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Application of the leading edge suction analogy of vortex lift to the drag due to Lift to the drag due

to lift of sharp edge delta wings

Edward C. Polhamus Team 9 Jake Paul Rego & Sanjeev Santhanam

The polhamus suction analogy states that the extra normal force that is produced by a highly swept wing at high angles of attack is equal to the loss of leading edge suction associated with the separated flow.

Polhamus vortex lift

This approach relates the flow about the spiral vortices to the potential flow about the leading edge and formulates an analogy between the potential flow leading edge suction and the additional normal force which is induced by the vortex flow and from which the vortex lift can be determined.-p.1


Zero leading edge suction with vortex lift

2D Airfoils Tested in Eggers paper


Reversed NACA 0012 airfoil

Chord 6 inches Max t/c ratio 0.12 Camber 0 Incidence 0, 2,4 deg


12-Percent-Chord thick Wedge Section

Chord 3 inches Max t/c ratio 0.12 Camber 0 Incidence 0, 2,4 deg

Drag Coefficient Curve (Eggers)

Drag in the absence of leading edge Suction

Comparison with Experimental data

Comparison [Contd..]

For low aspect ratio- drag predicted by potential flow is higher than experimental data as well as vortex lift theory. For moderate aspect ratio potential flow under estimates the drag when compared to experimental results. The vortex lift theory is in excellent agreement with experimental data. Camber and twist desired ??

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