Attachment 18 Impact of The Union of South Africa On The Nation Created A Select Elitist Ruling Society Index

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Attachment 18:

Impact of the Union of South Africa on the nation created a select elitist ruling society PAGE


The original select elitist ruling society of the Crown in southern Africa.

Page 3

A. Build up to the Union of South Africa by the Crown 1. The Kindergarten was the first select elitist ruling group in South Africa White South Africans were devided in their opinion regarding the Union of South Africa The British whites provided a platform for the Crown amongst the workers and businessmen (i) A political party to represent the businessmen (ii) A political party to represent the workers B. (i) The impact of the Union on the citizens of South Africa Discrimination against certain communities in the country was made legal and included into the Constitution of South Africa Regulations before the Union was finalized Regulations after the Union was finalized (i) Control of South Africa by the Crown continued through one government to the next (ii) Leaders placed in the South African government by the Kindergarten were loyal to the Crown rather than loyal to the nation of South Africa. The Crown controlled the South African Military and Police force a) The Crown controlled the domestic security and international information services of South Africa which led to civil war The Crown forced the South African nation into World War The elitist Afrikaner government turned on the Boers 1. Boer leader De La Rey was shot 2. The government called martial law across the whole Union 3. The government military was used against the Boers 4. Boer leader Jopie Fourie was executed by the government 5. The government military was used against South West Africa (iv) The Crown infiltrated the political arena of the Boer nation a) The Crown sponsored a political newspaper for the Boers b) The Afrikaner Broederbond becomes entrenched in the Boer nation. c) The National Party adopted English policies d) The Afrikaner Broederbond enters government through the National Party
Attachment 18 index

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The Crown granted economic development and cultural indepence for South Africa Page 13

PART TWO: The Elitist Afrikaner elitist ruling society in South Africa Page 15 f) Communication networks were laid down in South Africa for an Afrikaner moneyed elite Page 15 (i) The Leading Role player Harry Oppenheimer protected the interests of the Crown in South Africa. Page 15 1. Oppenheimer funded opposition to the South African government with reference to the United South Africa Trust Fund Page 15 2. Oppenheimer funded the South African Foundation as a front for the Council on Foreign Relations - to enter the money power of the Crown into the South African political arena; with reference to his desire to get rid of Verwoerd. Page 16 j) President Verwoerd was murdered to pave the way for an Afrikaner moneyed elite Page 16 k) The Crown initiated the Sharpville massacre to influence the stock market, and create the call for an alternative government pre-emptive of Verwoerds murder Page 17 l) The Crown implicated Vorster in the murder of Verwoerd before they replaced Verwoerd with Vorster as President. Page 18 (v) The Crown took governance of South Africa through the group of elitist government Ministers the Crown had developed in South Africa Page 19 1. Increased taxes and devaluation of the ZA rand to increase salaries of government officials to create spending Page 19 2. Elitist Government Ministers became involved in business which affects the prices of commodities in South Africa Page 20 a) Elitist Government Ministers became shareholders in big businesses, with reference to trek Petroleum Page 20 b) Elitist Government Ministers sold off state financed projects, with reference to Sasol Page 20 c) Elitist Government Ministers used State funds for secret deals with reference to Project David and National Fund Investments. Page 21 d) Elitist Government Ministers used State funds for secret deals with leaders of the enemies of the State to please the global money elite Page 21 The role of John Vorster in the Global Brotherhood Page 22 The role of "Lang Hendrik" van den Bergh in the Global Brotherhood. Page 24 Some of the roles played by Mi6 and the CIA in South African politics for the Global Brotherhood. Page 25 The Global Brotherhood in S.A. politics and economy after Verwoerd. Page 29

Attachment 18



The present elitist ruling society in South Africa.

Page 30 Page 31

Die Wyse Manne (The Wise Men)

The Elite Ruling Society of Southern Africa belongs to Elite Crown Orders B.(i) Elitist leadership in South Africa has belonged to Orders of the Vatican, including Freemasonry. We offer the following examples: 1. NELSON MANDELA 2. THABO MBEKI 3. JACOB ZUMA 3.1 ROBERT MUGABE 3.2 The hypocracy of South African elite rulership (i) Mali (ii) Nkandla (iii) Marikana (iiia) Sorros (iv) Rhamaposa responsible for Marikana shooting Ramaphosa in business The connection between Lonmin and the London elite a) Operations b) Salary scale of top management Cyril Ramaphosas link to labour broking on Lonmin, where he is also a shareholder Ramaphosa uses business to further his political interests Ramaphosa in politics President Zumas son is directly linked to labour broking business dealings with Ramaphosas NUM (v) President Zuma believes that minorities dont have as much rights as majorities. C. The Order of Malta The relations between the Order of Malta and the European Union The loyalties of the Order of Malta (i) Cardinal Francis Spellman Cross of Malta The Sovereign Military Order of Malta The Order of St. John of Jerusalem Non-Catholic Knights D. South African Elitist Secret Services

Page 32

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E. (i)

The Jesuit Order Oath of the Jesuit

Page 52 Page 53 Page 54

F. Nature of the most elite person in the world Today, the ruling pope of the Vatican is Matthew Festing aka His Most Eminent Highness The Prince and Grand Master of the Knights of Malta, Pope Benedict XVI The man who formulated the establishment of the Vatican was Eugenio Pacelli (i) Pacelli and the Code of Canon Law. (ii) Pacelli was anti-Jews (iii) Pacelli was anti Blacks (iv) Pacelli was anti Coloureds (v) Pacelli promised Vatican support for German control of disputed land in return for government support of his Concordats. (vi) Pacelli routinely used diplomatic blackmail (vii) Pacelli was not concerned about the human rights of either Catholics or non-Catholics (viii) Pacelli encouraged priesthood into politics (vix) Pacelli destroyed Catholic political opposition to Hitlers Socialism (x) Pacelli announced publically that Hitler had entered a treaty of acceptance of the churchs law by the state, which made the Catholics believe they should support Hitler (xi) Pecille refused to save Catholics with Jewish ancestry (xii) Pacelli undermined the protection Pius XI tried to give the Jews (xiii) Pacelli supported Hitler (ciii) Pacelli became involved in a plot to depose Hitler, which had it been discovered, could have been disastrous for all Catholics. (xiv) Pacelli accepted mass murder of innocent people to acquire power in their land (xv) Pacelli ignored pleas for help to save lives (xvi) Pacelli was the sole authority in Italy but allowed people from Italy to be slaughtered in ethnic cleansing operations (xvii) Pacelli let innocent people be murdered for his personal political Ideals (xviii) Pacellis autocratic control of the Catholic Church forced a religious silence on the mass ethnic cleansing throughout the world (xix) Pacelli told lies to exonerate himself to the world. (xx) The postwar period showed the apotheosis of the papal power ideology (xxi) The Second Vatican Council reasserted the pyramidal church model refined by Pacelli G The elitist Bilderbergers

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(i) H. (i) (ii)

The Bilderbergers and the New World Order movement Members and monarchies of the Elite Vatican Names, both past and present, of some of the Knights of Malta and St John Monarchies of the Vatican

Page 70 Page 71 Page 71 Page 74 Page 75

References Footnotes: Footnote 1: The hidden hand of the Crown formed the Union Footnote 2: GLF instructions for global leaders. Footnote 3: Suppression of information on Nkandla. Footnote 4: Passing of the Deadly Force Bill. Footnote 5: IOL on Ramaphosa ordering Marikana massacre Footnote 6: Zuma sets Ramaphosa up for presidency. Footnote 7: The Vatican career of Pius XII. Footnote 8: Silent Weapons for a Quiet War. Additional references

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