Rationale and Reflection-Standard 4

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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact Rationale/Reflection NAEYC Standard: STANDARD 6.

BECOMING A PROFESSIONAL Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs identify and conduct themselves as members of the early childhood profession. They know and use ethical guidelines and other professional standards related to early childhood practice. They are continuous, collaborative learners who demonstrate knowledgeable, reflective and critical perspectives on their work, making informed decisions that integrate knowledge from a variety of sources. They are informed advocates for sound educational practices and policies. (NAE C, !"#"$ Brief Description of Evidence: %n my ECE& #"" Introduction to Early Childhood Education course during the fall semester of !"#!, one of the re'uired assignments was to write a Code of Ethics paper. % began this paper by giving a brief description of the NAE C Code of Ethics. The last half of the paper was made up by choosing a scenario that was provided by (rofessor )rausa and finding out how the Code of Ethics applied to the scenario and could better the scenario. Analysis of What I earned: Through completion of this assignment % gained more knowledge on the NAE C Code of Ethics, and % learned the various areas that were influenced by the Code of Ethics. % came to reali*e that % do not only have responsibilities to the children, but to families and co+workers as well as the entire community. !o" #his Artifact De$onstrates $y Co$petence on the NAEYC Standard: This assignment helped me to reali*e the need for behaving in a professional way in the classroom and the child care center as a whole. ,riting a paper on the Code of Ethics has helped me in applying these principles in the workplace. -uidelines should be used with the children and their families. % am now aware of the importance of respecting the privacy of families as well as working to meet the individual needs of each child and family. % am aware of the need to be supportive of my co+workers as well. % believe the NAE C Code of Ethics document will be a great help to me in the future if moral or ethical issues arise. These issues would be solved by these guidelines and other professional standards.

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