Attachment 11 The Modus Operandi of The Crown Index

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Attachment 11:

The modus operandi of the Crown


The modus operandi of the Crown SECTION A False Media is used as a tool by the Crown The Spanish-American War of 1898 Cuba: Background to a Battleground Yellow Journalism Congress Moves Toward War. Tragedy in Havana Harbor War Arrives Combat Versus Conquest. Contradictions. Behind the Scenes Birth of the Anglo-American Establishment The Pilgrims Society Legacy References Footnote 1: What Sank the Maine? Section B B.1 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Religion is used as a tool by the Crown

Page 47 Page 49 Page 49 Page 50 Page 50 Page 52 Page 53 Page 55 Page 56 Page 56 Page 57 Page 59 Page 59 Page 60 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 64 Page 64 Page 64 Page 65 Page 65 Page 66 Page 68 Page 68

The History of Zionism. Quabbalah influence on the Israelites from the tribe of Judah. Influence from other tribes on the tribe of Judah. Political influence by Rome on Christians and the tribe of Judah Accord made between the tribe of Judah and non-Israeli tribes The Roman Catholic influence on the Jewish nation nourished a desire for equality and brotherhood.

B.2 Zionism used as a tool in political strategies (i) Zionism as a religion enters the political arena B.3 The influence of Zionist reformation political strategies on different countries of the world, with reference to Reformists guilty of genocide (i) Zionist political strategies which influenced on the world. (ii) The ideal of Communism enters the political arena (iii) Bolshevism enters the political arena (iv) Different countries influenced by the religious movements of the Crown 1. A Russia The 1905 Revolution in Russia.

Page 72 Page 72 Page 73 Page 77 Page 79 Page 79 Page 80

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2 Preparation for the 1905 Revolution in Russia by the Crown included Page 80 the creation of war between Japan and Russia Financiers of the Japanese war effort against Russia in 1904 Page 80 Leaders of the 1905 revolution in Russia Page 81 Jewish-sounding names of revolutionaries in the politics and army of Russia had been changed on instructions from the Communist International to pose as non-Jews Page 81 There was a highly disproportionate amount of Zionist Jews in the political hierarchy of Russia Page 82 Effects in Russia after the 1905 Revolution Page 83 (i) Effects on the Russian government of the 1905 Revolution Page 83 (ii) Effects on citizens of Russia of the 1905 Revolution Page 84 The 1917 Revolution in Russia. Page 85 The Bolshevik leaders were elite internationalists connected directly to the Crown Page 85 The 1917 Revolution was led by Zionist crypto-Jews, funded by Zionist Jewish financiers Page 85 Effects of the 1917 Revolution in Russia with reference to mass genocide of Christian Russians Page 89 (i) Effects of the 1917 Revolution in Russia for religion Page 89 (ii) Effects of the 1917 Revolution in Russia for the financiers Page 89 (iii) Living conditions under Bolshevik Rule Page 90 Early days in Russia after the Revolution for the Nation Page 90 Reports on living conditions under Bolshevik Rule Page 92 Rule under Lenin Page 94 V.I. Lenin Page 94 Leon Bronstein (Trotsky) Page 94 Grigory Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) Page 94 Solomon Lozovsky Page 94 Maxim Wallach (Litvinov) Page 94 Yuri Andropov Page 94 Jacob Sverdlov Page 94 Jacob Yurovsky Page 94 Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovic Page 94 Mikhail Kaganovich Page 94 Rosa Kaganovich Page 94 Paulina Zhemchuzina Page 94 Olga Bronstein Page 94 Genrikh Yagoda Page 95 Matvei Berman and Naftaly Frenkel Page 95 Lev Inzhir Page 95 Boris Berman Page 95 K.V. Pauker Page 95 M.I. Gay Page 95 Slutsky and Shpiegelglas Page 95 Isaac Babel Page 95 Leiba Lazarevich Feldbin (Aleksandr Orlov) Page 95

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3 Yona Yakir Dimitri Shmidt Yakov ("Yankel") Kreiser Miron Vovsi David Dragonsky Grigori Shtern Mikhail Chazkelevich Shimon Kirvoshein Arseni Raskin Haim Fomin Nikolai Bukharin Samuel Agursky Karl Radek Mikhail Gruzenberg (Borodin) A.A. Yoffe David Ryazanov Lev Grigorievich Levin Lev Rosenfeld (Kamenev) Ivan Maisky Itzik Solomonovich Feffer Abraham Sutskever Lev Leopold Trepper Bela Kun (Kohen) Matyas Rakosi Zakharovich Mekhlis Henrykas Zimanas Moshe Pijade (sometimes spelled Piade) Generals who were not themselves Jewish, often had Jewish wives The KOMZET Commission 1. (i) 2. (i) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Leiba Bronstein alias Leon Trotsky Vladimir Ulyanov alias Lenin Religion as a tool to advance Communism in the Lenin era Religion used as a tool to deny the essence of Man Lenin and the Marxists used famine as a weapon of mass annihilation to usher in Socialism as a bridge to Communism. Lenin had farmers killed to create famine People were classified into groups to single them out for Extermination Judaic Bolsheviks used politics to exterminate non-Communist Communities Judaic Bolsheviks used military force to exterminate opposition to Communism Genocide of intellectuals and students was ordered by Judaic Bolsheviks to further Communism Torture was used to exterminate anti-Communist communities Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 95 Page 96 Page 96 Page 96 Page 96 Page 96 Page 96 Page 96 Page 97 Page 97 Page 98 Page 99 Page 99 Page 100 Page 100 Page 101 Page 101 Page 102 Page 102

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The amount of people murdered to enforce a Marxist government through Lenin on Russia for the Crown Page 104 The Reformist Jewish-Russian government which came into place on behalf of the Crown through the Russian Revolution of 1917 Page 105 Russia was forced to become a Communist country to further the ideals of a One World Order Page 107 The Reformationist Jewish modus operandi Page 108 Russia the first beloved Israel. Page 108 Rule under Stalin Page 110 Genocides committed by the Reformist Jewish Russian government Page 114 1.B Reformist Jewish genocide committed in the Ukraine and southern Russia Page 114 1.C Reformist Jewish genocide committed in Poland and Byelorussia Page 116 Jacek Rozanski Page 116 Jacob Berman Page 116 Minc Page 116 Specht (Olszewski) Page 116 Spychalski Page 116 Solomon Morel Page 116 Julius Hammer, M.D Page 116 Armand Hammer Page 116 Lev Davidovich Landau Page 116 Klaus Fuchs Page 116 Ruth Werner Page 116 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Page 116 Morris Cohen (Peter Kroger) Page 116 Markus Wolf Page 116 Howard Fast Page 116 David Dubinsky Page 116 Nahum Goldmann Page 116 Rabbi Moses Rosen Page 116 Victor Rothschild Page 116 Mark Zborowski Page 116 1.D 1.E Reformist Jewish genocide committed in Spain Reformist Jewish genocide committed to create the Baltic Canal Page 119 Page 119

9. Propoganda by the media of the Crown with regard to the Holocaust by Nazi Germany Soviet film propagandists Yevgeny Khaldei Solomon Mikhoels Sergei Eisenstein Ilya Ehrenburg Mark Osipovich Reizen Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC)

Page 120 Page 121 Page 121 Page 121 Page 121 Page 122 Page 122 Page 122

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5 Zionist members of the Crown use the victim tool to expand their territory 1.F The Holodomor - Genocide of the Ukraine farmers and innocent Jews Page 122 Page 124

References Footnote 1:

Page 126 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, discussion by the Palestinian Media Watch Page 129

SECTION C War is used as a tool by the Crown Page 136 Reformist political strategies which influenced on the world. Page 136 Co-operation between the Crown and the Zionist Movement of the Reformist Jews to create an Israel in Palestine Page 136 (i) 1836 - Buying Israel. Page 136 (ii) The Fathers of Israel. Page 137 (iii) The McMahonHussein Correspondence Page 140 (iv) The British Crown negotiated the Sykes-Picot Agreement, agreeing to partition the Middle East between Britain and France. Page 141 (v) The Balfour Declaration 1917 Page 141 (vi) Conflicts and broken treaty commitments (contradictory assurances) Page 143 Controversy behind the British Declaration. Arab opposition. Loan to Turkey in order to gain a railway line to Palestine with reference to the Treaty imposed on Germany (ix) The Palestine Mandate (x) Transjordan Memorandum (xi) The Hitler Project (xii) The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany with reference to the Economic Boycott of 1933 (xiii) Transfer Agreement (xiv) Britain Redefined Jewish Immigration. The White Paper (xv) The Irgun Zvai Leumi Offer of Collaboration with the Third Reich (xvi) Surplus Immigration Certificates (xvii) British Israelism (xviii) Israel, the Statehood Prominent Zionists include Rothschilds. Zionism and the Council of Foreign Relations Money power of the world America is influenced by Zionist world money power (i) Woodrow Wilson: United States is controlled Canada is influenced by Zionist world powers Australia is influenced by Zionist world powers Britain is influenced by Zionist world powers Russia is influenced by Zionist world powers Holocaust Revisionists are influenced by Zionist world powers Ideals of an earthly Zionist kingdom ruled from Jerusalem (vii) (viii) Page 144 Page 145 Page 146 Page 146 Page 146 Page 147 Page 150 Page 151 Page 156 Page 156 Page 157 Page 159 Page 160 Page 161 Page 163 Page 163 Page 164 Page 164 Page 166 Page 167 Page 167 Page 167 Page 168 Page 168 Page 168

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6 Jew supremacy Zionism is prominent in the world Zionist leaders predicted World War I Zionist members of the Crown plotted to provoke the US to partake in world war Communist and Zionist influence after World War II References Additional notes Section D. How deceit is used by people in the highest positions of authority in South Africa - who are controlled by the Crown to imprison men who try to avoid further genocide of the farmers in South Africa, with special reference to the Boeremag Trial. 1. The Verligte Aksie-Beweging was established to serve as a vehicle for the Central Intelligence Agency between politicians and the international bankers The Boeremag Trial (i) Red October Document (ii) Arrests (iia) Affidavit on Arrest by Wilhelm Pretorius AFFIDAVIT BY MR WILHELM PRETORIUS - AN ACCUSED IN THE SO-CALLED "BOEREMAG" PHONEY-TRIAL Background information on Wilhelm Pretorius (iii) The Prosecution (iiia) Slush fund abuse to be probed; SA spy bosses corrupt, blame right wing (iiib) BSB MAN WAS PAID TO CATCH 2 (iv) The Defense (v) Subsequent court proceedings (vi) The Boeremag Trial was a set-up by the government Conspiracy by police spies exposed; Most costly trial must perhaps start over All 20 of the Boeremag accused found guilty of high treason. References Footnote 1 Sworn Affidavit by Deon Loots. My involvement with the police My recruitment of informants and of JC Smit, one of the state witnesses in the Boeremag Trial The operations of JC Smit and the beginning of the Boeremag-saga The involvement of the Crime-Intelligence Unit (Mdi) of the SAPS and how the Mdi developed and managed the Boeremag Document 12 Certain important events regarding the Boeremag case My further involvement and knowledge The Waverley arrests The declarations of witnesses in the Boeremag-case. Our mentioned refusals. Eavesdropping after the incarcerations of the accused Page 170 Page 171 Page 171 Page 172 Page 175 Page 176 Page 178

Page 183

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7 The monitoring of detainees at C Max With regards to the eavesdropping on detainees and their families Footnote 2: Background Checks on Boeremag Prisoners. 1. ADRIAAN VAN WYK 2. ANDRE DU TOIT 3. DEON VAN DEN HEEVER 4. GIEL BURGER 5. JACQUES OLIVIER 6. MIKE DU TOIT 7. PIETER VAN DEVENTER 8. DR. LETS PRETORIUS 9. HERMAN VAN ROOYEN Page 221 Page 222 Page 223 Page 223 Page 223 Page 224 Page 224 Page 225 Page 225 Page 226 Page 226 Page 229

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