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Lesson Observation Form EDUC 329/429 (Secondary) This form should be completed by the student while observing lessons

implemented by other teachers at the clinical site.

Date of Lesson: 11/8/13 Area I: How did the teacher a. Start the lesson? Ms. Crosby started the lesson by greeting the class and then asking the students if they have every seen a parade and what types of things they would find in a parade. b. Tie it to previous learning? The teacher discussed volume in music with the students which is a topic they have already learned about previously in music class. c. Arouse student interest? This lesson aroused student interest by tying in the activity with an experience most of the students have already had: watching a parade march down the street. Area II: How did the teacher make the purpose and relevance of the lesson apparent? Through direct teacher statements? Yes other (specify) Area III: What procedures were incorporated into the body of the lesson? ___X Lecture - whole group ___X Discussion ___X ___X Demonstration variety of groupings ____X Student Activities ______ other: (identify) ____X Audiovisual Presentation By eliciting reactions from students? Yes Class Observed: 1st Grade General Music

What specific activities were particularly effective or engaging describe briefly. The students were asked to listen the recording of a march by John Philip Sousa and then describe what is happening to the music as the bad marches closer and closer to the crowd and then gets further and further away. Then, several students were picked to form a band and given different percussion instruments. They were asked to march around the room playing their instruments in a steady beat. I think this activity is engaging because it uses many different types of learning to involve the student and help reinforce the material of the lesson. Area IV: What materials were used in the course of the lesson? _____ text or books _____ manipulatives _____ supplementary materials _____ illustrations _____ whiteboard ___X audio/DVD/video ____ graphic organizer _____ calculators

____X other (specify): Smart Board with image of the music and video demonstration of the song.

What specific materials were particularly effective or engaging describe briefly. I liked the recording of the march by John Philip Sousa because it is a famous composer that the students are introduced to at an early age. Area V: Did he/she relate the subject matter to other content the students had studied, to current events, or to students personal interests? If so, how was this accomplished? This lesson related to the students personal experience of going to a parade and watching a marching band play. They were able to describe changes in dynamics and the band got closer and then further away. Relating the concept of dynamics with a personal experience was a good way to engage the students and help them understand the lesson. What specific activities were particularly effective or engaging describe briefly. I think it was effective to have the students listen to the recording, describe the changes in volume, and then mimic the band with their own instruments by pretending to be a band. Area VI: What provisions or accommodations were made for individual differences? ___X small group work ___ Other (specify): What specifically did the teacher do that was particularly effective describe briefly. It was effective for the students with differences to participate in the activity with strong students who were able to keep a steady beat and make changes in volume with their instruments. This allowed them to mimic how those students were playing in the band. Area VII: What positive behavioral support techniques did the teacher use? Briefly describe them. Ms. Crosby frequently praised students who were being good listeners and also gave positive reinforcement for students who raised their hands instead of speaking out. She also praised students who kept the steady beat when playing their instruments and making changes in dynamics. Area VIII: How did the teachers personal qualities assist to advance the lesson? ___X dressed appropriately ____X displayed no distracting mannerisms ____X used correct oral language X used correct written language __X used appropriate voice (volume and pitch). Briefly describe the attitudes and dispositions the teacher displayed that affected student performance. The teacher is always excited to share the lesson material with the students and displays good musicianship while listening to recording examples and demonstrating on the instruments. Area IX: How did the teacher end the lesson? a. _X summarized the days learning. b. _____ assigned homework If so, specify the kind of assignment: c. other (specify): The teacher asked the students to share with the class what they learned. _____ individualized assignments _____ differentiated materials

EDUC 329/429/McKenzie/2012

Area X: What evaluation techniques did the teacher use during the lesson? __X oral questions _____ written questions __X observations of students verbal responses _____other (specify): ___X observation of students application skills

Area XI: Summary Comments: Identify at least 3 aspects of the lesson observation that contributed to creating a positive, safe atmosphere learning environment that actively engaged the students. 1. 2. 3. The lesson engaged the students with different types of learning activities: listening, looking at visuals, responding to questions about the music, playing instruments, and marching in small groups to the beat of the music. I liked how the students sat on the rug in the classroom during the lesson and they each had their own assigned seats. The students were spread out comfortably on the rug so they had plenty of personal space. I also liked how positive the teacher was during the lesson and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the activities with the students.

EDUC 329/429/McKenzie/2012

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