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First Responders

Did you know that Albemarle has fully trained teams of First Responders located at all of our locations? Trained in First Response, CPR (in adult, children and infants , A!D and blood borne patho"ens, these #olunteers are prepared and $ualified for times of serious medical emer"ency% !ach #olunteer in the &%'% has participated in a mandatory ()*hour trainin" pro"ram durin" their first year of ser#ice, as well as a re*certification of +*,hours annually% The Responders located in the plants ha#e e.tra trainin" due to the ha/ardous incidents that could happen at those locations% The team located at the 0aton Rou"e Tower meets to participate in e.ercises and drills durin" their $uarterly !mer"ency Response Team (!RT meetin"s% These e.ercises represent potential emer"encies that could take place at the 0aton Rou"e Tower (0RT % Durin" this past $uarterly meetin" on 1uly ,2 at the 0RT, the Responders were presented with a new piece of e$uipment, an A!D 3achine, which is a portable electronic de#ice that is able to treat certain life threatenin" cardiac issues% This machine has a built in tool that "uides the user throu"h the entire resuscitation process% The machine also "i#es feedback durin" the procedure to ensure that each step is done with accuracy% 1ennifer 4ueho, Albemarle5s nurse practitioner and the 0RT5s First Responder team leader, e.plained, 67eepin" cool in an emer"ency is important% 8ur new A!D machine helps our responders with clear labels, #ocal step*by*step instructions, as well as feedback% For e.ample, if the responder9s compressions are too shallow durin" CPR, the machine instructs the responder the depth and pace at which to push% Althou"h we hope to ne#er use it, our first responders are happy to ha#e the latest e$uipment a#ailable in the e#ent a situation rises%6 8ur 0RT First Responder members include 0randi :are/, 0ill Tompley, ;eath 0rashier, 3aria Rowland, ;al <ancon and 1ennifer 4ueho% =e are #ery proud to ha#e a team of First Responders, who dedicate much of their time to ensure our safety% Thanks for all that you do%

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