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Introductions; Getting to know one another

He is from _______. Ele de ___________. This is my companion, _. Este mi compaero, __, She is Rachel. Ele si Rachel. Her name is Rachel. Su nombre Rachel. She is Lina. Ele si Lina. Her name is Lina. Su nombre Lina. The name Lina is hers. El nombre Lina de suyo. Her nickname is Ina. Su palayao Ina. The nickname Ina is hers. El palayao Ina de suyo. Her surname is Reyes. Su apellido Reyes The surname Reyes is hers. El apellido Reyes de suyo. This is his book. = Este su libro. This book is his. Este libro de suyo. This is his car. Este su coche. This car is his. Este coche de suyo. From where are you? De donde tu? From where is she? De donde ele? She is from Zamboanga. Ele de Zamboanga. She stays in Tetuan Zamboanga !ity. Ele ta esta na Tetuan, ciudad de Zamboanga.

Chavacano Lessons 120113a

From the ha!acano "andboo# $y Felino % Santos

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