Chevron Oil Company Appointment Letter

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# 771 Chevron Layouts Marine Base, Lagos State. Nigeria. Email: chevroncareerteam@gmail.


Job Ref:CVPLC/OFD/1GW10/NIG46-01





We refer to your earlier forwarded application for jo en!a!e"ent wit# relation$ to t#e %HE&RON OIL %OMPAN' NI() (a$ *larin! Project in Ni!eria and jo reference Nu" er: JobRef:CVPLC/OFD/1GW10/NIG46--01. On t#e a o+e $u ject "atter, t#e %HE&RON OIL %OMPAN' NI( "ana!e"ent #ere y con!ratulate$ you on your $ucce$$ful e"er!ence a$ed on detailed recruit"ent y our official recruit"ent con$ultant$) O-R %AREER TEAM. *urt#er detail$ are a$ follow$: DE/I(NATION: /NR: ELE%TRI%AL EN(INEER /ALAR': USD $21,920.00 (Twenty One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty Dollars only) onthly!ta"e#ho e ($%ter ta&), Sterlin' or (uros e)ui*alent de+endin' on ho e ,ountry and ,urren,y +re%eren,e.

0O1 LO%ATION: In t#e oil ric# Ni!er Delta re!ion of Ni!eria. /TART DATE: 'ou $#all e e2pected to re$u"e on $ite on t#e 34t# of MA' 5667. Herein, you #a+e een forwarded e"ployer$8 prototype of contract ter"$ and condition$ +ia e9"ail :Attac#ed; for your peru$al and di!e$t) on your $ati$faction and a!ree"ent wit# ter"$ and re$pon$e, you $#all e e2pected to $tart your jo proce$$e$ and will e $ent #ard copy of contract docu"ent t#rou!# t#e DHL courier $er+ice$ for endor$e"ent +ia your Local Repre$entati+e. A!ree"ent$ will al$o e $i!ned durin! t#e jo proce$$e$. 0O1 PRO%EEDIN(<RE=-IREMENT: 'ou $#all e re>uired to furni$# u$ wit# your +alid Ni!eria re$idence and wor? per"it$ paper$ on or efore t#e @3$t of MA' 5667 a$ a proof of readine$$ to join t#e %HE&RON OIL %OMPAN' NI( project tea" in t#e due ti"e a$ $tipulated a o+e for your jo re$u"ption wit# t#e %HE&RON OIL %OMPAN' NI( in Ni!eria and al$o to ena le you recei+e your fir$t "ont#ly $alary includin! your due entitle"ent$<e"olu"ent$ prior to your departure for $er+ice$ wit# t#e %HE&RON OIL %OMPAN' NI( in Ni!eria. Howe+er, for e2patriate $er+ice$ e"ployee$ w#o do not pre$ently po$$e$ t#eir +alid Ni!eria re$idence and Wor? Per"it$ paper$, t#ey are to "a?e contact wit# t#e addre$$ !i+en elow for directi+e$ and a$$i$tance on t#e ac>ui$ition and procure"ent of t#eir +alid re$idence and wor? per"it$ paper$ wit# t#e Ni!erian I""i!ration /er+ice$ #ere in Ni!eria. NI(ERIAN IMMI(RATION /ER&I%E/ LA(O/ /TATE, NI(ERIA. E9Mail: i Tel: *a2: i!"atio##i!e"ia$%ot ai&.'o A5@B 76C 5@5 436C A5@B975 55D537 HEAD O* &I/A<PERMIT/ OPERATION/.

%ontact Per$on: Dr. WILLIAM/ O/A(E De$i!nation:

Note t#at all Ni!erian a$ed e"ployee$E are to report per$onally to our office wit# identification "aterial$ for $i!nin! and collection of #ard copy of t#eir contract docu"ent$. T#i$ i$ in line wit# t#e e2patriate $tatuary law of t#e *ederal Repu lic of Ni!eria in co"pliance wit# t#e -.N. Terrori$" Act. *ind attac#ed for ot#er nece$$ary related detail$ of jo .

%on!ratulation$ on your $ucce$$F

MR.DEPRI'E DAPPA HEAD, EGP. EMPLO'EE RELATION/ %HE&RON %AREER TEAM %%: (eneral Mana!er, E2patriate Tec#nical /upport /er+ice$, %HE&RON OIL %OMPAN' NI(.

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