Sced E-Portfolio Benchmark With Grades8-18-13

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Benchmark Assessments for ePortfolio: Secondary 2013- 2014

All of the following artifacts are required for your portfolio. They will be used as a part of your final assessment for the Secondary Education Program.

E-portfolio Directions
DESERT Model Component DM1: Diversity Artifact #1, (EDUC 2010) Exceptionalities Folder Assignment Artifact #2. (EDUC 2400), Diversity Artifact- SelfSelected. DM2: Effective Pedagogy Artifact #1, (SCED 4100), Assessment Project with Lesson Plan Artifact #2, Strategies for Using Literacy in Content Areas DM3: Subject Matter Artifact #1, Appendix A from Common Core Analysis Artifact #2, Subject Matter- Content Major Course Selection. DM4: Environment Artifact #1, Classroom Management Plan Artifact #2, Content Major Course SCED 4600 A A A SCED 3720 A SCED 3720 A SCED 4100 A A Artifact Requirement Course and Semester Completed EDUC 2010 A Grade Received

DM5: Reflection

Artifact #1 E-portfolio Reflection Artifact #2, Video of lesson from practicum with self evaluation and reflection.

SCED 3720 SCED 4600


DM6: Teaching Disposition

Artifact #1, Education Philosophy and a Reflection of how it has changed over time Artifact #2, Classroom Website

SCED 4989

A EDUC 2500


Praxis II Content Test Unofficial Transcript

See Appendix

August 18, 2013

Benchmark Assessments for ePortfolio: Secondary 2013- 2014

Create a website using a program such as weebly or wordpress o This website will be the repository for all of your artifacts for each of the desert model standards. Put the required artifacts into each of the desert standards. As you do this in your website, you should also create files that can easily be copied for the final hand-in. You will be turning in an electronic copy (either a CD or a thumb-drive) of the portfolio and the TWS due at the end of Capstone. For EVERY artifact, the GRADE YOU RECEIVED on the assignment MUST be included. This grade will be used for your e-portfolio assessment grading. These can be added as a second file for the artifact especially if there is a grading rubric that needs to be attached. With every artifact included in your e-portfolio you need to maintain confidentiality. All identifying information needs to be removed. You can have your name on the artifact if you choose, but you CANNOT have anything that links you to a student, teacher, classroom, school, or district. Above all keep the identity of the students hidden; use numbers, letters or pseudo names when discussing a student. First names only can be alright as long as there is no other information linking that name to a class, teacher, school, town, district, etc. We have to make sure to protect the children we work with in the schools.

August 18, 2013

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