Final Siop Lesson Plan Solar System

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Name: Kelsey Olson Content Area: Science (The Solar System) Grade Level: 5th Grade Time Frame: 1 hour English Learners: This class is a mainstream classroom of thirty students. Four of these students are English language learners. All of the E students are ele!en years old. There are " #oys and one girl. These si$ students% &E 'T scores range from Early (ntermediate to (ntermediate. All of the E students% )rimary language is S)anish* +hich is the language s)o,en at home. T+o of the students ha!e -nd grade literacy s,ills in their first language and the rest are not literate in their first language. The t+o students +ho are literate in their )rimary language #oth recei!ed )rior schooling through -nd grade in their )rimary language. Their )arents are #oth literate in S)anish and English. The other t+o students recei!ed no ,no+n schooling in their )rior language. Their )arents are not literate. All four E students ha!e stronger listening and s)ea,ing s,ills than reading and +riting s,ills. Peer Evaluator: Sara &ofiell Preparation 1. A&A'E.(& &O/TE/T STA/'A0'(S)1 CA- California K-1 A!ademi! Content "tandards "u#$e!t: Science Grade: Grade Fi!e Area: Earth Sciences "u#-"trand %: The solar system consists of )lanets and other #odies that or#it the Sun in )redicta#le )aths. As a #asis for understanding this conce)t1 "tandard #: Students ,no+ the solar system includes the )lanet Earth* the .oon* the Sun* eight other )lanets and their satellites* and smaller o#2ects* such as asteroids and comets. -. A&A'E.(& EA0/(/G GOA S (outcomes3o#2ecti!es) for this lesson1 1. Students +ill #e a#le to find the im)ortant information in an informati!e te$t* +rite the information do+n* and discuss this information +ith their grou). -. Students +ill #e a#le to +or, as a grou) and share their findings out loud to the class. ". Students +ill #e a#le to ta,e notes during other grou)%s )resentations #y +riting do+n im)ortant ideas and ,ey or un,no+n +ords. 4. Students +ill #e a#le to descri#e details a#out the inner )lanets and name +hat )lanets are considered inner )lanets. ". E ' STA/'A0'(S)1 CA- California English Language &evelopment "tandards "'ill: istening and S)ea,ing Area: Strategies and A))lications Profi!ien!( Level: Early (ntermediate

Categor(: &om)rehension Grade Level: Grades "55 )en!hmar': 6egin to #e understood +hen s)ea,ing* #ut may ha!e some inconsistent use of standard English grammatical forms and sounds (e.g.* )lurals* sim)le )ast tense* )ronouns 7he3she8). )en!hmar': As, and ans+er 9uestions using )hrases or sim)le sentences. Profi!ien!( Level: (ntermediate Categor(: &om)rehension Grade Level: Grades ":5 )en!hmar': isten attenti!ely to stories3information and identify ,ey details and conce)ts using #oth !er#al and non:!er#al res)onses. Categor(: &om)rehension* Organi;ation < 'eli!ery of Oral &ommunication Grade Level: Grades ":5 )en!hmar': 6e understood +hen s)ea,ing* using consistent standard English grammatical forms and sounds= ho+e!er* some rules may not #e in e!idence (e.g.* third )erson singular* male and female )ronouns). "'ill: 0eading Area: Fluency and Systematic >oca#ulary 'e!elo)ment Profi!ien!( Level: Early (ntermediate Categor(: >oca#ulary < &once)t 'e!elo)ment Grade Level: Grades "55 )en!hmar': A))ly ,no+ledge of content:related !oca#ulary to discussions and reading. Profi!ien!( Level: (ntermediate Categor(: >oca#ulary < &once)t 'e!elo)ment (Also are addressed in istening < S)ea,ing) Grade Level: Grades "55 )en!hmar': ?se content:related !oca#ulary in discussions and reading. Area: 0eading &om)rehension Profi!ien!( Level: (ntermediate Categor(: &om)rehension < Analysis of Grade: e!el A))ro)riate Te$t Grade Level: Grades ":5 )en!hmar': 0ead and use detailed sentences to orally identify main ideas and use them to ma,e )redictions and )ro!ide su))orting details for )redictions made. 4. E ' GOA S (outcomes3o#2ecti!es) for E earners1 1. Students +ill #e a#le to create sentence using the !oca#ulary +ords for the day. -. Students +ill #e a#le to follo+ along as a 5th grade:le!el te$t is read +ith the su))ort of a grou) read:aloud* discus the information from the te$t +ith the grou)* and fill out a gra)hic organi;er. ". Students +ill #e a#le to orally share one im)ortant )oint from the read te$t to the class.

4. Students +ill #e a#le to discuss +hat they ha!e learned +ith a )artner and share )art of this discussion +ith the class. 5. A'A@TAT(O/S1 The E students +ere gi!en informati!e te$t +ith images on their assigned grou) to)ic (.ercury* >enus* Earth* .ars* the Sun* or the Asteroid 6elt) at their reading com)rehension le!el to read the night #efore for their reading home+or,. This )ro!ides them +ith #ac,ground ,no+ledge a#out +hat +ill #e co!ered in the science lesson at a reading le!el they can understand. The students +ere also )ro!ided +ith the !oca#ulary list and a diagram of the solar system the day #efore and +ent o!er these +ith the teacher so that they +ere #etter )re)ared for their readings and the lesson. The students also meet +ith the teacher the day of the lesson to as, 9uestions they had after reading. The diagram of the solar system is )ro2ected onto the #oard during the entire lesson* e$ce)t for the grou) )resentation +hen an image of their to)ic +ill instead #e on the #oard. This )ro!ides a !isual reminder of the to)ic to all students* )articularly E students. (n addition* the entire class com)letes a fe+ gra)hic organi;ers during the lesson. First* the teacher fills out a KA chart +ith the students% statements. /e$t* the students create their o+n !oca#ulary gra)hic organi;er to fill out as the teacher fills out a larger class !ersion. Then* the students fill out a B@ A/ CAhat 'id ( 0eadDE gra)hic organi;er as small grou)s to ta,e notes on their reading. The E students can #e su))orted #y the other students in their grou) if needed to hel) them +rite do+n +hat they need to share during the oral )resentations. )uilding )a!'ground 1. The main +ay this lesson lin,s the conce)ts to the students% #ac,ground ,no+ledge is thorough the thin,:)air:share #rainstorm session at the #eginning. Students are as,ed to thin, a#out +hat they already ,no+ a#out the solar system* share these thoughts +ith their )artner* and then share out +hat they tal,ed a#out as )artners +ith the class. As the class is sharing ( +ill #e +riting these ideas into a large KA chart in the front of the classroom. This sho+s the students +hat they already ,no+ and )ro!ides information in the students% !oices to others in the class +ho may not ha!e the same #ac,ground ,no+ledge. Ae then fill out the A section of the chart +ith any 9uestions the class currently has a#out the solar system. This chart +ill hang on the +all during the unit. At the end of the unit the students +ill #e a#le to fill out the section re!ie+ing +hat they ha!e learned. For the E students* gi!ing them the te$t that co!ers the su#2ect matter their grou) +ill read during the lesson at their reading le!el the night #efore as +ell as gi!ing them the !oca#ulary list and a diagram of the solar system in ad!ance +ill hel) create some #ac,ground ,no+ledge #efore the lesson. The E students +ill also meet +ith the teacher for a fe+ minutes at the start of recess to as, any 9uestions and re!ie+ the reading* )icture of the solar system* and the !oca#ulary +ords. They can as, any 9uestions at this time and the teacher can also assess their le!el of #ac,ground ,no+ledge going into the lesson. This +ill hel) )re)are them for the conce)ts that +ill #e discussed during the lesson. Comprehensi#le *nput (ntroduction to the esson (F minutes) 1. The students +ill #e as,ed to 9uietly come in from recess and get out their science note#oo,s and a )encil. -. A )icture of the la#eled solar system +ill #e )ro2ected onto the #oard using the class i@ad and A))le T>. The tea!her sho+ed this pi!ture to the ELL students the da(


#efore during a ,ui!' des!ription of the main !omponents of the solar s(stem and the vo!a#ular( to help prepare them for this lesson- A large )oster si;e )iece of )a)er la#eled Solar System +ith a K:A: chart +ill #e cli))ed to the #oard ne$t to the )hoto. ". B&lass* today +e start our science unit on the solar system. 6efore +e start* +e are going to fill out a K:A: chart sho+ing +hat +e ,no+ no+* +hat +e +ant to ,no+* and at the end of the unit +e +ill fill out +hat +e ha!e learned ()oint to each section +hen descri#ing. ( +ant us to #rainstorm +hat +e thin, the solar system is. E!eryone thin, 9uietly a#out +hat you already ,no+ a#out the solar system.E (1 minute) 4. BO,* no+ )lease turn to your ta#le )artner and share.E (- minutes) 5. BAlright* )lease raise a 9uiet hand to share +ith the class +hat you and your )artner ,no+ a#out the solar system.E 5 As students share their ideas ( +ill +rite do+n +hat is said on the Kno+ section of the chart re)eating and clarifying statements as needed. (" minutes) G. B/o+ +ho has some 9uestions +e can +rite in our Aant to Kno+ SectionD ( +ill call on a 9uiet hand.E Arite do+n 9uestions the class has under the A. (- minutes) >oca#ulary (14 minutes) 1. ( +ill mo!e KA chart to the far side of #oard so another large )iece of )a)er la#eled BSolar System >oca#ularyE can ta,e it%s )lace. The !oca#ulary gra)hic organi;er has a column for the +ord* definition* sentence* and )art of s)eech. -. BHou all ha!e some great ideas a#out the Solar System* no+ lets start a ne+ !oca#ulary sheet for this unit. O)en your science 2ournals to the ne$t #lan, )age and +rite Solar System >oca#ulary at the to) of the )age and create four columns for the +ord* definition* sentence* and )art of s)eech li,e +e did for the last unit.E The ELLs +ere sho+n the vo!a#ular( and the definitions as a group during their dis!ussion at the start of re!ess (1 minutes) ". B/o+ our first +ord today is the solar system so +rite that in the first #o$.E 5 ( +ill +rite Solar system in the first #o$ and then +rite the definition in the ne$t #o$ +hile saying the definition out loud. BThe collection of eight )lanets and their moons in or#it around the sun* together +ith smaller #odies in the form of d+arf )lanets* asteroids* meteoroids* and comets.E B&an someone raise a 9uiet hand to tell me +hat ( should +rite do+n for )art of s)eechDE (noun). (1 minute) 4. ( +ill direct the class%s attention to the )icture of the solar system on the #oard and tell them that this is a diagram of the solar system. ( +ill )oint out the sun in the center and each )lant in order* along +ith the asteroid #elt and @luto. (1 minute) 5. ( +ill as, the students to tal, +ith their ta#le grou) to create a sentence for solar system to +rite on their charts. ( +ill then as, for a 9uiet hand to share a sentence to #e +ritten on the class co)y of the !oca#ulary chart (" minutes) G. ( +ill then define the remaining !oca#ulary +ords for this lesson1 or#it* asteroid* and inner )lanets* #y +riting do+n the definitions on the chart and reading the definitions aloud then as,ing for a !olunteer to say each +ord%s )art of s)eech and gi!e the students time to +rite a sentence either on their o+n or in their ta#le grou)s #efore as,ing for a fe+ !olunteers to share their sentences +ith the class. (F minutes) Acti!ity ("F .inutes) 1. ( +ill then tell the students that today +e +ill #e focusing on learning more a#out these inner )lanets and +hat se)arates them from the outer )lanets* +hich are Iu)iter*




5. G.

K. 1. -. ".


Saturn* ?ranus and /e)tune. The students +ill #e formed into G heterogeneous small grou)s (ea!h ELL student is in a different group and +as given a related passage to +hat their group +ill #e reading toda( to read at home during their nightl( ./ minutes of reading home+or'). Assign each grou) a section of the classroom and ha!e the students mo!e to their ne+ seats and #ring their science 2ournal* a )encil and highlighter +ith them. (- minutes) Each grou) is gi!en a short )assage on either the Sun* .ercury* >enus* Earth* .ars* or the Asteroid 6elt to read as +ell as a @ A/ CAhat 'id ( 0eadD gra)hic organi;er to ta,e notes. ( +ill let the students ,no+ that each grou) +ill )resent the facts they find from the reading to the class. Ae +ill re!ie+ ho+ to fill out the gra)hic organi;ers and ( +ill )oint out that there are si$ )eo)le in each grou) and si$ circles for im)ortant information. Each student in the grou) should )resent one fact each. (minutes) ( +ill instruct the students to +his)er read the )assage together as a grou) and highlight )ortions they thin, are im)ortant li,e they ha!e #een +or,ing on throughout the year. After they ha!e finished reading and highlighting they should fill out their gra)hic organi;ers as a grou) detailing +hat is im)ortant from this )assage. They should then decide +ho is in charge of )resenting each fact (each student needs to )resent one fact to ma,e sure there is as e9ual )artici)ation as )ossi#le). As the students +or, ( +ill circulate throughout the room* ma,ing sure that grou)s are staying on tas,* su))orting each other* and +or,ing together. (-J minutes) 6efore the short )resentations #egin* ( +ill as, the students to turn to the ne$t #lan, )age in their science 2ournals. BAs you listen to the other grou)s )resent ( +ant you to ta,e notes and +rite do+n +hat you thin, the im)ortant ideas and ,ey +ords are. Also +rite do+n any +ords that are ne+ to you or a +ord you are not sure of it%s meaning. Tomorro+ during science +e +ill #e doing an acti!ity +ith these notes and +ords.E As each grou) )resents* )ro2ect a )icture of their )lanet or the sun onto the #oard using the A))le T> and i@ad. The students not )resenting +ill #e listening and +riting do+n +ords that they hear. (1- minutes) BGreat )resentations e!eryone* no+ )lease turn to a )artner and share one thing you ha!e learned a#out the inner )lanets. Ahen you are done hold a thum#s u) in front of you so ( ,no+ you are ready to share.E After the ma2ority of the class is ready call on a fe+ students including E s to share +hat they or their )artner learned +ith the class. (- minutes) E$cuse the students to lunch. "trategies @re!ie+ &once)ts1 The students #rainstorm and create a KA chart as a class. 0ecord >oca#ulary1 The students +rite the +ord* definition* )art of s)eech* and create a sentence to hel) increase understanding of the definition /ote Ta,ing1 The students use a highlighter as they read informati!e te$t to sho+ +hat the im)ortant )oints are. The students also use a gra)hic organi;er to ta,e notes on the reading. 'uring the )resentations* students +rite im)ortant or un,no+n +ords do+n so they can remem#er each )resentation and discuss as a class during the ne$t lesson. 0e)ort Out1 Each mem#er of the grou) shares one of the im)ortant conce)ts they read a#out +ith the +hole class.

1. -. ". 4. 5.

*ntera!tion Thin,:@air:Share a#out the solar system &reate a sentence in ta#le grou)s using the !oca#ulary +ords. Leterogeneous grou)s for reading and )resenting. Each grou) +ill ha!e a di!erse grou) of students +ith a range of reading a#ilities. @artner tal, to share +hat they ha!e learned during the lesson. &lass discussion a#out +hat +as learned during the lesson Pra!ti!e0Appli!ation Students +ill discuss* first in )artner grou)s* then as a class* +hat they already ,no+ a#out the solar system and +hat they +ould li,e to ,no+. Students +ill )ractice creating sentence using the ne+ !oca#ulary +ords in grou)s and indi!idually. Students +ill read aloud grade:le!el informational te$t as a grou). Students +ill )ractice finding the im)ortant information in the te$t #y using highlighters and a gra)hic organi;er. Students +ill discuss the im)ortant )oints from the reading as a grou). Students +ill share one im)ortant )oint from their reading each out loud to the class. 1evie+0Assessment The class discussion during the #eginning Thin,:@air:Share and KA chart acti!ity +ill hel) assess +hat the class already ,no+s a#out the to)ic and +hat they are interested in a#out this to)ic. &alling on !olunteers to hel) fill in the )arts of s)eech and sentence )ortion of the !oca#ulary chart +ill hel) assess the students understanding of sentence structure and the meaning of the !oca#ulary +ords. O#ser!ing the students as they +or, in grou)s as +ell as the students% B@ A/ CAhat 'id ( 0eadDE gra)hic organi;ers and grou) )resentations +ill hel) assess ho+ +ell they understood their te$t and the conce)ts. 'iscussing the +ords the students +rote do+n during the class )resentation during the ne$t lesson +ill hel) assess ho+ +ell the students com)rehended each other%s )resentations. The )artner tal, and class discussion at the end of the lesson +ill hel) assess +hat the students learned as +ell as ho+ +ell they understand the !oca#ulary that +as co!ered at the #eginning of the lesson* in )articular the definition of inner )lanets.

1. -. ". 4. 5. G. 1. -. ". 4. G.

Solar System Diagram to be projected onto the board

Graphic Organizer for Reading

P.L.A. . ! "hat Did # Read$

Legend: 2 3 familiar 0 4 3 unfamiliar 0 5 3 surprising 0 6 3 important

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