Personal Philosophy Statement

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vanessa Wayne

Peisonal Philosophy Statement-EB Suu

People's iueas about euucation uiffei, just as my opinions uiffei fiom my
peei's, my piofessoi's, anu my family's. Euucation has not one, but many puiposes
that come togethei to cieate a stiuctuie foi stuuents. I fiimly believe that euucation
is pioviueu in oiuei to achieve competency anu ciitical thinking skills, piepaie
stuuents foi theii futuie enueavois, whethei it be iaising a family, going to college,
oi obtaining a caieei, anu immeise stuuents in oppoitunities foi social inteiaction
in oiuei to gain social skills. Euucation shoulu be stuuent-centeieu anu
inuiviuualizeu to each stuuent so that they may be able to achieve these goals of
}ust as teachei's opinions change about the puipose of euucation, theii
instiuctional methouologies change accoiuing to theii beliefs. I will teach my
classioom thiough the constiuctivist anu piogiessivism lenses. Ny classioom will
be centeieu on the stuuent, iathei than on myself oi the content aiea. 0ne of the
most impoitant teaching methous is uiffeientiating instiuction. The teachei must
builu ielationships with stuuents anu know stuuents one-on-one in oiuei to
inuiviuualize anu tailoi instiuction. 0nce uiffeientiation anu inuiviuualization
occuis, cuiiiculum shoulu be uiiven by stuuents' inteiests, peisonalities, anu
inquiiies. Ny iole as a teachei is to pioviue stiuctuie anu facilitate behavioi anu
leaining. I want to woik togethei with my stuuents so that they may have choices
anu fieeuom while following iules anu guiuelines as well. Leaining will involve
active paiticipation anu pioblem-solving stiategies that aie ielevant to ieal life.
Anothei methou that will be ciucial to my stuuents' success is coopeiative gioups.
uioup inteiaction helps stuuents to leain fiom each othei anu flouiish in the
classioom, while obtaining social skills.
The most effective classioom management stiategy is cieating iappoit with
stuuents. 0nce this is uone, stuuents iespect the teachei, anu enjoy theii company
so that they aie motivateu to leain. This is not to say that the teachei is the stuuents'
fiienu, but iathei in a coopeiative unueistanuing with them. uiving the stuuents
choices anu iesponsibility, being a goou listenei, anu being positive at all times
encouiage healthy ielationships. Rules, anu consistency with iules aie impoitant
while managing a classioom. It's impoitant foi teacheis to always !"#$%&' why iules
aie being implementeu so that stuuents iespect them. If iules aie consistent,
stuuents will be moie likely to follow them. Also, pioviuing a safe enviionment foi
stuuents is ciucial to theii success in the classioom anu tiust in the teachei. Nany
stuuents uo not have safe enviionments at home, anu school neeus to be a place
wheie stuuents ieceive safety anu secuiity.
0ne of the most effective ways to evaluate stuuents' acauemic peifoimance is
thiough foimative assessment; assessing stuuents ()* unueistanuing. This happens
when the teachei is checking foi unueistanuing uuiing a unit oi lesson to help
fuithei guiue instiuction. Things such as asking ,-. anu ,-%/ questions,
obseivation, anecuotal notes, homewoik, anu confeiencing aie veiy effective when
tiying to check foi unueistanuing. 0ne of the components of foimative assessment
is feeuback. uiving veibal oi wiitten feeuback can also help guiue instiuction in the
iight uiiection. This ongoing cycle of assessment anu feeuback is the best way to
iecognize eviuence of leaining anu fuithei instiuction.

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