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West Virginia

Its time for the truth !

Real Bad Forest Fire

NO, newbie !!! Lt said it was Agent Orange. The XO said it won t hurt us!

West Virginia State Council


March 17, 2013

No. 3-13 Contact: Dave Simmons / or Connie Jones

Vietnam Veterans of America To Hold Town Hall Meeting on Generational Effects of Agent Orange/Dioxin
Fayetteville, WV. West Virginia State Council of Vietnam Veterans of America will hold a Town Hall meeting to address the birth defects, diseases, and learning disabilities affecting the children and grandchildren of Vietnam veterans. The forum will be held on Sunday, March 17, 2013, at 2:00 pm, at the Fayetteville Memorial Building. We cannot be silent about the effects of our battlefield exposures on our children in the face of overwhelming evidence connecting many diseases and birth defects to exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam, said Bill McDonald, Agent Orange Chair for the West Virginia State Council of Vietnam Veterans of America. We encourage all veterans with children and/or grandchildren suffering from ill nesses, learning disabilities, or physical disabilities to come share their stories. We will explore issues surrounding Agent Orange exposure, including scientific information, health effects, and methods for educating the public and elected representatives about the issues of Vietnam veterans, their children, and their families, said McDonald.
The goal of the town hall meeting is to bring attention to the hidden cost of our service and to encourage the government to create and maintain a registry of these birth defects as well as assist our doctors in finding ways to diagnose and treat these birth defects. Veterans of all wars are subjected to many contaminates and most

were not aware of what was being used or what effects most would have on their health. Said McDonald, Our children are innocent victims of our war and need the help of our government to cope with these problems. We worry, who will be there to take care of them when we are gone? In keeping with VVAs founding principle, Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another, Vietnam veterans throughout the state of West Virginia continue to fight for the welfare of our nations veterans from all wars.

Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) is the nation's only congressionally chartered veterans service organization dedicated to the needs of Vietnam-era veterans and their families. VVA's founding principle is Never again will one generation of veterans abandon another.

Agent Orange
Town Hall Meeting
A genetic legacy for our children and grandchildren. March 17, 2013 2-5:00pm
At The Fayetteville Memorial Building Fayetteville, West Virginia

*Are you a Vietnam Veteran or a child or grandchild of a Vietnam Veteran? *Does your child or grandchild have a birth defect, or suffer from childhood illnesses ? *Do you suffer from multiple illnesses ?
Learn from national experts about the genetic legacy resulting from exposure to Agent Orange

Free Admission
SPONSORED by: West Virginia State Council, Vietnam Veterans of America Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America of West Virginia

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