Course Outline Harless

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Instructor- Courtney Harless (517)327-0700 ext 225 1. Course Name Fifth Grade Social Studies 2.

. Course Description In our social studies course we will explore American Indian life in the Americas, European Exploration, African life before the 16 th century, European Struggle for Control in North America, European Slave Trade and Slavery in Colonial America, Life in Colonial America, Causes of the American Revolution, Creating New Governments and a New Constitution. 3. Resource requirements All students taking an online course will be expected to have access to a computer connected to the Internet and MS Office or a word processor. They must also have the History Alive textbook, written by Bert Bower. 4. Introduction to the Textbook The History Alive textbook will provide a resource for many of the topics covered in this course. It will be the basis for many of the chapters, and then will have other resources to interact with and process the objectives for each unit. 5. Student Learner Responsibilities page I expect each student to participate in blog discussions, read and process the assigned chapters for each unit, and complete the weekly assignments in a timely matter. I expect each student to ask for help when necessary, and collaborate with each other when the assignment requires. 6. Instructor information I will return e-mails within 24 hours of receiving them. I will respond to questions and help problem solve any problems that may arise during the course. I will provide feedback on assignments within a week of students turning them in. 7. Online Office Hours I am available for e-mail questions at any time. If you would like to have a phone conversation or come talk to me at my office you may set up an appointment. I can be reached at (517) 327-0700 ext. 225. 8. Grading Policy and Scale Quizzes will be worth 50 points each Final exam will be worth 100 points Blog discussions will be worth 10 points each With a scale of: A= 90% or above (900-1000 points) B= 80% - 89% (800-899 points)

C= 70% - 79% (700-799 points) D= 60% - 69% (600-699 points) Failing - 59% or below (599 points or less) 9. Number of Lessons There will be a blog post most weeks combined with a reading assignment. There will also be a final unit assessment for each unit. Some weeks will have larger assignments to complete depending on the unit. 10. Course outline This will be determined as I create the flow of units within the course. This will involve a final unit assessment for each unit as well as a variety of reading responses and online assignments. 11. Attendance requirements I expect students to check in to our course website several times a week to check announcements and see which assignments are due that week. I expect students to ask for clarification when they have a question regarding an assignment or anything that comes up in the class. I expect students to turn in their weekly assignments by Sunday night.

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