o7 cotton are 5ixed and at t"at section t"e 5ost =isible i5;urities are ta2en out0 T"is 5ixed cotton is t"en ta2en to t"e blow roo5 by a 5ac"ine0 A7ter !oin! t"rou!" a ;rocess it is ta2en to t"e card roo5 7or t"e next ;rocess0 A7ter t"e card roo5 t"e route is ta2en by 2ee;in! in =iew t"at w"et"er carded yarn is t"e end ;roduct or t"e co5bed yarn0 T"e co5bed yarn is o7 better 8uality and its ;rocess is a bit bi!!er t"an t"e ot"er one0 .or t"e carded ;ortion t"e drawin! brea2ers : drawin! 7inis"ers are used to ;re;are t"e 7iber to a certain le=el so t"at t"e ;rocess on t"e si5;lex 5ac"ine can be carried out0 *n t"e ot"er "and< in t"e co5bed ;ortion< a7ter t"e drawin! brea2er t"e cotton !oes t"rou!" t"e lab 7or5er< : a7ter t"at it !oes t"rou!" t"e co5bin! 5ac"ine< w"ere t"e co5er noil and co5ber sli=er are se;arated0 T"e co5ber sli=er< a7ter ;assin! t"rou!" t"e P$ drawin! : Drawin! 7inis"er !oes to t"e si5;lex 5ac"ine0 T"e ;roduct t"at co5es 7ro5 t"e si5;lex 5ac"ine is t"en ta2en to t"e Rin! section w"ere t"e yarn is to be 5ade0 .inally a7ter ;assin! t"rou!" t"e auto cone t"e yarn co5es in t"e ;ac2in! de;art5ent0 #n &ML t"e ;rocess o7 /ltra Violet $"ec2in! is also ;racticed to ensure t"e 8uality o7 t"e yarn0
As t"is ;rocess is =ery i5;ortant so t"ere are so5e co55on ;ara5eters on w"ic" t"e 8uality o7 yarn is 6ud!ed0 T"ese ;ara5eters "a=e been listed as below( #5;ortant Para5eters o7 >arn : .iber( #5;ortant Para5eters o7 t"e .iber( Len!t" Stren!t" Micronaire =alue $olor !rade &e;s ? !ra5 Tras" ;ercenta!e

#5;ortant Para5eters o7 >arn( >arn count Stren!t" L$SP / ;ercenta!e T"in Places T"ic2 Places &e;s #P# 3#5;er7ection4

>arn %lon!ation 3.lexibility4 Sin!le >arn Stren!t" TP# Twist Multi;lier

+ea=in! De;art5ent( Very si5ilar to t"e s;innin! units< t"e wea=in! units o7 &ML are really =ery
well e8ui;;ed wit" t"e latest 5ac"inery to 5a2e t"e best ;ossible ;roduct 7or t"e custo5er to !ain t"e custo5er satis7action0 Most o7 t"e 5ac"ines in t"e wea=in! unit o7 &ML are o7 new tec"nolo!y : &ML "as a =ery !ood c"ec2 on t"e 8uality o7 7abric ;roduced by its Quality $ontrol de;art5ent0 T"e end ;roduct o7 t"e s;innin! unit is t"e startin! ;oint o7 t"e wea=in! unit0 +"en t"e cones o7 t"e yarn are brou!"t to wea=in! unit< it is t"en ta2en to t"e war;in! 1one in w"ic" t"e bea5s are ;re;ared0 T"ese bea5s are t"en ta2en to t"e si1in! section w"ere t"e di77erent c"e5icals are a;;lied to t"e yarn so t"at t"e wea=in! o7 t"e 7abric can be done wit" t"e 5ini5u5 brea2a!e o7 yarn0 A7ter si1in! t"e ;rocess o7 drawin! inn is a;;lied so t"at t"e yarn could be con=erted into 7abric0 A7ter t"e drawin! inn t"e bea5s o7 t"e yarn is t"en ta2en to t"e Sul1er Loo5s so t"at t"e yarn is con=erted into t"e wea=ed ;roduct0 +"en t"e !rei!e is 5ade< t"en it is ta2en to t"e ins;ection de;art5ent< w"ere a lot o7 8uality c"ec2 is done0 At t"e 7irst ste; t"e 7abric is classi7ied into two ty;es< i0e0 A !rade : D !rade0 T"e D !rade 7abric is eit"er used in t"e , !rade sale or in !at"erin! o7 t"e 7res" ;ieces0 +"ile t"e ;rocess o7 A !rade 7abric is a bit lon!er0 T"e A !rade 7abric a7ter 5endin!< !oes to t"e c"ec2in! 5ac"ines< 7ro5 w"ere it is ta2en to t"e rec"ec2in! 5ac"ines0 A7ter rec"ec2in! eit"er t"e !rei!e is rolled or 7olded : ;ac2ed accordin! to re8uire5ents o7 t"e buyer0 Durin! all t"e abo=e ;rocess< 8uality is t"e 5ain ;ur;ose o7 t"e &ML ;eo;le0 T"e wea=in! units o7 &ML c"ec2 t"e ;roduct 8uality as under(
NML (Four Weaving nits! B"#$"#

&ML "as one o7 t"e lar!est wea=in! setu;s in ,"i2"i< near S"ei2"u;ura0 T"is /nit is e8ui;;ed wit" t"e later Air @et loo5s0 T"e =ariety le=el o7 t"e ;roduct is =ery !ood0 #n t"e war;in! section &ML ,"i2"i "as A ,ennin!er Mac"ines w"ic" are o7 Swit1erland ori!in0 #n t"e si1in! section t"e &ML ,"i2"i "as A 5ac"ines0 As 7ar as t"e loo5s are concerned< &ML ,"i2"i "as BCD loo5s 7or ;re;arin! t"e !rei!e0 *ut o7 t"ese BCD 5ac"ines D6 are Sul1er Ruti o7 Swit1erland< w"ile ot"er 5ac"ines are t"e latest Air @et 5ac"ines o7 @a;an ori!in0 T"e ,"i2"i unit o7 &ML is s;ecially =ery well 2nown 7or its ;roduct in all o=er t"e country0 Quality $ontrol De;art5ent( .irst o7 all t"e ;eo;le o7 &ML c"ec2s t"e 8uality o7 yarn be7ore ta2in! it into t"e ;rocess0 .ollowin! are t"e yarn c"aracteristics t"at are c"ec2ed be7ore ta2in! it into t"e ;rocess( $ount Testin! Stren!t" Testin! TP# airiness Testin! T"ic2 : T"in bases

At t"e war;in! section t"e 7ollowin! c"aracteristic is c"ec2ed( ,rea2a!e Re;ort +"en t"e si1in! ;rocess is a;;lied< t"e 7ollowin! two tests are a;;lied( Abrasion Test Stren!t" Test A7ter co5;letion o7 t"e !rei!e t"e !?s5 test is a;;lied so t"at to "a=e t"e best custo5i1ed ;roduct0 .inally in t"e 7oldin! section c"ec2s are a;;lied at e=ery
ste; o7 t"e 7oldin! ;rocess0 T"e wea=in! units o7 &ML are 2nown to be t"e best ;roducers o7 !rei!e ;roduct in Pa2istan0 Q/AL#T> $*&TR*L LA,( Durin! t"e ;roduction< 8uality control lab ensures t"at e=ery wor2 "as done accordin! to t"e standards o7 &ML0 .ollowin! c"ec2s are 5ade at di77erent de;art5ents( $"ec2s w"ile Printin!( Rubbin! +as"in! Dry $leanin! $"lorine Test $"ec2s a7ter $urin!( Rubbin! +as"in! $"ec2s a7ter Stenter Process( Li!"t .astness S"rin2a!e Rubbin! +as"in! 3*;tional4 Pillin! $"ec2s a7ter Raisin!( Quality c"ec2 T"e ;ur;ose o7 all t"ese c"ec2s is to ensure t"e Quality o7 t"e end ;roduct0 Q/AL#T> $*&TR*L LA, MA$ #&%S( $roc2 Meter( Pillin! Mac"ine( 'ar5ent +as"in! Mac"ine(
Dura +as"( +ascator Mac"ine T"u5ble Dryer Li!"t ,ox Auto +as" $urin! Mac"ine Pader Li!"t .astner Tester Air Per5ea-5eter Data $olor

Visco Meter T"e abo=e are t"e 5ac"ine w"ic" is used in t"e Quality $ontrol Lab to ensure t"e 8uality at e=ery ste;0

Processin! De;art5ent: Processin! /nit o7 e=ery textile 5ill "as a ;ara5ount i5;ortance because it actually ;ro=ide t"e 7inis" 7abric ;roduct w"ic" is eit"er sent to custo5er eit"er as a ;iece !ood or as 5ade u; a7ter con=ertin! t"e 7abric into t"e re8uired stitc"ed ;roduct0 T"e ;rocessin! unit o7 &ML co5;rises o7 t"e 7ollowin! de;art5ent( ,leac"in! De;art5ent .inis"in! De;art5ent Printin! De;art5ent Dyein! De;art5ent .oldin! De;art5ent Quality $ontrol Lab Di!ital Desi!n Studio : %n!ra=in! De;art5ent Sa5;le Roo5 Production : Plannin! De;art5ent
T"e o;erations o7 Production : Plannin! De;art5ent are to wor2 as a brid!e between t"e 5ar2etin! tea5 and t"e ;rocessin! ;eo;le< so t"is de;art5ent "as t"e ;ri5e i5;ortance0 All o7 t"e co55unication w"ic" is "eld between t"e ;rocessin! : t"e ex;ort ;eo;le is done t"rou!" t"is de;art5ent0 T"e 7inis"in! de;art5ent is also =ery i5;ortant because it is t"e center o7 o;erations "eld in t"e ;rocessin! unit0 A brie7 o=er=iew on t"e Processin! ca;acity o7 &ML "as been discussed as 7ollow( ,leac"in! De;art5ent( T"e bleac"in! de;art5ent o7 &ML is e8ui;;ed wit" t"e latest 5ac"inery to co5;ete wit" t"e 5ar2et0 ,leac"in! de;art5ent "as t"e 7ollowin! 5ac"ines( Sin!ein! : De-si1in!( L-,ox( Merceri1in!( %5eri1in!( @i!er( +ater Man!le( T"e abo=e are t"e 5ac"ines : a =ery brie7 o=er=iew o7 t"e 5ac"ines0 T"e bleac"in! de;art5ent is li2e a bac2 bone o7 t"e ;rocessin! unit0 A7ter wea=in! 5ill< t"e 7abric is brou!"t to t"e bleac"in! de;art5ent w"ere it is ;re;ared on t"e abo=e 5ac"ines so as to be ;re;ared 7or t"e Printin! or Dyein!0 T"e Quality $ontrol ;eo;le ensure t"e Quality o7 wor2 in t"e ,leac"in! to 7ul7ill t"e collecti=e !oal0 Printin! De;art5ent( T"e Printin! de;art5ent o7 &is"at Mills Li5ited co5;rises o7 t"ree rotaries<
i0e0 Re!!ianni< 9i55er : Stor20 Alon! wit" t"eses t"ree rotaries< t"e ;rintin! de;art5ent "as t"ree sa5;lin! tables to 7ul7ill t"e sa5;le need o7 t"e custo5ers o7 &ML0 T"ere is a 5ini sa5;lin! 5ac"ine 7or t"e sa5;lin! section to 7acilitate t"eir wor20 T"e s;eci7ication : !eneral ;oints about t"ese rotaries are as under( Re!!ianni Mac"ine( 9i55er Mac"ine( Stor2 Mac"ine( T"e Printin! de;art5ent o7 &ML is wor2in! at its best : ;roducin! really !ood stu770 A7ter t"e ;rintin! 7ro5 t"e rotaries< t"e route o7 t"e 7abric de;ends on t"e dye class0 #7 t"e reacti=e dyes "a=e been used< t"en t"e 7abric will be ta2en to 7irst o7 all A!er Mac"ine : t"en 'oller Soa;er +as"in!< t"en to Stenter 7inis" : 7inally to t"e calendar0 *n t"e ot"er "and t"e 7abric treated wit" ;i!5ent dye is ta2en to t"e curin! 5ac"ine : 7ro5 t"ere it is ta2en to t"e calendar a7ter t"e re8uired stenter 7inis"0 &ow in t"e 7ollowin! line< weEll see t"e s;eci7ications o7 t"e $urin! : A!er Mac"ines( $urin! Mac"ine( A!er : $urin! Mac"ine( Dyein! De;art5ent( T"e dyein! de;art5ent is a 5a6or de;art5ent o7 &ML ;rocessin!0 T"is includes t"ree 5ac"ines0 T"ese 5ac"ines "a=e been identi7ied : discussed as below( Pad T"er5osol( Pad Stea5( 'oller Soa;er +as"in!(
So abo=e is a birdEs eye =iew on t"e dyein! de;art5ent o7 &ML0 .inis"in! De;art5ent( .inis"in! de;art5ent o7 any textile 5ill "as a =ery si!ni7icant i5;ortance because it acts li2e a "ub in t"e Processin!0 Al5ost e=ery 7abric w"ic" !oes t"rou!" ;rocessin! unit< it "as to be ;assed t"rou!" t"e 7inis"in! de;art5ent0 T"e 7inis"in! de;art5ent o7 &ML Processin! unit is 7a5ous 7or its 8uality wor20 #t co5;rises o7 5any latest 5ac"ines w"ic" includes Stenters< $ylinders< Raisin! Mac"ines : San7ori1in! Mac"ine0 Ty;es o7 .inis"es( T"ere are two 5a6or ty;es o7 7inis"es( $"e5ical .inis"es Mec"anical .inis"es T"e 7inis"es in w"ic" no c"e5ical is used is called t"e 5ec"anical 7inis"< a =ery !ood exa5;le o7 5ec"anical 7inis" is $alender .inis"0 *n t"e ot"er "and t"e 7inis"es t"rou!" stenter are 2nown to be t"e c"e5ical 7inis"0 T"e 7inis"es are o7 t"e 7ollowin! ty;es( &or5al So7t Su;er So7t $"int1 Anti Pillin! Anti +rin2le +ater Proo7 %asy $are Soil Re;ellent San7ori1in! Mac"ine( T"e San7ori1in! 5ac"ine is used 7or relaxin! t"e s"rin2a!e o7 war;0 T"e 5ac"ine ;ossessed by &ML "as a wor2able widt" o7 FFGH0 #t is basically used
eit"er on custo5er de5and or in case o7 'ar5ents0 T"e standard is AI0 &ML "as one San7ori1in! 5ac"ine in its ;rocessin! unit0 Raisin! Mac"ine( T"is basically 5eans to raise t"e 7ibers 7ro5 t"e sur7ace o7 t"e 7abric0 T"e 5ac"ine ;ossessed by t"e 7inis"in! de;art5ent o7 &ML "as a wor2able widt" o7 FFGH0 &ML "as one raisin! 5ac"ine in its ;rocessin! unit0 $alender( &ML "as 2 $ylinders0 T"e basic ;ur;ose o7 calendarin! is to "a=e t"e s"ine : to "a=e better "and 7eel0 T"ese $ylinders are o7 two di77erent len!t"s< t"e wor2able widt" o7 t"e $ylinders is F00H : FFFH res;ecti=ely0 T"e abo=e is a brie7 introduction o7 t"e .inis"in! de;art5ent o7 &ML0 .oldin! De;art5ent( T"e 7oldin! de;art5ent o7 t"e &ML "as a daily ;roduction o7 F<00<00050 T"e 7oldin! de;art5ent is t"e last de;art5ent o7 t"e Processin! /nit0 A7ter t"e 7oldin! unit t"e 7abric is trans7erred to 'S$0 T"e 7oldin! de;art5ent "as two 2inds o7 5ac"inesJ t"e 2ind is rollin! 5ac"ine w"ile t"e ot"er 2ind is o7 7oldin! 5ac"ines0 #t de;ends on t"e re8uire5ent t"at w"ic" 2ind o7 5ac"ine would be used0 #n t"e 7oldin! de;art5ent o7 &ML latest G score 5et"od is used 7or t"e ins;ection ;ur;oses0 Quality c"ec2s are 5ade at e=ery ste; o7 ;rocessin! unit0

%n!ra=in! De;art5ent(
T"e %n!ra=in! De;art5ent o7 &is"at Textile Mills Li5ited is e8ui;;ed wit" t"e latest 5ac"inery alon! wit" t"e 5anual 5ac"inery 7or t"e ;rocess o7 ex;osin!0 #n t"e %n!ra=in! De;art5ent o7 &ML< t"e screens are !enerally ;re;ared w"ic" are t"en used in t"e ;rintin! ;rocess0 Si1es o7 t"e Screens( .ollowin! are t"e t"ree re;eats o7 screens w"ic" are used in t"e %n!ra=in! De;art5ent( 6G055 C2055 DFG55 Si5ilarly t"e widt"s o7 t"e screens are o7 t"e 7ollowin! 7i=e 2inds( B0B055 26A055 FCA055 F62055 F2C055 T"e 7i7t" widt" is currently not in t"e use o7 %n!ra=in! de;art5ent and t"at are not in used in &ML now0 T"e 7irst 7our 2inds are basically in use in t"e &ML0 T"e selection o7 t"e screens de;ends on t"e desi!n re8uire5ent o7 t"e ;rint0 T"e 5ost i5;ortant t"in! w"ic" s"ould be 2e;t in 5ind is t"at only one screen s"ould be used 7or one color t"at 5eans t"e nu5ber o7 screens will be e8ual to t"e nu5ber o7 colors w"ic" will be used durin! t"e ;rintin! ;rocess0

Process( F0 $oatin! Sta!e( T"e 7irst ste; w"ic" is ta2en in t"e 7or5ation o7 t"e screens is to coat t"e screen wit" S$R F000 T"is coatin! is done 7or t"e ;ur;ose o7 bloc2in! t"e 5es"es o7 t"e screen so t"at t"e re8uired 2in! o7 desi!n can be 5ade t"rou!"
t"e screen0 T"e coatin! o7 t"e screen ta2es al5ost C-D 5inutes0 20 eatin! Sta!e(

T"ese screens are t"en "eated in t"e o=ens so t"at to carry out t"e ;rocess in t"e best ;ossible 5anner0 +"en t"e screens are "eated in t"e ;ro;er way t"en t"ey are ta2en to t"e ex;osin! 5ac"ines0 T"e "eat is ;ro=ided to t"e screens so t"at to 7ix t"e S$R F00 so t"at t"e ex;osin! sta!e s"ould be started0 B0 %x;osin! Sta!e( &is"at Textile Mills Li5ited "as two ex;osin! 5ac"ines< one o7 t"e5 is 5anual and t"e ot"er is 7ully auto5atic0 T"e auto5atic 5ac"ine is t"e Hwax 6etH0 T"e ;rocess o7 ex;osin! sta!e is di77erent 7or bot" t"e 5ac"ines0 #n t"e ;rocess o7 Manual Mac"ine< it is 8uite a ti5e ta2in! ;rocess0 #n t"is 5ac"ine< t"e ;resence o7 5ac"ine o;erator is =ery i5;ortantJ ot"erwise t"e ti5e 7or eac" screen will be "i!"er t"an t"e ori!inal one0 %arlier 5ost o7 t"e wor2 was done t"rou!" t"is 5ac"ine but now t"e 5a6or load "as been s"i7ted to Hwas 6etH0 #rres;ecti=e o7 t"ese 7acts t"e i5;ortance o7 t"is 5ac"ine is still t"ere0 All si1es and widt"s o7 t"e screens can be ;re;ared t"rou!" t"is 5ac"ine0 ,asically t"e 5anual 5ac"ine is used 7or t"e word o7 desi!n studio0 T"e H+ax @etH 5ac"ine is 7ully auto5atic0 T"e wor2 done t"rou!" t"e di!ital desi!n studio is done t"rou!" t"is auto5atic 5ac"ine0 T"e s;eed o7 ex;osin! t"rou!" t"is 5ac"ine is relati=ely "i!"er t"an t"e 5anual 5ac"ine because t"ere is not suc" need o7 o;erator at e=ery sta!e o7 t"e ex;osin!0 T"e ;rocess at t"is 5ac"ine does not e77ect because o7 t"e ;resence o7 t"e o;erator0 T"e ex;osin! is bein! done t"rou!" t"e wax on t"is 5ac"ine t"at is w"y it "as suc" a na5e0 T"e 5ec"anis5 o7 t"is 5ac"ine is t"at t"e 5ac"ine is lin2ed wit" t"e di!ital desi!n studio< so t"e o;erator can access any o7 t"e ;re;ared desi!n in t"e studio0 T"en t"e wax is a;;lied on t"e screen in suc" a way t"at t"e wax is a;;lied on t"at ;lace 7ro5 w"ere t"e o;erator want to o;en t"e 5es"es0 T"en t"e li!"tin! ;rocess is done i0e0 t"e screen !oes t"rou!" "i!" ;ower li!"t0 T"e result o7 t"is ;rocess is t"at t"e ;lace w"ere only coatin! is t"ere and t"ere is no wax< at t"ese ;laces t"e coatin! !ot 7ixed in suc" a way t"at t"e 5es"es are bloc2ed in a better way0 A7ter t"is %x;osin! sta!e t"e screen is ta2en to t"e next sta!e0
&ML "as ordered 7or Hin2 6etH 5ac"ine w"ic" will en"ance t"e ;roduction ca;ability o7 t"e en!ra=in! de;art5ent0 G0 +as"in! Sta!e( T"e screens are t"en ta2en 7ro5 t"e ex;osin! 5ac"ines to t"e was"in! area0 T"is is t"e area w"ere t"e screens are was"ed so t"at t"e blac2 ;ortion can be was"ed 7ro5 t"e screens0 T"is is also called t"e De=elo;in! Sta!e0 T"e screens are t"en 2e;t on t"e li!"t stand to see t"at w"et"er t"e results are satis7actory or not0 +"en t"e sta77 7eels t"at t"e desi!n is satis7actory t"en t"ey send t"is screen to t"e "eatin! 5ac"ine 7or curin!0 A0 $urin! Sta!e( T"e curin! is bein! done t"rou!" an o=en0 T"e screens are 2e;t about 20-2A 5inutes in t"e o=en0 T"is "eat 7ixes t"e desi!n on t"e screen so t"at a7ter t"e 7inal touc" t"e screen can be sent to t"e next de;art5ent0 60 %ndrin! Sta!e( Durin! t"is sta!e t"e rin! ty;e iron is 7ixed on bot" t"e sides o7 t"e screens so t"at t"e screens could be ta2en to t"e ;rintin! de;art5ent 7or ;rintin!0 K0 Touc"in! Sta!e Durin! t"e touc"in! sta!e t"e 7inal wor2 is done0 #n t"is sta!e i7 t"ere is any extra ;atc" on t"e screen< t"en t"ey are bloc2ed wit" S$RA2 so t"at t"e correct e77ect can be drawn on t"e 7abric0 T"is is t"e 7inal sta!e o7 %n!ra=in! De;art5ent0 A7ter t"is ste;< t"e screens are t"en ta2en to ;rintin! de;art5ent0 Desi!n Studio T"e desi!n studio is a =ery i5;ortant de;art5ent o7 Processin! /nit0 T"e i5;ortance o7 desi!n studio is because o7 t"e reason t"at wit"out its ri!"t wor2 not"in! correct can be done0 T"e ;resence o7 !ood desi!n studio is =ery i5;ortant 7or any !ood textile ex;ort or!ani1ation0 T"e buyer sends t"e desired desi!n in t"e 7ollowin! 7or5s(
T"rou!" S2etc"es T"rou!" .abric Sa5;le T"rou!" $D swa!es &ow a7ter "a=in! t"e conce;t o7 desi!n< it is t"en t"e res;onsibility o7 desi!n de;art5ent to 5a2e t"e screen desi!n< to select t"e si1es o7 t"e screen< to select t"e re;eats o7 t"e screens and 5ost i5;ortantly to 5a2e t"e 7il5s and desi!ns so t"at to "a=e t"e sa5e desi!ns durin! t"e ;rintin! ;rocess as re8uired by t"e buyer0 #n t"e di!ital desi!n studio t"e wor2 is bein! done t"rou!" t"e latest 5ac"ineries and so7tware and dedicated and educated ;ersons are t"ere 7or t"e ;ur;ose carryin! out t"e ;rocess0 All o7 t"e wor2 in t"is studio is done on t"e latest 5ac"ines and t"e wor2 can be accessed t"rou!" t"e +ax @et 5ac"ine0 #n t"e ot"er desi!n studio< t"e wor2 is bein! done t"rou!" t"e ex;erienced ;ersons0 #n t"at studio t"e !uideline is t"e 7irst t"in! w"ic" is 5ade at t"e start0 A7ter t"is ste;< t"ere co5es a c"ain in t"e desi!n studio suc" as to se;arate t"e colors u; to 5a2in! t"e and ;re;arin! t"e 7il5s w"ic" can be used in t"e en!ra=in! de;art5ent0 Stitc"in! De;art5ent( &ML "as two stitc"in! units0 F( *ne is situated in .aisalabad 2( T"e ot"er is situated in La"ore0 T"e beddin! section is concentrated in .aisalabad w"ile t"e La"ore unit is a co5;lete unit w"ic" is in=ol=ed in all 2inds o7 stitc"in!0
$/TT#&' D%PARTM%&T0 T"e cuttin! de;art5ent is t"e 7irst de;art5ent o7 'S$< w"ic" ta2es t"e 7abric0 T"e 7abric< w"ic" is to be stitc"ed< is brou!"t 7ro5 t"e 7oldin! de;art5ent to t"e cuttin! de;art5ent0 #n t"is de;art5ent t"e 7abric is cut accordin! to t"e s;eci7ications : need0 .ro5 t"e cuttin! de;art5ent t"e 7abric is trans7erred to t"e store 7ro5 w"ere t"e 7abric is issued on t"e re8uired 7loor accordin! to t"e 7ree1in! ;lan0
T"e cuttin! de;art5ent ob6ecti=es Quality control $uttin! Mini5i1e +asta!e So cuttin! de;art5ent was ;er7or5in! t"ese res;onsibilities0 Mr0 Ari7 t"e $uttin! su;er=isor w"o s"ared t"e rules o7 cuttin! t"at is t"e 7oundation o7 t"e co5;lete stitc"in! de;art5ent0 T"ose are

*ne( L%&T Two( +#DT

.*R L%&'T .*R L%&'T

3LLL4 3+LL4

T"e Process 7low o7 cuttin! de;art5ent is as below SAMPL% PR*'RAMM% $/TT#&'

Stitc"in! De;art5ent 3'S$4 Stitc"in! de;art5ent is one o7 t"e well e8ui;;ed 5ac"ines de;art5ent in t"e 7ield o7 t"e Textile in Pa2istan t"atEs w"y t"ere are 5ost o7 t"e loyal custo5ers o7 t"e &is"at 7ro5 all o=er t"e world s;ecially +ALL MART<
TAR'%T and TAR'%T0 T"ese are t"e 5a6or "a=e c"ain o7 stores around t"e world0 K2G "el;ers are daily wa!es wor2in! as 8uality c"ec2er in t"e w"ole stitc"in! de;art5ent0 G00 stitc"in! 5ac"ines in t"e w"ole stitc"in! unit0 %=ery 5ac"ine o;erator "as a uni8ue no to 7ind out t"e any ty;e o7 t"e 7ault0
T"e ob6ecti=es o7 t"e stitc"in! de;art5ent are T"e cost 5ini5i1ation and To 5ini5i1e wasta!e ,est utili1ation o7 ti5e Quality control by line c"ec2er

Ty;es o7 stitc"in!
L*$- ST#T$ < $ A#& ST#T$ < T+#& &%%DL%< +*R- STAT#*&

,lind stitc" *=er loc2 .lat loc2 Dis;atc" De;art5ent Dis;atc" de;art5ent is ;er7or5in! two 7unctions +AR% */S%< MA#D-/P D#SPAT$ Dis;atc" de;art5ent is res;onsible to dis;atc" all ty;es o7 %x;ort a7ter ;ac2in!0 #t de;ends on t"e 5ar2etin! de;art5ent w"en it s"ould be dis;atc"ed0 #ts not necessary to dis;atc" daily0 Dis;atc" de;art5ent is to ;ac2 and dis;atc" re;ort ;re;aration t"e ;ri5e res;onsibility is to 5a2e 5aid-u;s dis;atc" Re;ort0 Dis;atc" De;art5ent "as a continual liaison wit" Mar2etin! De;art5ent and
to 7ix stic2ers accordin! to t"e custo5er de5and on t"e cartoons0 T"e dis;atc" re;ort also send to t"e "ead o77ice and as well as custo5er0 Maxi5u5 container ca;acity is to six containers ;er day0 +or2 7orce is use 7or loadin! or s"i;;in! in container0 $ontainer Ty;e( Twenty 7itter len!t"s .orty STD C0A 7eet len!t" .orty STD M D0A "ei!"t0 .ro5 cuttin! to dis;atc" ;rocess is as below $uttin! stitc"in! Pac2in! dis;atc"

$*MM%R$#AL D%PARTM%T&( Alon! wit" t"e cuttin! section< t"ere is anot"er i5;ortant de;art na5ed as co55ercial de;art5ent0 T"e wor2in! o7 co55ercial de;art5ent starts 7ro5 recei=in! t"e stitc"in! ;ro!ra5s0 .irst o7 all< t"ey see w"et"er it is a new order or a re;eat order0 T"en t"ey issue a de5and order t"rou!" t"eir Purc"ase De;art5ent0 #t is t"e duty o7 t"e co55ercial de;art5ent to arran!e all t"e e8ui;5ent needed in t"e stitc"in! unit 7or e=ery bul2 order0 T"e ;roducts w"ic" are t"e res;onsibility o7 t"e co55ercial de;art5ent includes label< 7usin!< ;olyester ro;e< sti77ener< insert card< ;oly ba!< stic2ers< si1e stic2ers< identi7ication stic2er< barcodes< security codes etc0 A 7ree1in! ;lan is 5ade e=ery 5ont" so as to 5aintain : syste5i1e t"e ;roduction ;rocess0 T"e stitc"in! units o7 &ML "a=e latest and nu5ber o7 5ac"ines to 7ul7ill t"e custo5er need : re8uire5ents0 Total nu5ber o7 "el;ers in on daily wa!es in t"e w"ole stitc"in! unit is K2G0 T"ere are G00 5ac"ines in t"e 'S$ 3!eneral stitc"in! co5;any40
Quality is 5ost i5;ortant consideration w"ile ;roduction in &ML0 T"is is w"y t"e 8uality c"ec2s in stitc"in! de;art5ent are o7 =ery !ood le=el0 #n &is"at Sewin! La"ore< Acce;tance Quality Le=el 20A : AQL G00 is under ;ractice0 T"e &is"at Sewin! La"ore is a certi7ied 7or 8uality le=el 7ro5 5any or!ani1ations0 T"is s"ows t"at t"e Quality c"ec2s in &is"at Sewin! /nits are o7 international standards0 As t"e stitc"in! de;art5ent is t"e last de;art5ent be7ore t"e dis;atc" o7 !oods so a lot o7 res;onsibility co5es on its s"oulders0 T"ere are sa5;le roo5s in t"e stitc"in! units so as to 7ul7ill t"e sa5;le stitc"in! re8uire5ent 7or di77erent 5ar2ets to ensure custo5er satis7action0 0 So t"e abo=e is t"e brie7 o=er=iew o7 so5e o7 t"e &ML o;erations0 &ow weEll discuss t"e c"ances o7 7urt"er i5;ro=e5ent in &ML0 %x;ort Mar2etin! De;art5ent( T"e ex;ort de;art5ent o7 &is"at Mills Li5ited is 2nown to be t"e best 5ar2etin! de;art5ent in t"e w"ole textile industry because o7 t"e co55it5ent and dedication o7 e5;loyees< t"e deter5ination o7 wor2 : t"e best 5ana!e5ent syste50 &ML Mar2etin! "as a =ery stron! liaison wit" t"eir custo5ers around t"e world0 T"atEs w"y &ML "as di77erent se!5ents on t"e basis o7 di77erent re!ions li2e &ort" A5erica< Australia and %uro;e0 %=ery re!ion "as a di77erent %x;ort Mana!er and its w"ole sta770 T"e 5ar2etin! res;onsibility is not only to 6ust sales and 5ar2etin! it "as also to 7ind out new "ori1ons and new ways0 T"atEs w"y Mana!ers =isit to new Mar2ets around t"e world0

AM T%) .A#R
a5tex is a 7air o7 textile "eld in 'er5any on e=ery @anuary o7 t"e year in w"ic" all o=er t"e world well establis"ed or!ani1ations 5a2e t"eir dis;lay centers to attract new custo5ers0 T"is de;art5ent is res;onsible 7or t"e ex;ort o7 yarn< !rey clot" and ;rocessed 7iber0 T"is de;art5ent "as to 7ul7ill all t"e le!al re8uire5ents and ;re;are i5;ortant docu5ents in=ol=ed in t"e ex;ort o7 yarn< !rey clot" and ;rocessed 7iber0 T"is de;art5ent starts wor2in! 7ro5 !ettin! ;urc"ase order to deli=er t"e s"i;5ent to t"e buyer0

T"e ex;ort de;art5ent ;er7or5s B 5a6or 7unctions0 S"i;5ent o7 >arn< 'rey clot" : Processed .iber A7ter recei=in! ;ac2in! list 7ro5 s"i;;in! de;art5ent< ex;ort de;art5ents starts its 5ain 7unctions0 #t usually ;re;ares t"e 7ollowin! docu5ents to ensure t"e ti5ely s"i;5ent0 T"e 5ost co55only docu5ents w"ic" ex;ort de;art5ent "as to ;re;are and deal wit" are( Letter o7 $redit 3L?$4 ,ill o7 %xc"an!e $o55ercial #n=oice %x;ort Declaration .or5 $erti7icate o7 *ri!in Pac2in! List $usto5s #n=oice Textile Declaration .or5 #ns;ection $erti7icate S"i;;in! ,ill?,ill o7 lod!in!?Air +ay ,ill Manu7actureEs $erti7icate

Letter o7 $redit
Letter o7 credit is t"e conditional underta2in! on t"e re8uest o7 t"e i5;orter?buyer0 #t is also called docu5entary credit de7ined asJ HA written underta2in! by t"e ban2 o7 i5;orter i0e0 issuin! ban2 at t"e re8uest o7 buyer or i5;orter to 5a2e ;ay5ents at si!"t or at deter5inable 7uture date u;to stated su5 o7 5oney wit"in ;rescribed ti5e a!ainst sti;ulated docu5entsH0 .&ML ;arties are in=ol=ed in t"e ;ay5ent o7 t"e !oods< i0e0< t"e buyer< buyers ban2< bene7iciary< L0$0 ad=isin! ban20 A7ter clearance o7 t"e ex;ort docu5ents< ex;ort de;art5ent ne!otiate t"e ;a;ers wit" ban2 recei=e ;ay5ents 7ro5 t"e ban20 T"en &ML local ban2 sends docu5ents to t"e buyer ban2 and 7orei!n ban2 release ;ay5ent to &ML ban2 wit" t"e ;er5ission o7 t"e buyer0 Q/*TA S>ST%M Most o7 t"e custo5ers are A5erican and /0S0 'o=ern5ent allocate 8uota to t"ird world0 #n7ect 8uota is a 8uantitati=e restriction and 5ore t"an t"at canEt be s"i;;ed to A5erica 7ro5 a ;articular country

$LA#M .*R R%,AT% Rebate is actually a HDuty Draw ,ac2H0 T"e duty w"ic" an i5;orter ;ays to !o=ern5ent 7or t"e ;roduct t"at is re-ex;orted a7ter so5e ;rocess< t"en !o=ern5ent ;ays bac2 so5e o7 its ;art0 T"is ;ay bac2 o7 duty is called rebate0

M%&$'T#NG (T&%T'G)
T"e ;ast year "as been tou!" 7or t"e textile industry as co5;etition is steadily and 5ar!in o7 ;ro7its is beco5in! s5aller day-by-day0 *ur co5;etitors 7ro5 Asia "a=e co5e u; in a bi! way wit" lower ;rices resultin! 7ro5 lower
o=er"ead< c"ea;er and better raw 5aterials and 5ac"inery0 $ountries li2e $"ina< #ndonesia< #ndia and ,an!lades" ;layed an acti=e role in t"e 7abric 5ar2et0 #5;ro=e5ent in 8uality and ;roduction ca;ability was t"e 5ain area o7 concentration0 Mar2et 7or >arns and 'rey 7abrics was di=ersi7ied to increase t"e custo5er base and reduce de;endency on t"e .ar %ast0 #n t"is e77ort business wit" Malaysia< -orea< Taiwan< /- and Sout" A5erica was initiated in case o7 >arns0 A new s;innin! unit o7 2F<6K2 s;innin! "as also co55enced< w"ic" caters to t"e wea=in! units in S"ei2"u;ura0 #n case o7 'rey .abric 5ar2et business was initiated in Sout" A7rica< &ort" A5erica< @a;an< #taly< .rance< and Sri Lan2a etc0 Product ran!e was also increased to cater to t"e di77erin! needs o7 t"e buyers0 .ancy and s;ecial ite5s li2e Dobby Desi!ns< ,ed7ord $ords< and $a=airy Twills and stretc" 7abrics were de=elo;ed w"ic" are bein! sold at ;re5iu5 ;rices0 &ML "as constantly u;dated our 5ac"inery< re;lacin! old 5ac"ines wit" new ones u;!radin! t"e existin! set-u;< leadin! to better e77iciencies and 8uality ;roducts0 &is"at "as establis"ed its na5e in new 5ar2ets be creatin! s;eciali1ed 7abrics< desi!ns and also by ;ro=idin! our custo5ers wit" e77icient ser=ice and excellent 8uality0 Lea=in! be"ind t"e traditional way o7 doin! business and in our 6ourney towards excellent it "as consistently ex;anded its buyer base and ex;lored t"e di77erent 5ar2ets around t"e world0 -ee;in! in =iew de5and o7 t"e +orld 5ar2et< &is"at Mills Ltd ;ursued its strate!y o7 =alue addition and reducin! t"e de;endency on 'rey .abrics and 'rey >arn0 a=in! t"e 7oresi!"t to assess t"at in co5in! yearEs =alue addition will be t"e t"in! o7 t"e 7uture< &is"at Mills Li5ited wor2ed towards t"e ac"ie=e5ent o7 its !oal o7 7uture increasin! its ca;ability in =alue addition0 T"e ex;ort o7 ;rocessed 7abric and 5ade-/;s "as s"own 5ar2et i5;ro=e5ent as co5;ared to last year0 #n %uro;e< &is"at "as 5ade t"e 5ost !rowt" in t"e year FDDD0 #t "as ;laced us success7ully in t"e 5iddle to u;;er end o7 t"e 5ar2et0 *ur
stren!t" in %uro;e is t"e curtain di=ision0 T"is included yarn dyed dobbies< en!ineered con7ections< di77erent 7inis"es and e5bellis"ed ;roducts0 T"e ;lan is to continue wit" t"is winnin! strate!y and at t"e sa5e ti5e we are tryin! to 7ind new clients in t"e "i!" end0 +e are also ex;lorin! business o;;ortunities in countries li2e S;ain and .rance w"ere &is"at "as =ery little business at t"e 5o5ent0 &ort" A5erica is t"e star 5ar2et 7or &is"atJ itEs a new 5ar2et 7or it a7ter brea2in! u; t"e exclusi=e arran!e5ent wit" our ;re=ious sale set-u;0 T"e 8uota is co5in! down in 200A and we "a=e started to ;re;are 7or it internally as well as 7or t"e external en=iron5ent0 ,eddin! is t"e bul2 o7 t"e "o5e textile business0 &is"at is in t"e ;rocess o7 u;datin! its 5ac"inery to cater t"e needs o7 t"e wider widt" 7abric re8uire5ent 7or /SA beddin! business0 &is"at is also ta2in! u; t"e social accountability issues =ery seriously< w"ic" are so dear to t"e A5erican consu5ers0 Lot o7 bi! brand /S co5;anies "a=e =isited us and are discussin! t"e ;ossibilities o7 a 6oint =enture0 T"e o;;ortunities are li5itless< we "a=e to re=iew and analy1e t"e5 =ery t"orou!"ly to associates wit" t"e ri!"t ;eo;le in t"e lon! run0 #n t"e s"ort ter5 we are buildin! a s5all a5ount o7 8uota< w"ic" will !i=e us reco!nition as a beddin! su;;lier0 &is"at is =ery stron! in non-8uota cate!ories li2e curtain and table linen0 T"ese cate!ories are best ser=ed wit" new ;roduct de=elo;5ent 3&PD40 &is"at will coordinate t"e e77ort 7or &PD by all 5ar2ets to o;ti5i1e results0 &is"at "as ac"ie=ed t"e "i!"est sales in FDDD-2002 7or &ort" A5erica 5ar2et0 *n to; &is"at "as de=elo;ed 5ore direct and closer relations"i; wit" our end custo5ers0 *ceanic "as been our 5ost lucrati=e and 5ature 5ar2er0 #n business ter5s it is our Hcas" cowH 5ar2et0 Pri5arily due to bein! a non-8uota 5ar2et it "ad no real li5itations in t"is 5ar2et0 Des;ite econo5ic ;roble5s in t"at re!ion< it "as 5aintained our sales 7i!ures in t"e year under re=iew0 T"is 5ar2et is a !ood desi!n source 7or ot"er 5ar2ets< w"ic" is "el;in! us to 5aintain our ;rint =olu5es0 Middle %ast 5ar2et is co5;osed o7 Sout" A7rica and t"e new e5er!in! 5ar2ets li2e t"e /A%< %!y;t< Saudi Arabia< and @ordan etc0 &is"at "as dedicated new sta77 wit" 7res" ener!y 7or t"e e5er!in! 5ar2et0 T"ey "a=e success7ully bro2en t"e !round and we "a=e =ery stron! 7ait" t"at
t"ese 5ar2ets will !i=e us !ood =olu5es in t"e near 7uture0 +e are also tar!etin! ;rinted a;;arel business 7or t"e 7irst ti5e0 T"e latest addition is t"e 5ost a5bitious A;;arel Dyein! ;lant setu; near La"ore< w"ic" "as started its ;roduction0 T"e e77ecti=eness and ;roducti=ity o7 t"is ;lant will be 7urt"er en"anced< as &is"at Mills Ltd 5o=es towards beco5in! a 5ore =ertically inte!rated or!ani1ation0 *ur dyed 7abric "as already establis"ed its na5e in t"e 5ar2et0 #t is bein! ex;orted to so5e o7 t"e leadin! brands o7 t"e world0 &is"at "as increasin! its ;ro7itability by wor2in! e77iciently< ;rocurin! better raw 5aterial and 5ost i5;ortantly 2e;t a =ery close association wit" its costu5ers0 #t =isits its business ;artners 7re8uently and ;ro=ides t"e5 wit" t"e best ser=ice ;ossible0 All o7 t"e abo=e 5entioned ;oints led to stren!t"ened relations"i; wit" its business ;artners 5a2in! it =ery di77icult 7or its co5;etition to ;enetrate into its 5ar2et s"are0 &is"at "as ;ro=ided its sta77 wit" better wor2in! en=iron5ent and 7acilities< w"ic" en"anced e77iciency and out ;ut0 At &is"at< it is ;ros;erin! due to our ;ro7essional co55it5ent toward excellence and !i=in! t"e best results at all ti5es and a!ainst all odds0 #ts 5ar2etin! and ;roduction tea5s co-ordinance at all ti5es and it 7ocus re5ains on 5aintainin! its ;osition as t"e 5ar2et leader in t"e textile sector o7 Pa2istan0

Mar2etin! Process
#n8uiry costin! 8uote to custo5er

$"ec2 'rei!e Processin! cost ;er deli=ery A;;ro=al recei=ed Lab di;s?stri2e sa5;le P0* recei=ed?Sales $ontract sent
'rei!e boo2in!

Dyin!?;rintin! ;ro!ra5 issue

.abric ;rocessed

S"i;5ent sa5;le dis;atc"ed 7or a;;ro=al

S"i;5ent sa5;le a;;ro=ed

S"i;5ent dis;atc"ed

S+*T Analysis

%*, =@@627@@@1 *trong *ecurit# *#stem High $ualit# product 'atest mechani)ed machiner#. Tremendous market positioning Highl# $ualified and skilled management Highl# &otivated +orkforce .de$uate financial resources ompetitive advantage -$uipped with &%* *#stem ,wn power generation plant

High cost of production entrali)ed decision making +eak image in the international market *mall international market share 'ess promotional activities 'ack of benefits and rewards for the emplo#ees

,rgani)ation an expand product lines ,rgani)ation an capture new market segments around the world ,rgani)ation an reduce the cost b# proper utili)ation of resources ,rgani)ation an hire more well2educated and T"reats( experienced person New -ntr# of competitors !u#er needs demands changes Political instabilit# hanged of government policies "loball# -conomic instabilit#

*etail of (W+T %nalysis Stren!t"s(

#S* D00F-2000( &is"at textile is certi7ied under #S* D00F-2000 and so it 5eets t"e re8uire5ent o7 international standard and "as a =alue in t"e 5ind o7 concern ;eo;le0 Stron! Security Syste5 &is"at textile li5ited "as a !reater security syste50 T"ere are di77erent "idden security ca5eras w"ic" ca;ture t"e all 5o5ents0 *-T%) F00( &is"at is also *2tex F00 certi7ied its 5ean t"at &is"at is satis7ied to not usin! "a1ard c"e5ical usin!0 i!" 8uality ;roduct &is"at textile li5ited usin! ad=ance tec"nolo!y li2e t"ey "a=e 5odern 5ac"inery by w"ic" t"e 8uality o7 ;roduct ;roduced is =ery "i!"0 Latest 5ec"ani1ed 5ac"inery0 T"ey are usin! 5odern loo5s w"ic" t"ey "a=e ;urc"ased 7ro5 @a;an and .rance0 And by usin! t"at latest 5ac"inery t"e ;roducti=ity o7 t"e e5;loyees are =ery "i!"0
Tre5endous 5ar2et ;ositionin! &is"at textile is one o7 t"e ;ioneer textiles in t"e Pa2istan so it !ot t"e ;osition in t"e 5ind o7 its custo5er0 And bein! an old textile co5;any ;eo;le are loyal wit" it0 &is"at "as a better ;osition in t"e 5ind o7 its custo5ers0 i!"ly 8uali7ied and s2illed 5ana!e5ent

T"e 5ana!e5ent o7 &is"at is s2illed t"ey "a=e "ired t"e 7orei!n !raduate ;eo;le in t"eir 5ana!e5ent and also ex;erienced ;eo;le 7ro5 all o=er t"e country0 i!"ly Moti=ated +or27orce

T"ey are ;ro=idin! better ;ay to t"eir e5;loyees and also bonus to t"e5 w"ic" 5oti=ate t"e wor27orce and t"ey are doin! well at wor2 settin!0 Ade8uate 7inancial resources T"e owner o7 t"e &is"at is one o7 t"e ric"est ;ersons o7 t"e Pa2istan and t"ey "a=e 5ore ;lant and in=est5ent in ot"er industries li2e ce5ent< ,an2< T"ey "a=e ade8uate 7inancial resources to 5eet t"eir re8uire5ents0 $o5;etiti=e ad=anta!e ,ecause it is an old textile and it "as still 2ee; its ;osition in t"e textile 5ar2et on all ot"ers co5;etitors in t"e nation wide w"ic" is its co5;etiti=e ad=anta!e0 %8ui;;ed wit" M#S Syste5 T"ey "a=e a 5ana!e5ent in7or5ation syste5 by w"ic" t"e de;art5ents and e5;loyees are connect wit" eac" ot"er and t"ey "a=e a data ware "ouse by w"ic" t"ey can s"are t"eir resources easily0 *wn ;ower !eneration ;lant T"ey "a=e own ;ower !eneration ;lant and &is"at is t"e ;ioneer in t"e ;ri=ate or!ani1ation w"o start t"e ;ower !eneration0 And also sellin! to t"e +APDA its ;roduced ;ower0


i!" cost o7 ;roduction

T"e ;roduction cost is "i!" because o7 not ;ro;erly utili1ation o7 its resources0 $entrali1ed decision 5a2in! T"e decisions are 5ade by t"e u;;er 5ana!e5ent w"ic" is wea2ness o7 t"e &is"at because t"ey "a=e no ;ro;er idea about t"e situation and t"eir decision can be not 7ruit7ul 7or t"e co5;any0 +ea2 i5a!e in t"e international 5ar2et ,ecause o7 t"e ot"er textile s;eciali1ed countries li2e $"ina< ,an!lades" etc t"e international i5a!e in t"e textile sector is =ery wea20 T"ose countries ;ro=idin! c"ea; ;roduct to t"e 5ar2et t"en Pa2istanEs textile industries0 S5all international 5ar2et s"are Alt"ou!" &is"at "as =ery stron! in t"e national wide but it "as s5all 5ar2et s"are in t"e !lobal textile industry due to t"e sound co5;etitors li2e c"ina< and ,an!lades" etc

Less ;ro5otional acti=ities T"e ad=ertisin! and ;ro5otional cost o7 t"e &is"at textile is =ery low it can ta2e ad=anta!e 7or 5ore turnouts0

Lac2 o7 bene7its and rewards 7or t"e e5;loyees So5e 7acilities t"at ot"er ;ro=idin! to t"eir e5;loyees li2e Trans;ort and 5edical 7ee etc &is"at not ;ro=idin! to t"eir e5;loyees because o7 w"ic" t"e ;roducti=ity o7 t"e e5;loyees decrease0

*r!ani1ation $an ex;and ;roduct lines $urrently t"e &is"at not dealin! in 2nitwear t"ey can ex;and t"eir ;roduct line by ;roducin! 2nitwear0 T"ey "a=e ;lants and t"e extra cost 7or t"e ;roduction will be low 7or &is"at0 And t"ey also "a=e better 5ar2et re;ute0 *r!ani1ation $an reduce t"e cost by ;ro;er utili1ation o7 resources #7 t"e cost o7 di77erent 5atters w"ic" is not utili1in! ;ro;erly is controlled by t"e &is"at 5ana!e5ent t"ey can ;roduce 5ore in a 7ew costs0 #t "as to de=elo; a 7urt"er syste5atic ;rocess 7or controllin! and 5ana!in! resources0 *r!ani1ation $an "ire 5ore well-educated and ex;erienced ;erson T"ey can ta2e ad=anta!es by "irin! 5ore s2illed ;eo;le and t"ey s"ould "ire youn!< 7res" and ener!etic sta77 7or t"eir better5ent0

,uyer needs de5ands c"an!es ,ecause o7 t"e researc" and de=elo;5ent t"e desi!n and t"e ;roduct o7 &is"at is 6ust satis7actory as co5;are to co5;etitors in t"e !lobally and t"ey are not 7ul7illin! t"e de5and o7 custo5er0 Political instability Political instability e77ects t"e &is"at because o7 t"e 8uota syste5 t"e co5;any can be restrict by t"e !o=ern5ent to ex;ort0 $"an!ed o7 !o=ern5ent ;olicies 'o=ern5ent ;olicies are c"an!in! day to day so it is a t"reat 7or t"e &is"at to sur=i=e in suc" a c"an!eable situation0 'lobally %cono5ic instability ,ecause o7 t"e econo5ic instability t"e &is"at a77ected a lot0 Du5;in! syste5 w"ic" is risin! on daily basis in t"e world can create 5any ;roble5s 7or t"e co5;any and any uncertainty in t"e world li2e D?FF 5ay a77ect also t"e o=erall ex;ort0

P%ST Analysis
Political #nstability0 T"e ;olitical situation o7 Pa2istan is not satis7actory0 Due to t"e ra;id c"an!e in t"e 'o=ern5ent e=ery !o=ern5ent sets its own new trade ;olicies0 'o=t0 s"ould a;;ly sustainable ;olicies 7or t"e bene7icial o7 t"e ex;orters as well as t"e in=estors0 %cono5ic situation( T"e econo5ic condition o7 Pa2istan can also a77ect t"e 7orei!n in=estors increasin! in7lation rate 5a2e t"e cost o7 ;roduction "i!" and t"us reduce t"e ;ro7it 5ar!in o7 t"e in=estor0 Social situation( T"e c"an!e in t"e li7estyle o7 t"e ;eo;le a77ects t"e !rowin! de5and o7 t"e &TM ;roducts0 T"e c"an!e in t"e li7estyle and needs in di77erent de5o!ra;"ics also a77ect t"e de5and o7 t"e custo5ers0 Due to all t"ese c"an!es &TM is ;er7or5in! excellent 7or t"e excellence or!ani1ation as well as 7or t"e custo5er0 Tec"nolo!ical 7actor( Tec"nolo!ical ad=ance5ent in all t"e sectors o7 t"e country "as c"an!ed t"e entire socio-econo5ic en=iron5ent0 %s;ecially in t"e textile sector t"ere is a lot o7 tec"nolo!ical de=elo;5ent0 &TM %xcellent co5;uteri1ed 5ac"ines and de=ices are installed in t"e
&TM O"as 5ade extension in its ;resent setu; by installation o7 well ad=anced tec"nolo!y i5;orted 7ro5 @a;an $"ina and .rance0

Learnin! as internee
#t was a tre5endous ex;erience t"at # "a=e a=ailed wit" de=otion and co55it5ent0 # "a=e an interest in textile industry t"atEs because Textile is t"e bac2 bone o7 t"e econo5y o7 t"e country0 ,ut one t"in! # want to s"are its not easy t"at loo2s it "as a !reat tou!"ness and co5;lications in its ;rocess but t"e o=erall it was nice and !reat0 ere # a5 s"arin! so5e o7 5y learnin! re!ardin! 5y interns"i; in di77erent de;art5ents0 .irst # 5et Mr0 >os"i7u5i &ariya5a t"e sales re;resentati=e o7 -A&A# 7ro5 @APA& w"o ca5e to introduce so5e new ;roducts in &ML0 # discussed about t"e 5ar2etin! ;ractices !oin! on in t"e international Textile 5ar2et0 #e to tar!et your custo5er a7ter 2nowin! needs wit" ;roduct solution o7 t"e custo5er need0 #n t"e s;innin! unit # "a=e learnt about t"e yarn construction and t"e yarn s;eci7ication and t"e ;rocess o7 cotton to yarn0 # learnt t"at e=ery ;roble5 is sol=ed wit" a syste5atic ;rocess li2e 7ro5 t"e root o7 t"e ;roble50 # also ;er7or5ed so5e tas2 in t"e s;innin! de;art5ent li2e "ow to calculate t"e no o7 7ra5es 7or a s;eci7ic order and "ow 5any days are re8uire 7or a s;eci7ic order0 # learnt about t"e 5ar2etin! ;rocedure and re8uired o7 t"e docu5ents and dealin! wit" custo5ers0 All t"e record is sa=ed0 Durin! 5y interns"i; # learnt about t"e =alue t"at custo5er is t"e only w"o co5e 7irst0 T"e 7ul7ill5ent o7 t"e de5and o7 custo5er is our basic 5oti=e0 T"e 8uality control as well ince;tion in t"e textile de;art5ent s"ould be ;arallel0 # learnt about t"e R ;olicies t"at "ow 5any ty;es o7 "irin! &is"at textile R

li5ited is usin!0 And w"at are t"e ;rocedures o7 t"e &is"at about 5atters0
# learnt t"at in t"e textile sector t"e cuttin! and stitc"in! based on two rules o 3Len!t"4 3Len!t"4 o 3widt"4 3Len!t"4


&is"at Mills Li5ited is one o7 t"e leadin! !rou;s in Pa2istan0 T"e syste5< t"e 5ana!e5ent style< t"e ;olicies : decentrali1ed decision 5a2in! en=iron5ent is really re5ar2able0 T"is re;ort is basically an atte5;t to identi7y t"e areas w"ic" need to be i5;ro=ed0 #n t"is era o7 tec"nolo!y< t"e H#n7or5ationH is t"e 2ey to success in t"e business0 T"is 5eans t"at t"e success7ul business5an will be w"o will "a=e t"e ri!"t in7or5ation at t"e ri!"t ti5e0 T"is co55ent leads to t"e conclusion t"at t"e #n7or5ation S"arin! Process s"ould really be i5;ro=ed0

T"e o=erall analysis is indicatin! t"at t"e co5;anyEs ;ro!ress "as 5ainly attained t"rou!" dedication o7 e5;loyees0 T"e e77ecti=eness o7 its 5ana!e5ent< t"eir willin!ness to ta2e ad=anta!e o7 o;;ortunities and 7ace c"allen!es o7 c"an!in! econo5ic ;icture< t"is all contributes to t"e =ery 5uc" i5;ro=ed and sound ;osition o7 co5;any0 T"is is really a;;reciable 7or t"e de=otion and "ard wor2 o7 all t"e e5;loyees o7 t"e co5;any

Reco55endations 7or #5;ro=e5ents are(
At ;resent 7acility o7 bonus is !i=en only to ;roduction sta77 but suc" incenti=es s"ould also be !i=en to ead o77ice Sta770 S;ecial incenti=es s"ould also be !i=en to ead on %id and on ot"er s;ecial days s"ould be !i=en to t"e wor2ers0 Medical 7acilities are !i=en in 5ill but suc" 7acilities s"ould also be !i=en to 5ana!e5ent0 Di77erent trainin! courses s"ould be arran!ed 7or t"e u; li7tin! and i5;ro=in! t"e 8uality o7 wor2 7or e5;loyees T"ey ;ro=ide trans;ortation 7acility to only 7e5ale e5;loyees # t"in2 5ale s"ould also be ;ro=ided wit" con=eyance con=enience0 T"is will create t"e easiness 7or wor2ers and reduce t"e wasta!e o7 ti5e0 T"ere is also a ;roble5 o7 wor2 o=erload 7or t"e e5;loyees and it s"ould be control ;ro;erly so t"at t"e e5;loyees are 5oti=ated0 %5;loyees s"ould be ;aid extra 7or t"e wor2 w"ic" t"ey done a7ter wor2in! "ours0

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