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Class Roll & Attendance

Student John Doe Sally Ride Kris Kringle Charlie Brown Amy Wright Mary Poppins



Names of Helpful Teachers Mr. Jones Room # 2 Mrs. Johnson- Room # 4 Principal- Mrs. Lewis-Hawkins

Lesson Plans are kept in a black binder on the left side of my desk. They are separated by content (Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies)

Class Rules- Class rules are posted in the classroom. These rules have been developed by the children. They know what is expected of them. If someone loses their entire playtime have them fill out a behavior report (located on the pocket of this folder) and save it for me.

To Get Attention- I simply raise my hand and say, Can I have your attention

please 54321thank you!

Supplies- Supply baskets are located on the shelves under the windows.

Students are welcome to use these at any time. I have extra pencils at the back work table.

Bathroom- I do not allow more than one boy and one girl out at a time. I have a

rule that children cannot leave in the middle of a lesson I am actively teaching unless it is an emergency. The children will notify you when they leave to use the bathroom. They MUST use the sign-out sheet. Be aware when anyone leaves the room that they return in a timely manner. We always do a group bathroom stop after our morning special and lunch.

Emergency Evacuation Plan- You will find instructions for emergencies other than fire drills in this binder. Take this binder with you, as well as your purse, and car keys. Grab the red bag located under the class mailboxes. This is filled with things to keep the children busy while you are out of the room. There are tags located in a clip by the door. Hang the green tag on the outside door knob if you think everything is okay in the room. If you think the room needs to be checked by emergency personnel, hang the red tag outside. This

will signal them to stop and check. If this type of emergency situation should occur, try to buddy up with a neighboring teacher.

Parental Pick-up

All parents need to check in at the office before picking up their children. If you received a note ahead of time you may send the student to the office at the designated time. If no note was received the office will contact you. IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT CALL THE OFFICE FOR CLARIFICATION. The following students will leave together at 3:30 and walk to the office since their parent picks them up, unless they bring a note to ride the bus home

Telephone- The phone is located next to my closet door. We use the gray phone. If the office calls and you are not there the phone light will blink. Call the office to see if they left a message. Important office numbers are listed on a card by the phone.

Accident Reporting- All

student and teacher accidents should be reported immediately to the school nurse or the office secretary in the nurses absence. A full report of the accident, together with the names of the supervisor and witnesses, should be written up immediately in duplicate on forms provided, filing one with the school nurse and the second with the principal. The nurse will report the accident to the parents as soon as possible.

End of the Day- Before going home please leave a brief note as to how the day went and what you didnt get to in my plans. I tend to over plan so dont worry if there are things you dont get to. Please close all windows, the blinds, and the door when leaving.

Today is M T W Th F, _________________.
8:40 - 8:55 Arrival Please be in the classroom to greet students upon their arrival. A cheery hello and warm welcome are great ways to start the day!

Morning Responsibilities- When the children enter the classroom they should sharpen all pencils needed. Books in the back of the room, and begin completing the morning work assignment on the front board. The Morning Message will tell them what to do. This is a time for the children to work independently unless I have noted otherwise. When work is complete they will put it in their Daily Work Folder. This folder will then be put in the basket on top of the crates in the back of the room. Work not completed by playtime should be done in study hall. 9:00 - 9:08 Attendance You will need the Class Role & Attendance Handout, which is located in the packet.

Pledge -The pledge will be led by the principal over the loudspeaker. Children remain standing and I lead the class in song. The songs we sing are posted over the cubby area. We sing a different song each day. By 9:00 everyone who has been in the room should have done the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Read Morning Message Used the bathroom Sharpened pencils Started morning work

9:10 - 9:55

9:55 - 10:00 Bathroom Stop and use the bathroom on the way back to the classroom from P.E. Please encourage all students to use the bathroom. I do not like children leaving during important instructional time unless it is an emergency, but they do know they can if necessary.

10:00 - 11:35 Literacy Block This is a 90 minute uninterrupted block of time devoted to literacy work. For the first 45 minutes we work in whole group reading the story and working on grammar and vocabulary. Each student has a Reading Folder.

11:35 - 11:43 Get ready for lunch

When the literacy block ends start asking children to begin washing for lunch. They should be ready to leave for lunch by 11:43. 11:45 - 12:15 Lunch 12:15 - 12:25 Bathroom Break 12:25 - 12:45 Free Time, students may use the computer, or I-Pads, or whatever their choice maybe. This is your lunch time, paraprofessionals, will be in the classroom. 12:50 - 1:20 ELA 1:20 - 2:05 Social Studies 2:10 - 2:45 Math

2:50 - 3:20 Science

3:20 - 3:30 Ready for home At this time go over any end of day instructions. Ask the children to get ready to go home. Clean Whiteboard, shut down all computers, and calendar persons should do their jobs at this time.(students are assigned, they know who they are)

Notes __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

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