My Arguments - Adultery

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The definition of sexual intercourse has changed significantly.

It is now almost accepted fact that two persons of same sex too can engage in sexual intercourse.

No right for women to do anything against an adulterous husband. Woman is considered as a property. So, her human right is violated in simple terms. Woman is not punishable though both committed the same offence. Right to sex is also a fundamental right. It is grave injustice to wait for long. It is a wrong notion that usually men seduce woman. Nowadays it is the other way round in most cases. It is very difficult o backtrack after a certain period even if one wants to.

*the law (adultery) was *discriminatory* as a husband aggrieved by wifes extra marital relationship can get *her paramour* booked under the section, however, wife in such a situation has no *redressal *.

On one hand lawyer is arguing for more, & equal rights for women. But a closer look raises doubts about the real drift. Petition challenges the constitutional validity of Section 497 of the IPC on the grounds that it violates a *womans* fundamental right to have sex with a man of her choice and, therefore, the same cannot be curtailed by an archaic and outdated concept of decency.

As the law stands today, adultery is only committed against the husband of the adulterous woman. A man cannot level an adultery charge against his wife but can do so against the "other man." The Indian law treats wives as their husbands' property and considers adultery is an offence that a man commits by trespassing upon the property (wife) of another. That is why she is not liable as an abettor. In 1971, the Fifth Law Commission recommended changes in the provision but these were never implemented.

The Justice Malimath Committee, which was tasked with suggesting reforms for the criminal justice system, had in 2003 suggested changes to make Section 497 gender-neutral. "Society abhors marital infidelity. Therefore, there is no reason for not meting out similar treatment to the wife who has sexual intercourse with a man (other than her husband)," it said.

"Women should not be punished for adultery, as they are victims and not offenders in such cases." "It is high time we change this law because it is based on the concept that women are chattel and, therefore, can commit no offence. If a man commits (adultery) it's a crime and if a woman commits adultery, it's not. This cannot go on. The gender bias in the law must be done away with,"

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