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Cardiff Sufi Group

Weekly Readings

Returning: Taking Responsibility for Self

This weeks readings continue our exploration of the theme of returning. We suggest this four step approach to working with this selection: Read this selection, out loud if possible, se en times. !well upon the phrase or sentence that touches you. "sk yourself what rele ance or application this has to yourself. #inally, sit in the afterglow of these reflections and open yourself to whate er new insight or message the !i ine might ha e for you.

Text One " thorn in the foot is hard to find. What about a thorn in the heart$ %f e eryone saw the thorn in his heart, when would sorrow gain the upper hand$ &'.'()*+, Text Two -eware. !on/t allow yourself to do what you know is wrong, relying on the thought, 01ater % will repent and ask 2od/s forgi eness.0 True repentance flashes inside and rains tears. Such lightning and clouds are needed. Without the lightning of the heart and the rain storms of the eyes, how shall the fire of !i ine wrath be calmed$ 3ow shall the greenery grow and fountains of clear water pour forth$ &).'4()*(4,

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