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Reflective Analysis of Portfolio Artifact Rationale/Reflection NAEYC Standard: STANDARD 7.

EARLY CHILDHOOD FIELD EXPERIENCES Field experiences and clinical practice are planned and sequenced so that candidates develop the knowledge, skills and professional dispositions necessary to promote the development and learning of young children across the entire developmental period of early childhood in at least two of the three early childhood age groups (birth age 3, 3 through 5, 5 through homes, "ead #tart programs!$ (%&'(), *+,+! Brief Description of Evidence: -n my ')'. */3 Cognitive Curriculum course during the fall semester of *+,3, completed two different program observations$ 0hese observations were completed in an elementary school and a child care center$ - was able to observe lessons and activities in math, science, social studies, and literacy$ - recorded what - observed in the two settings and - wrote summaries over both observations$ Analysis of What I earned: 0hrough the completion of the program observations - was able to see the differences in the two settings that offer early education$ - was able to see that the children in the two settings were on different levels of learning and they were taught in different ways$ 1uch more was required of the elementary aged children because they are older$ - reali2ed the three to five year olds learned most through play and activity centers$ - believe these observations helped me to see the need for being professional and appropriate in my teaching as well as providing professional environments and activities$ -t gave me more respect for those teachers who work so hard to create proper settings and appropriate lessons and activities for their students$ !o" #his Artifact De$onstrates $y Co$petence on the NAEYC Standard: 0hese observations helped me to see the importance of providing activities that are developmentally appropriate for each age group$ - am aware of the need to have child centered activities as well as to incorporate various sub3ects in all parts of the classroom$ 0he observations showed me numerous ways to promote positive development and - was able to see the need for using a variety of teaching methods for the different types of learners$ years! and in the variety of settings that offer early education (early school grades, child care centers and

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