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Subject Area: Science Gra e Le!e": 3rd Grade In%tructiona" Objecti!e&%':

Specific Content: Global Climate Zones. Len#t$ of Le%%on: 40 minutes

Day One: The learner will predict the climate o our di erent cities around the world. State Content Stan ar ( )enc$*ar+ ( Gra e Le!e" E,pectation: The learner will describe weather conditions and climate !desert" hot and dry# continental" seasonal# tropical" hot and moist# and polar" cold$.* Unit Objecti!e: Same as the Content Standard abo%e. Ye%ter a/0% Le%%on: The prior unit was about weather e%ents and ended with learnin& about climate to &et students thin'in& about &lobal climates. .o*orro10% Le%%on: (n small &roups" the learners will collect temperature data or their cities o%er i%e days" determine the most e ecti%e way to or&ani)e their data on a chart" and create the chart or display. Prere2ui%ite 3no1"e #e or )e$a!ior% Nee e : S+i""% The students will need to be amiliar with *ournalin& and ma'in& predictions on their own. The students will also need to be amiliar with how to research what li e is li'e in di erent cities around the world and how to create a +ower+oint. Concept% The students will be amiliar with the scienti ic method includin& how to ma'e a hypothesis and rationales and be able to &i%e support or them. The students 'now &lobal land and water ormations and ma*or world cities. They 'now the basic types o daily weather.

)e$a!ior% The students will need to know how to work individually and in groups of four. 4$/ i% t$e Content of .o a/0% Le%%on Re"e!ant for Your Stu ent%5 The students will be&in to understand that climates %ary rom city to city around the world. ,ust because we mi&ht ha%e snow in -ichi&an durin& ,anuary does not mean that there is snow in .ew Zealand durin& ,anuary. This lesson will also use s'ills such as prediction and rationale" which are used re/uently in science. This lesson also pro%ides the oundation or uture lessons in which the students will continue to e0plore how and where climates %ary. Materia"%: 1ar&e world map mar'ed with color coded pushpins Student *ournals 4$ere are /our *ateria"% to be +ept unti" t$eir u%e urin# t$e "e%%on5 The world map is already stapled to a bulletin board in the room and mar'ed with color coded pushpins. The students already ha%e *ournals that they ha%e been usin& throu&hout the year. 4$en 1i"" /our *ateria"% be pa%%e out5 .23 6o1 1i"" *ateria"% be pa%%e out5 Mo e" of .eac$in#7 (n/uiry Proce ure%7 Intro uction Tell students about their research and +ower+oint presentation on cities around the world. En#a#e(Re!ie1 prior +no1"e #e Direct the students attention to a lar&e world map that has been mar'ed with pushpins and re%iews climate. 4ho remembers the scienti ic word we use to describe a &uess or prediction we ha%e made about somethin&5 4hat word do we use to describe our reasons or belie%in& somethin&5 E,p"oration .23

Students ha%e to thin' about the location o their cities and predict in their *ournals what they thin' the climate will be or each city in ,une" ,uly" and 3u&ust. The students will ha%e to e0plain their rationale or their hypothesis. E!a"uation7 The e%aluation or this lesson will occur later when the teacher re%iews the students6 hypotheses and durin& the ne0t class when they share their predictions. C"o%ure7 The teacher reminds the students o what they should *ournal. 6o1 i /ou a re%% %tu ent "earnin# %t/"e% urin# t$i% "e%%on5

8i%ua" The lar&e world map posted in the room will help the learners %isuali)e where there cities are located. Au itor/ The auditory learner will bene it rom %erbal instructions" the class discussion o the scienti ic method" and wor'in& in a small &roup where communication is essential. 3ine%t$etic The 'inesthetic learner will not bene it as much rom this lesson. 7owe%er" the teacher could easily incorporate a brain &ym acti%ity to include mo%ement. .acti"e 3n idea to incorporate this learnin& style would be to ha%e &lobes set8up around the classroom which the students can handle and use to locate their cities. A%%e%%*ent Criteria7 4$at tan#ib"e e!i ence 1i"" e*on%trate /our %tu ent%0 "earnin# to a/5 9ach student has complete *ournal entry and identi ied a reasonable hypothesis and rationale. 4$at 1i"" be con%i ere 2ua"it/ 1or+5 ( the students completed their *ournal assi&nment with thou&ht and e ort they will recei%e the ull points or this e0ercise. The students may not ha%e all the ri&ht answers seein& as how they are ma'in& predictions. 7owe%er" i the student has made an attempt at a reasonable hypotheses and rationale" their wor' should be considered /uality. Do /ou nee a rubric to %tructure /our a%%e%%*ent5 3 rubric would be necessary or the *ournal e0ercise.

Gen er or cu"tura" concern% *a/ affect /our in%tructiona" or a%%e%%*ent c$oice% in t$i% "e%%on9 If appropriate: i entif/ t$e%e an e%cribe $o1 /ou 1i"" a re%% t$e*9 Gender considerations will be made in that both male and emale students will be treated e/ually. Call on both male and emale students alternately to insure that each &roup o students is participatin&. +resentation &roups will ha%e both male and emale students. 3 cultural consideration would be to assi&n a student who may ha%e come rom another country" a city in that country to research since they already may be amiliar with it. In%tructiona" Mo ification% ; De%cribe a %tu ent in /our c"a%% 1$o $a% %pecia" nee %9 Con%i er $o1 /ou *i#$t *o if/ /our in%truction an ( or a%%e%%*ent for t$i% %tu ent9 .ra itiona" print: Internet an NE.S re%ource% can a%%i%t /ou9 One student in the class is monolin&ual in Spanish. She understands %ery little 9n&lish and cannot spea' any. Since the students are doin& +ower +oints later in the unit" there will be many %isuals. The teacher can learn main %ocabulary words rom this unit in Spanish to ma'e sure she understands the main concepts. (n addition" since there are other students in the class who spea' Spanish" the teacher will pair her with one o these students so they can translate or her as needed. .ec$no"o#/ ; 4$at tec$no"o#/ *i#$t en$ance t$i% "e%%on or t$i% unit at %o*e point5 .ra itiona" print: Internet an NE.S re%ource% can a%%i%t /ou9 :or the research portion o this lesson and or the +ower +oints the students will need access to the (nternet and computers. 3n o%erhead and pro*ector will also be needed the day o the presentations. 6o1 1i"" /ou pro!i e practice for t$i% objecti!e to en%ure t$at /our %tu ent% *a%ter t$i% content5 ;ased on what the students may 'now about weather and climate" the teacher could ha%e the students ma'e a prediction and orecasts or a &i%en city or location at the be&innin& o each subse/uent lesson.

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