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Lesson Plan Template- ASL III

Student Name: Catherine Scaffidi Grade Level: 3-5 Su !ect: Geo"raph# $ate: %arch &'( )'&&

Instructional %odel: Inte"rative %odel Lesson Title: Around the *orld Content +sta lished Goals: Social Studies Grade 4 A.4.2 Locate on a map or globe physical features such as continents, oceans, mountain ranges, and land forms, natural features such as resources, flora, and fauna; and human features such as cities, states, and national borders. E.4. Gi!e e"amples and e"plain ho# language, stories, fol$ tales, music, and other artistic creations are e"pressions of culture and ho# they con!ey $no#ledge of other peoples and cultures. Science Grade 4 %.4.& Select multiple sources of information to help ans#er 'uestions selected for classroom in!estigations. %.4.( )se data they ha!e collected to de!elop e"planations and ans#er 'uestions generated by in!estigations.

,nderstandin"s: Students -ill understand that ./ . *he #orld is made up of regions that are !ery different from each other in terms of climate, geography, animal life, and culture. 2. *he )nited States itself contains a !ariety of climate +ones and geographical features, abundant animal life, and many cultures.

+ssential 0uestions: ,o# does #eather ha!e a positi!e or negati!e effect on the en!ironment and the people that li!e in that en!ironment,o# are humans and animals able to adapt to challenging en!ironments.hat are some symbols of your o#n cultural celebrations and #hat do they represent,o# does your culture !ie# the family unit- .hat importance does it ha!e on daily life1no-led"e and S2ill 3 !ectives: Content ali"ned -ith product .hat content and processes are needed to demonstrate understandingStudent -ill 2no- a out.$ey facts, ideas, !ocabulary associated #ith the climate, geography, animal life and culture of !arious #orld regions. Students #ill also $no# that the )nited States itself contains a !ariety of climates, geographies, and animal life #ithin its !arious regions. Students -ill e a le to do.students #ill be connect !arious components of #orld cultures to their o#n; research different information about climate, geography, animal life and culture; complete a matri" #ith the aforementioned information; and locate physical features on !arious maps.

%aterials45esources4Technolo"#: .orld map or globe /rinted and online reference materials 0utline maps of the countries studied %omputer #ith 1nternet access Product Assessment of Student 3utcomes2 3ormati!e Assessment2 Students #ill research their topics utili+ing the internet and !arious boo$s. Students #ill demonstrate their $no#ledge by completing a matri" #ith !arious cultural, geographic, animal life and culture. Students #ill compare and contrast their o#n cultural $no#ledge #ith the information that they find out. Students #ill be able to locate physical features on !arious maps. Summati!e Assessment2 Students #ill continually demonstrate their ability to connect cultures by ma$ing inferences throughout the semester. Students #ill continually utili+e their abilities to research !arious topics, in multiple sub4ects throughout the semester. Students #ill display their $no#ledge of these cultures on a unit presentation about their selected culture. Process Instructional Strate"ies( Adaptations( and Learnin" Activities 2 *he goal of this acti!ity is to gi!e students a good sense of some of the ma4or geographical and cultural differences in the #orld #ith a focus on Antarctica, one part of Australia, parts of eastern Asia 56epal and %hina7, and one part of south#estern Asia 50man7, an area also $no#n as the 8iddle East. 0n other imaginary trips around the #orld, you and your class #ill choose to focus on a different selection of countries and continents. 9egin by telling your students that they are going to imagine tra!eling to se!eral parts of the #orld that you:!e pic$ed out. Either no# or as you go along, identify the parts of the #orld, and point them out on a large #orld map or a globe2 Antarctica Australia 6epal and %hina in Asia 0man in the 8iddle East Phase I: Gather $ata usin" the %atri6 as a Guide E"plain that you and the students #ill stay in each part of the #orld as long as it ta$es to gather at least four pieces of information about it2 A piece of information about its #eather A piece of information about its landforms A piece of information about its animal life A piece of information about its culture Gi!e students charts #ith ro#s labeled according to the #orld regions mentioned abo!e and columns labeled according to the four different pieces of information students #ill search for in each region. Phase II: $escri e( Compare and Search for Patterns *ell students to imagine that they ha!e 4ust been flo#n to the continent $no#n as Antarctica. 9ased on pictures and other reference materials that you #ill ma$e a!ailable to students, ha!e them tell you #hat they can figure out about Antarctica:s #eather, geography, and animals.

*ell or re!ie# #ith students that culture means ;the #ay of life, ideas, customs, and traditions of a group of people.; Go on to admit to students that it:s hard to figure out #hat to say about the culture of the people in Antarctica because there are so fe# people li!ing there. 6e!ertheless, as$ students to thin$ about the people #ho are sent to #or$ in Antarctica #ith a fe# other people for many months at a stretch. As$, ;.hat are the ad!antages and disad!antages of being #ith a small number of other people for a long time-; %hallenge students to figure out ho# far it is from the northern tip of Antarctica to the <imberley /lateau on the northern edge of .estern Australia. /oint out that by tra!eling from Antarctica to the <imberley, students #ill find themsel!es in a land totally #ithout sno#. 9ut this part of Australia has its o#n unusual climate 5unusual by ).S. standards7. After you tell students that one=half of the year in the <imberley is $no#n as the dry, as$ them to guess #hat the other si" months are $no#n as. 3ollo# up #ith other 'uestions that students should be able to ans#er by chec$ing reference materials2 ,o# #et does it get in the northern region of Australia during ;the #et;- ,o# do people tra!el in that region during the #et.hile it may be relati!ely simple for students to identify or describe the #eather, the geography, and the animals in this part of Australia, you may ha!e to help them learn about and appreciate the complicated array of its cultures, #hich, in part, includes the culture of the people descended from Europeans, the culture of the people descended from Asians, and the culture of the aborigines, #ho ha!e li!ed in Australia for tens of thousands of years. %ontinuing on your 4ourney to obser!e #eather, geography, animals, and culture in different parts of the #orld, tell students they are no# going to !isit the ,imalayan mountains. ,a!e them sho# you on a map or globe or e"plain by reference to compass points in #hat direction they can tra!el to get from the <imberley in Australia to the ,imalayas. 1n the ,imalayas, once again as$ students to tell you #hat they notice about the #eather, the geography, and the animals. As #ith the first t#o stops on your imaginary trip, it #ill be harder to figure out #hat to say about the cultures in the region>unless your school community has people #ho practice the religions of Asia>for e"ample, 9uddhism, ,induism, and *aoism. *he ne"t stop is %hina. As #ith Australia, you should pic$ one area #ithin %hina for your students: imaginary !isit >say, the ,unan pro!ince. 0nce again, ha!e students do research to identify #eather, geography, and animals in ,unan. .hen it comes to culture in ,unan, your students should disco!er that %hina as a #hole has one of the oldest ci!ili+ations in the #orld. ?irect students to find out interesting facts about the %hinese language, holidays obser!ed in %hina, and ancient arts of %hina. 0man in the 8iddle East is the final stop on this #orld tour. Although technically still part of Asia, this stop #ill introduce your students to still another climate, geography, and animal population>as #ell as yet another set of cultures. 1n many parts of the )nited States, your students #ill include 1slamic youngsters, so the other students should be able to learn about 1slamic culture. Phase III: Similarities 7 $ifferences As your class returns from its #orld tour, a good #ay to #rap up this lesson about similarities and differences across the #orld is to re!ie# each of the areas: 5 7 climatic conditions, 527 geographical features, 5&7 animal life, and 547 cultures #ith the purpose of seeing #hich, if any, e"ist right here in the )nited States of America. Phase I8 7 8: 9#pothesi:e 3utcomes for $ifferent Conditions and ;ormin" <road 5elationships *he follo#ing 'uestions should be used to form hypotheses, #hich #ill later transform into broad relationships and conclusions. . ?iscuss possible reasons #hy e"plorers #ould decide to remain in Antarctica during the #inter. .ould you- .hat are some of the character traits that e"plorers li$e these might ha!e- 1dentify some people you $no# #ho ha!e these traits. 2. %onsider and discuss the sur!i!al s$ills of Antarctic animals. ,o# ha!e they adapted to their challenging en!ironment-


?escribe the effects of the rainy season and e!aluate the e"tent to #hich they are positi!e or negati!e.

4. Sometimes information about a country is gi!en as an a!erage. .hy might it not be especially helpful to $no# about the a!erage rainfall in this northern part of Australia(. Australia is both a continent and a country. ?ebate #hether this is also true for Antarctica. ?o the same for Greenland, usually considered the #orld:s largest island and not a continent. @. .hy is a !isit to 6epal li$e ;coming to the roof of the #orld;- 1f 6epal is comparable to the ;roof of the #orld,; because of its mountainous location, #hat country or countries might be called the ;basement of the #orld;A. ?iscuss the regard people may ha!e for a lama. 9ac$ up your statements #ith any supporting e!idence you can locate. 1dentify and describe any people you might hold in similar regard. B. 1n the !illage of 8ustang some boys #ill be selected to go a#ay to school for C years. ?iscuss ho# they might feel about this e"perience. ,o# #ould you feelD. %ompare life in the !illage of 8ustang to your life. .hat are the similarities and differences- %onsider the e"tent to #hich people in both en!ironments feel that their li!es are full and complete. ?iscuss the elements contributing to the degree of satisfaction people, especially children, feel in both settings. C. %ompare the %hinese celebration of the 6e# Eear to other 6e# Eear:s celebrations.

. /art of the %hinese 6e# Eear:s celebration is dedicated to the rene#al of family ties and the chance to honor elders and ancestors. ?iscuss the e"tent to #hich you rene# family ties and honor elders and ancestors during any of your celebrations during the year. 2. 9anners appear on door#ays to e"tend good #ishes during the %hinese 6e# Eear:s celebration. /aper lanterns appear on the last night. *he red fire symboli+es prosperity and reenergi+ing of the spirit. 1dentify some of the symbols of your cultural celebrations and discuss #hat they mean or represent. &. 8ohammed regarded his pet camel as strong, fast, and determined. ?iscuss the 'ualities you see in your pet or the pet of someone you $no#. *hen discuss #hat you thin$ are the best #ays of caring for a pet. 4. %ompare schools in 0man or in another 8iddle Eastern country #ith your school. %onsider impro!ements you might ma$e to both. (. Although 8ohammed did not recei!e a pri+e for #inning the camel race, he still regarded his !ictory as a great honor. ?iscuss the possibility of #inning a contest, but not recei!ing a pri+e. ?escribe #hat you thin$ your feelings might be.

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