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Unit Aims/Summary

[Yr 11 English]

As a class, we will watch Ang Lees film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and analyse how filmic elements are used to create meaning. Students will look at elements such as: camera angles/techniques, sound (diegetic and non-diegetic), shot construction (rule of 3, placing of characters/objects), and actor performance. By analysing this film, they shall then analyse a Western film of their choosing, focussing on the nature/portrayal of the hero.

Curriculum Links
Communication - In groups and individually, students consider the language used in texts for observance of, or variation from, rules and conventions. Students read and, through class discussion and individual reflection, come to realise that different text types, such as a film, novel, play, poem, website, or campaign speech, have their own distinctive stylistic features. Citizenship - In English the focus of the capability for citizenship is primarily on developing knowledge and understanding of the ways in which language enables students to participate in and critique social, cultural, and economic aspects of local, national, and global society. A students sense of identity, both individual and collective, is shaped and defined by this participation. By reading and composing a variety of texts, students develop an understanding of different cultural perspectives and values.
Personal Development - By reading, viewing, writing, composing, listening, and speaking,

students express and define their personal identities, and gain confidence in using language in a range of situations. They develop the capacity to express and present ideas in various ways, for different purposes and audiences. Work - Students produce a range of texts that suit the purpose and the intended audience; one purpose may be to produce texts for the workplace. Students come to realise that clear, accurate speaking and writing, and the use of technology, are valuable, transferable skills in economic, social, and political contexts. Learning- Students develop their ability to derive meaning from a variety of texts and to understand the ideas, values, and beliefs presented in those texts. The study of English supports students to think independently, evaluate information, and become effective and organised communicators.

Student Outcomes/Knowledge
Understand how filmic elements can be used to enhance both the narrative and the directors vision Able to differentiate between various shots/editing techniques and describe shot composition and characterisation Be able to successfully analyse a Western film of their choosing Compare/contrast the notion of the hero in both Eastern and Western terms

Learning Sequence
MONDAY L3 (11:10-12:00) 50mins WEEK 1 Finish Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon WEEK Go through plot, hand out 2 film terminology sheet Go through Film Terminology sheet Begin re-watching film with analysis [1 lesson for previous assignment] Conclude watching film Introduce assessment task Compare the Eastern notion of a hero to the Western (i.e. Li Mu Bai to Neo) TUESDAY L5-6 (1:45-3:20) 85mins WEDNESDAY L4 (12:05-12:55) 50 mins Begin watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Continue watching film THURSDAY L6 (2:35-3:20) 45mins Continue watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Continue watching film (desert scene) [half lesson - for previous assignment]

Continue watching film


WEEK Class time 4 WEEK 5

Class time Hand up

The notion of a hero - How are Li Mu Bai and Shu Lien portrayed? - How do film techniques add to this? Ask students what Western film they have chosen to compare with CTHD Class time

Class time

Class time

Film analysis - watch film through once, then go through stopping to point out characterisation and filmic technique

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Ang Lee, 2001 (film) Film Terminology info sheet

Compare/contrast the notion of the hero in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon to the Western hero ideal. Select a hero character from a Western film, and compare: character, filmic techniques, nature of fighting. Essay, max. 1000 words. Due Tuesday wk 5 Knowledge and Understanding KU1 Knowledge and understanding of the ideas, values, and beliefs explored in texts. KU2 Knowledge and understanding of the ways in which the creators and readers of texts use language techniques and conventions to make meaning. Analysis An1 Analysis of the connections between personal experiences, ideas, values, and beliefs, and those explored in a text. An2 Analysis of the ways in which language techniques are used to influence opinions and decisions in a range of contexts. Application. Ap2 Use of evidence from texts to support conclusions.

Ap3 Ability to locate, record, analyse, use, and synthesise knowledge. Communication C1 Accuracy, clarity, and fluency of expression.


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