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Diego Antonio Martnez Garca 3B #15 Outline Paragraph #1 Topic sentence: The French Revolution brought new ideas

to society. Major supporting: Helped to spread the Enlightenment ideas. Minor supporting: Philosophers such as John Locke, Montesquieu, Mirabeau, Rousseau and Voltaire played an essential role. Major supporting: Defended the rights of the citizens with one of the most significant document of that age the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. Minor supporting: The rights were declared universal including liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression. Major supporting: It inspired future revolutions and independence wars. Minor supporting: Colonies in America declared their independence from the European Empires such as Mexico or Brazil, also the Russian Revolution is based primarily on those ideas. Concluding sentence: Paragraph #2 Topic sentence: The French Revolution ideals provoked a transformation to politics. Major supporting: Monarchy was loosing its popularity and the words democracy and republic started to gain fame. Minor supporting: The citizens were able to participate in the government as the National Convention and later the French Directory were established by the French inhabitants. Major supporting: The laws became an important part of politics in the first Republic. Minor supporting: The powers were separated into three; the legislative one was able to firmly apply the constitution. Concluding sentence: The government underwent a restructuration that eliminated monarchy, but religion experienced critical transformations too. Paragraph #3 Topic sentence: The Catholic Church had power all over Europe and France reduced it. Major supporting: The government ended the religious influence on the people. Minor supporting: Artifacts, statues, paintings, iconography or any other signs of worship were destroyed. Major supporting: Cristianism faith was replaced prohibited and subsequently replaced. Minor supporting: The Cult of Reason following the Cult of the Supreme Being were imposed. Concluding sentence: By decreasing the Churchs power, France was able to act freely.

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