Delicious Fruit - Activity 1

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Whats your news? Delicious fruit

1, Watch the fruit experts and order the pictures.





, Circle the words. Watch again. Which fruit are the children eating!

", Watch and listen. Circle the correct word. A # Grant: Nathan, what fruit do $ou like! Nathan: % like pineapple / strawberries / raspberries. & # Antony: And what fruit do $ou take to school with $ou! Chaitun: 'ust cherries / apples / oranges. C # Antony: What kind of fruit do $ou like! Saskia: Strawberries / (rapes / &ananas. ) # Gooblee: *ello, Amara, it+s nice to see $ou, )o $ou like fruit! Amara: Aaaaaa Gooblee: Amara sa$s, -es / No ., What+s $our fa/ourite fruit! 0urn o/er the page and draw $our fa/ourite fruit. Answers

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