Educational Leadership Reflections 2013

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A Female Administrators ( Reflections--SR




A Female Administrators 3 Reflections--SR WHAT IS MASTER EDUCATIONA EADERSHI!"


Introd)ction W&at ma*es a master ed)cational leader" I $elie+e t&at it does not ta*e lon, for teac&ers to identif% -&o are stron, or ineffecti+e leaders. I am in t&e fort)nate /osition of $ein, a female administrator 0assistant /rinci/al' +ice /rinci/al and /rinci/al1 first in Al$erta and no- in 2ritis& Col)m$ia. I do confirm -&at C%ndie 2a)m 0,ender researc&er at t&e U of C' 34451 finds t&at t&ere are differences $et-een t&e -a% -omen and men lead. Ho-e+er' I &a+e also fo)nd t&at t&ere are some f)ndamental similarities $et-een men and -omen' es/eciall% -&en it comes to ,ood leaders&i/. T&ro),& t&e lenses of $ein, a female administrator' I reflect on t&e to/ic of master leaders&i/. I consider a $road s/ectr)m of com/etencies for s)ccessf)l leaders&i/' man% of -&ic& incl)de and e6tend $e%ond t&e 7,ood8 mana,erial and co,niti+e attri$)tes or strate,ies ado/ted in traditional and c)rrent leaders&i/ models. Instead' -&at I o$ser+e to $e s)ccessf)l leaders&i/ lands so)ndl% in t&e affecti+e and s/irit)al learnin, domains 0Ro$inson' 34451. i*e ot&er ed)cational administrators -it& -&om I &a+e s/o*en to for t&e /)r/oses of t&is reflecti+e article to inform m% on,oin, leaders&i/ /ractice' I 9)st seem to 7*no-8 or 7feel8 -&en I &a+e $een led -ell. I &a+e learned to listen to m% res/onse to +ario)s leaders&i/ st%les. Ho- do t&ese /eo/le im/act me" W&at do t&e% in&i$it or o/en inside of me" Ho- do t&e% create -it&in me and o)r or,ani:ation 7t&e most constr)cti+e /ossi$le attit)de ; <=8 0Walters' (5>?' /. (@A1. In some cases' for e6am/le' I &a+e $een demorali:ed' disem/o-ered' and defeated. In ot&er instances' I &a+e $een ener,i:ed' committed and &a//%. It is t&ro),& t&ese *inds of internal dialo,)es and t&e 7conscio)sness of m% e6/erience8 (Walters, 1990, p. 42) a$o)t -&o I am in relation to t&ese leaders t&at I can more clearl% e6amine -&o I am or as/ire to $e as a leader. W&en &onestl% reflectin, on e6am/le of -&o I consider to $e master leaders' man% of t&em t&at I &a+e -or*ed -it&Bfor in Al$erta and t&en 2ritis& Col)m$ia &a+e $een male' $)t I see t&at t&e trends

A Female Administrators @ Reflections--SR are c&an,in, in t&e /ast co)/le of %ears in m% recent /ostin,s 034(@1. Darrell ons$err%' !rinci/al of t&e Cal,ar% Science Sc&ool 0Cal,ar%' Al$erta' 34451' confirmed &is im/ression t&at t&ere is still a stron, male leaders&i/ trend in ed)cation' es/eciall% in Al$erta. C)d% #ra% 0co-/rinci/al of one of t&e cam/)ses for t&e Fo)ndations for t&e F)t)re C&arter Sc&ool in Cal,ar%' Al$erta' and /ast c&air for T&e Association of Al$erta !)$lic C&arter Sc&ools 0TAA!CS1' 34451 indicated' 7%o) 9)st &a+e to attend a CASS 0Colle,e of Al$erta Sc&ool S)/erintendents1 Conference to )nderstand t&e male ;dominant< leaders&i/ /rofile in Al$erta.8 M% older female /redecessors s/ea* candidl% of some of t&e c&allen,es t&e% e6/erienced $rea*in, into t&e field. Fort)natel%' I &ad /redominantl% /ositi+e e6/eriences as a female teac&er. Ho-e+er' -&en I c&ose to $ecome a female ed)cational leader and enter into -&at 0at t&e time1 -as a /redominantl% male field' life did $ecome a $it more /olitical' and I &ad to $e D)ite strate,ic a$o)t &o- I -o)ld inform' s&are and im/lement m% ideas. M% female +oice -as ne- on t&e leaders&i/ landsca/e' and I needed to $e t&o),&tf)l a$o)t &o- I -o)ld 7fit8 into t&e -orld of fairl% ri,id re,)lations' /olicies and /roced)res. It -o)ld $e dis&onest for me to sa% t&at t&ere -ere not diffic)lties' and discrimination for $ein, female 0and a sin,le mot&er1' es/eciall% as I contin)ed to see* /romotionE &o-e+er' t&e foc)s of m% reflections are a$o)t &o- I &a+e s)cceeded des/ite t&e c&allen,es. As I s&ifted m% role in ed)cation from teac&er to ed)cational leader' m% on,oin, o$ser+ations' researc&' and e6/erience 0t&at are +alidated $% t&e +oices of more e6/erienced administrators' $ot& men and -omen1 &a+e led me to $elie+e t&at leadership is essentially spiritual and loving. W&en I s/ea* of s/irit)al' I refer to t&e m%sterio)s and intan,i$le ener,% t&at denotes t&e 7s/irit8. In order to )nderstand ones o-n s/irit' it is im/ortant to consider t&e intimate connection -it& self and ot&ers 0Miller' 344A1. W&en I s/ea* of 7lo+in,8' I s/ea* of t&e -a% -e -or* -it& /eo/le )nconditionall%' and see t&em for t&eir /o-er and /otential. T&is t%/e of leaders&i/ is often associated -it& a female leaders&i/ st%le' alt&o),& ironicall%' m)c& of m% mentors&i/ and reference information in t&is re,ard &as come from male leaders 0Cones' 3444-344A1. I &a+e &ad to $e D)ite determined to find and em$race m% o-n leaders&i/ st%le -it&in t&is /&iloso/&%' e+en t&o),& a more traditional' /olic%-oriented st%le contin)es to $e a /o-erf)l infl)ence of most ed)cators and one t&e% contin)e to $ot& fear and res/ect. T&is idea of s/irit)alit% is a core +al)e or e6/erience ta*in, a lar,er /lace in o)r ne-l% de+elo/in, sc&ool c)rric)la 0Ro$inson' 344>1. As -ell' 7lo+e ;is< essential to timeless learnin,. For,otten in t&e landsca/e of acco)nta$ilit% and standardi:ed tests' t&e com/assionate or carin, teac&ers are )s)all% t&e teac&ers t&at -e remem$er8 0Miller'

A Female Administrators H Reflections--SR 344A' /. A(1. One of t&e sin,le lar,est com/laints ;of st)dents< in sc&ools is t&at t&e teac&ers do not care a$o)t t&em 0Noddin,s' (553E Comer' (5>>E as cited $% Miller' 344A' /. F51. I -o)ld also ima,ine t&at t&e same &olds tr)e of &o- teac&ers feel a$o)t t&eir colle,ial -ell$ein,. It is t&ro),& t&ree *e% leaders&i/ constr)cts t&at I &o/e to researc& and $)ild stron, /ractice in m% ,oin, to /ro+ide s/irit)al and lo+in, leaders&i/ as an academic or sc&ool administratorG (. We' as ed)cational leaders' need to )nderstand t&e im/ortance of aligning -it& o)r fello- ed)cators' re,ardless of o)r roles in ed)cation' or o)r le+el of e6/erience. 3. In order to do so' -e need to $e metacognitively capable of e6aminin, o)r o-n t&in*in, and feelin, 0and $ein,1' and as a res)lt' ins/ire t&is /rocess in ot&ers. @. T&ere needs to $e co)ra,eo)s intentionality of o)r $eliefs and actions so t&at -e can ins/ire /ositi+e ,ro-t& in o)r sc&ools. Ali,nment We are in constant contact -it& /eo/le aro)nd )s in o)r staffrooms' meetin,s' classrooms' and conferences' and in a +ariet% of -a%s. We are also at +ario)s le+els of o)r o-n /rofessional de+elo/ment. T&ere are +ario)s contin))ms -it& -&ic& -e can reference &o- enli,&tened /eo/le are -it&in o)r ed)cational conte6ts. For e6am/le' Ha-le% 0(55@1 tal*s a$o)t /eo/le o/eratin, t&ro),& t&e le+els of t&e 7Re+erence Contin))m8 -&en &e tal*s a$o)t t&e follo-in, sta,es of colle,ial interactionG (1 )nci+ili:edE 31 /olitenessE @1 carin,E H1 res/ectE and F1 re+erence 0/. HA1. We are reD)irin, constant reali,nin, of o)r e6/eriencesIdail%' -ee*l%' and moreIto $etter )nderstand -&ere -e are o)rsel+es in o)r o-n 9o)rne% and in con9)nction -it& t&ose aro)nd )s in t&e sc&ool' and t&e /)$lic so t&at -e are o/eratin, re+erentl% 0lo+in,l%1. E+er%ones tr)t& is )niD)e to t&em' and as a res)lt t&eir /at&s -ill $e different. We need to ca/t)re and s%nt&esi:e a common /)r/ose for a team of ed)cators and 7&a+e t&em all facin, t&e same direction8 0 ons$err%' 34451. T&ese relational s*ills are /i+otal to o)r -or* in sc&ools and seem to $e t&e /riorities of man% e6/erienced administrators' in /artic)lar t&e female administrators. Mart&a Fa)l*ner 0t&e /rinci/al of Westmo)nt C&arter Sc&ool' Cal,ar%' Al$erta' 34451 indicates t&at ,ood leaders&i/ is all a$o)t 7considerin, all *inds of /ers/ecti+es=and &earin, /eo/les +oices= ;As -ell as to as*' -< &ere are ;-e< are at in

A Female Administrators F Reflections--SR ;o)r ed)cational< 9o)rne%s"8 Ali,nment reD)ires leaders to &a+e a stron, sense of self so t&at -e can $etter em/at&i:e -it& ot&er /eo/le and acce/t t&em for -&o t&e% are. Walters 0(5>?1 indicates t&at 7;t<&e $est leaders&i/' indeed' is rooted in com/assion' in *indness' in dee/ concern for t&e -elfare of ot&ers8 0/. H41. Ste/&anie Da+is 0/ast /rinci/al of Forest a-n Hi,& Sc&ool in Cal,ar%' Al$erta' 34451 indicates t&at it is im/ortant to 7al-a%s -or* t&ro),& ot&er /eo/le and en&ance t&eir ca/acit%8. 2% doin, so' t&ere is a commitment to a sin,le /)r/ose as a sc&ool' -&ic& s&o)ld al-a%s $e' accordin, to Fa)l*ner 034451 7W&at is in t&e $est interests of c&ildren"8 #ordon Welc& 0/ast s)/erintendent of t&e Cal,ar% Science Sc&ool Societ%' Cal,ar%' A2' 34451 al-a%s as*s &is staff t&is sin,le dri+in, D)estion' 7Is t&is ,oin, to $e ,ood for t&e st)dents in t&is sc&ool s%stem"8 W&ile ali,nin, aro)nd a sin,le /)r/ose' t&ere is an ac*no-led,ement in t&e di+ersit% of t&e staff as to &o- t&e% mi,&t ac&ie+e t&is ,oal. In ot&er -ords' 7Wor* -it& ;t&e staff< as t&e% are' not as %o) -o)ld li*e t&em to $e8 0Walters' (5>?' /. ?41. For e6am/le' if I tr)l% -ant to ali,n -it& m% learnin, team' it $ecomes im/ortant for me to $e +isi$le' and foc)s on m% relational s*ills. Fa)l*ner em/&asi:es t&at leaders&i/ is 7a$o)t $ein, in t)ne -it& /eo/le8 034451. I need to' as s&e ad+ises' find a +ariet% of -a%s to $e +isi$le' comm)nicati+e and accessi$le to all of t&e ed)cational comm)nit% 0st)dents' /arents' ed)cators1. C)st as s&e offers Frida% afternoons to /arents as t&e% 7Min,le -it& Mart&a8' I -o)ld also li*e to $e o/en and a//roac&a$le -&ere /ossi$le. T&is t%/e of *indness to reac& o)t to ot&ers and em/at&i:e -it& t&eir /erce/tions of t&eir /art in t&e ed)cational e6/erience is also essential to effecti+e leaders&i/ 0Ro,ers' as cited $% Miller' 344A' /. A41. Metaco,nition In order to $e a$le to ali,n /eo/le in an ed)cational settin,' -e as leaders m)st $e a$le to stand $ac* and criticall% t&in* a$o)t o)r t&in*in, and /romote t&is refle6i+it% -it&in t&e or,ani:ation so t&at -e can all $etter )nderstand o)rsel+es and o)r /)r/ose as a team. 2% definition' c!ognition refers to t&e /rocess of *no-in,. "eta' deri+ed from t&e #ree*' means J$e%ond or Jfrom. "etacognition' t&en' refers to *no-in, &o- -e learn $est and conscio)sl% controllin, o)r learnin,=8 0Foster' et al.' 3443' /. F1. 7 i+in, creat)res not onl% -ant to e6istG T&e% -ant to $e conscio)s of t&eir e6istence8 0Walters' (554' /. H31. T%/icall%' -&en -e t&in* of metaco,nition' -e associate it -it& $ein, 7reflecti+e8 in o)r e6/erience. Ho-e+er' I /ro/ose t&at it also incl)des $ein, 7mindf)l8 and 7/resent8 in o)r e6/eriences first. 7Mindf)lness and contem/lation are different from re#lection. T&e% do not as* t&e teac&er to reflect on somet&in, $)t sim/l% be -it& t&e

A Female Administrators A Reflections--SR o$9ect. Teac&in, can mo+e $ac* and fort& $et-een mindf)lness and reflection8 0Miller' 344A' /. >(1. T&is a$ilit% to ta*e t&is e6tra mental ste/ in considerin, o)r conscio)sness in all learnin, domains 0co,niti+e' affecti+e' conati+e' /&%sical' and s/irit)al1' $efore ta*in, action /rofessionall%' is an im/ortant ste/ to-ard de+elo/in, -isdom as an ed)cational leader. For e6am/le' -e mi,&t as* o)rsel+esG JAm I ac&ie+in, m% /otential" W&% or -&% not" W&at is $loc*in, or stren,t&enin, me in m% t&o),&ts and feelin,s" Ho- does m% e,o affect me" Ho- can I do $etter" W&at is m% $od% tellin, me" Diane #i$son 0/ast assistant /rinci/al at t&e Cal,ar% #irls Sc&ool' Cal,ar%' Al$erta' 34451 indicates t&at as a res)lt of t&is t%/e of reflection' -e t&en need 7to $e a$le to as* for -&at -e need8 as leaders' from o)r collea,)es and teac&in, staff' so t&at -e /erform o/timall%. S&e contin)es to sa% t&at -e can t&en 7s&ine a li,&t on -&at -e $elie+e' -&at -e +al)e' and -&ere -e stand on matters of ed)cation8. W&en -e are more conscio)s of o)r t&in*in, in leaders&i/' -e can t&en 7s&ed o)r )nconscio)s roles8 0Da+is' 34451 -&ic& Da+is refers to as t&e t%/es of t&o),&ts and $e&a+io)rs t&at ma% $e en,rained in )s' $)t not necessaril% &el/f)l to o)r /)r/ose as t&o),&tf)l leaders. 7Kris&nam)rti felt t&at one of t&e main ,oals of ed)cation -o)ld $e an a-areness of o)r conditions so t&at -e can $e,in to let ,o of its effects8 0Miller' 344A' /. @41. 7It is t&e f)nction of t&e ed)cator to e6amine dee/l% &is o-n t&o),&ts and feelin,s and to /)t aside t&ose +al)es -&ic& &a+e ,i+en &im sec)rit% and comfort8' $)t are not necessaril% effecti+e 0Kris&nam)rti' (5F@' as cited $% Miller' 344A' /. @41. It is a /atient disci/line to $e a$le to decenter and anal%:e &o-e t&in* and learn and -&% -e mi,&t $e )na$le to do so )nder certain circ)mstances. S)ccessf)l metaco,niti+e a$ilit% comes -it& selfde+elo/ment and self-disci/line -&ere Ha-le% 0(55@1 e6/lains t&at t&ere is 7t&e c)lti+ation of inner ca/a$ilities. It in+ol+es narro-in, ones attention so it $ecomes a force t&at can $e directed=It ta*es -or*8 0/. (@H1. I need to stri+e to $e metaco,niti+e as /art of m% leaders&i/ &a$it. In ot&er -ords' I am t&e onl% one -&o can tr)l% *nom% o-n mind. 7A man is $)t t&e /rod)ct of &is t&o),&ts. W&at &e t&in*s' &e $ecomes8 0#&andi' (5F?' n/1. W&en $ein, o$9ecti+el% refle6i+e in m% /ractice' I need to $e confident eno),& to 7admit to *no-in, -&at I *no-8' and stand )/ for t&is *no-led,e -&ere it is necessar% or im/ortant to do so 0Da+is' 34451. S&e and !artrid,e 034451 referenced &o- for some female administrators' t&is t%/e of stron, leaders&i/' es/eciall% in t&e (5>4s and (554s too* incredi$le

A Female Administrators ? Reflections--SR co)ra,e as t&ere -ere man% c&allen,es t&at faced female leaders in t&e da%s of t&e /ercei+ed 7,ood old $o%s cl)$8. Intentionalit% A consens)s arose amon, man% of m% inter+ie-ees t&at enactin, tr)l% /ositi+e and +al)e centered leaders&i/ ta*es co)ra,e. As Winston C&)rc&ill indicates' 7Co)ra,e is ri,&tl% esteemed t&e first of &)man D)alities' $eca)se=it is t&e D)alit% -&ic& ,)arantees all ot&ers=8 0as cited $% Cones' (55?' /. F>1. eaders can &a+e e6ce/tional D)alities' $)t it is t&is s/irit of co)ra,eo)s intentionalit% t&at determines ,reatness. As Da+is 034451 indicates' 7Lo) cannot fa*e t&is -or*M8 sa%s #ra% also indicates t&at if %o) -ant to ma*e a si,nificant im/act on ed)cation' %o) &a+e to 7ste/ )/ and do somet&in, a$o)t it and offer %o)rself8. In ot&er -ords' 7Action ori,inates in t&e -ill' -&ic& directs ener,% to-ard its desired end. T&is' t&en' is t&e definition of -ill /o-erG desire /l)s ener,%' directed to-ard f)lfillment8 0Walters' (554' /. AF1. Con+ersel%' if leaders are ca/a$le of ,at&erin, follo-ers for t&e intention of &arm or -ron, doin,' o)r leaders&i/ is fla-ed and reD)ires reconsideration. I $elie+e t&at t&e c%cle of /ositi+e ener,% feedin, /ositi+e ener,%' or 7W&at ,oes aro)nd comes aro)nd8' is ali+e and -ell in most leaders&i/ scenarios. 7=For no action is e+er an isolated e+ent. Al-a%s' it in+ites from t&e )ni+erse a reaction t&at corres/onds e6actl% to t&e t%/e and t&e force of ener,% $e&ind t&e deed 0Walters' (554' /. AF1. In ot&er -ords' 72e im/ecca$le -it& %o)r -ord - S/ea* -it& inte,rit%. Sa% onl% -&at %o) mean=T&e -ord is a force8 0R)i:' (55?' /. 3A1. T&is t%/e of inte,rit% accordin, to Ha-le%' 0(55@1 incl)desG 70(1 -&oleness= 031 ,oodness= 0@1 co)ra,e' 0H1 self-disci/line' and 0F1 li+in, $% inner tr)t&8 0/. (@31. Inte,rit% $ecomes t&is intan,i$le feelin, t&at ins/ires ot&ers to also $e intentional 0D%er' 344H1. T&e -ord 7ins/ire8 comes from t&e -ord 7s/irit)al8. As -ell' 7s/irit)al8 s&o)ld not $e mista*en for 7c&arisma8' -&ic& is more a$o)t ener,% and /resentation. Instead' t&is idea is a$o)t a dee/er -isdom t&at /ermeates and &as t&e a$ilit% to a-a*en an or,ani:ation at a dee/er le+el. T&erefore' no$le intentionalit% reD)ires a -isdom from leaders to as* critical D)estionsG 7W&at do I feel is needed" and' JW&at is ri,&t" ;We< mi,&t e+en /&rase t&e D)estion t&)sG JW&at is tr%in, to &a//en &ere"8 0Walters' (5>?' /. H51. It is im/ortant to s&are a clear +ision -it& t&e ed)cational staff $eca)se 7)n/redicta$ilit% is not &andled -ell= and ;n<ot&in, -ill dama,e credi$ilit% ;li*e< sa%in, one

A Female Administrators > Reflections--SR t&in, and doin, anot&er8 0 o)is !artrid,e' /ast Cal,ar% Science Sc&ool S)/erintendent' 34451. S&e e6/lains &o- im/ortant it is to remind &erself re,)larl% a$o)t 7-&% I am &ere and -&at I -ant to ac&ie+e8. Sometimes' t&is mi,&t mean t&at I -ill &a+e to 7lead a,ainst t&e ,rain8 $eca)se I &a+e a different /)r/ose or +ision t&at is em$edded in researc& 0#ra%' 34451. I' li*e most leaders' $ecame a leader in order to $e a c&an,e a,ent in ed)cation. I do not as/ire to fi6 -&at 7aint $ro*en8' $)t it $ecomes im/ortant to reco,ni:e -&at reD)ires m% time and attention eno),& to 7ste/ )/ and do somet&in, a$o)t it=and /)t ;m%self< o)t t&ere8 0#ra%' 34451. Ho-e+er' -e not onl% -ant to consider o)r o-n /)r/ose' $)t t&e -is&es of t&e /eo/le -it&in t&e or,ani:ation and reco,ni:e 7t&e /o-er of colla$orati+e -or*8 0Da+is' 34451 and t&e res)ltin, team +ision for a sc&ool. As -ell' /lannin, for t&e +ision of t&e sc&ool in+ol+es t&e lar,er ed)cational comm)nit%. #ra% states' 7I $elie+e in &earin, t&e +oices of t&e /)$lic8 034451. T&erefore' -e need to feel t&e tidal /)ll of t&e /eo/le aro)nd )s' and learn -&en to /)s& and -&en to /)ll in res/onse to it' and -&en to let t&in,s $e. T&ese t%/es of leaders e+al)ate ed)cational iss)es t&ro),& common sense and int)ition' and are a$le to discern t&e distinctions $et-een t&e ne,ati+e and /ositi+e moti+ations t&at lie -it&in t&e ed)cational ,ro)/. It allo-s )s' as Welc& states 7to do t&e ri,&t t&in,s and to admit -&en ;-e< are -ron,8 034451. T&is t%/e of ener,% of co)ra,e' commitment and action determines t&e le+el of intentionalit% -it&in o)r sc&ools. An Honest Second oo*G Concl)sions W&o are t&e tr)e leaders t&at can accom/lis& s)c& so/&isticated administration" We *no- t&em -&en -e meet t&em. We em$race t&em -&en t&e% em$race )s. We relis& in t&e ener,% t&e% $rin, to o)r -or*/laces. 7For t&e tenor of e+er% ,ro)/ endea+or is al-a%s a reflection of t&e s/irit of its leaders&i/8 0Walters' (5>?' /. 3?1. T&ese leaders to)c& o)r li+es and &el/ )s to disco+er' end)re and rise $e%ond o)r o-n inner frailties to find and o/timi:e o)r stren,t&s. I as/ire to fi,)re o)t &o- to ,i+e $ac* to ed)cation in t&is same -a%. I no- &a+e -&at I see as a +er% s/ecial o//ort)nit% to do lo+in, and s/irit)al -or* -it& /eo/le in ed)cation. T&erefore' I endea+or to tread &)m$l% in m% -or* in leaders&i/ -&ile also &a+in, t&e co)ra,e to e6/ress m% +oice and $e stron, -it&o)t $ein, em$arrassed for $ein, stron, 0#ra%' 34451. 2% doin, so' I $ecome a model for ot&ers not to $e mar,inali:ed $% t&ose -&o are lo)dest or are more in+ested in t&e /olitical ,ame 0male or female1. #i$son comments t&at 7t&e -or* of ed)cation is /olitical -or*= 0344518 S&e contin)es $% as*in, t&e D)estion' 7W&at is t&e /lace of

A Female Administrators 5 Reflections--SR carin,' lo+in, leaders&i/ in an en+ironment -&ere t&ese +er% attri$)tes are ;sometimes< seen as -ea*ness"8 Walters 0(5>?1 res/onds to t&is D)estion $% re-affirmin, t&at 7;,<en)ine leaders&i/ is of onl% one t%/eG supportive.8 I em$race t&ese notions of spiritual and loving leaders&i/' and -ant to *no- &o- to inte,rate t&ese leaders&i/ attri$)tes into m% /ractice as an administrator or an academic -&ile still $ein, a credi$le in m% ed)cational conte6t. In concl)sion' -&at $ecomes t&e /aramo)nt consideration for me' as Welc& reminded me of a fe- times in &is inter+ie- is 7to find t&e $alance 0344518 and sta% -ell in $od%' mind and so)l. He ad+ises all leaders not to do too man% t&in,s in o)r effort to $e s)ccessf)l' $)t to do a fe- t&in,s' and do t&ese t&in,s -ell. Miller 0344A1 also a,rees t&at t&is t%/e of mindf)l' -&ole&eartedness is diffic)lt to do -&en 7tr%in, to do se+eral t&in,s at once8 0/. ??1. 7T&e r)s& and noise of o)r -orld ma*es it diffic)lt to $e f)ll% /resent8 -it& o)rsel+es and t&ose aro)nd )s 0Miller' 344A' /. ?A1. And so' I endea+or to not sim/l% 7*ee/ )/8 -it& t&e ed)cational inertia' $)t to stri+e )nder an% circ)mstance' 7to do m% $est8 0R)i:' (55?' /. >41 to $e /resent and connected -it& /eo/le. Ho-e+er' I cannot /rofess to offer an%t&in, nearin, m% $est in s/irit)al and lo+in, leaders&i/ if I am not com/assionate and a-are of m% o-n e6/erience. It is diffic)lt -&en -e li+e in a meritocratic and material a,e -&ere ed)cation is often o+erl% attac&ed to acco)nta$le and /rod)cti+e o)tcomes' to ado/t a s/irit)al leaders&i/ /&iloso/&%. Teac&in, conscio)sness of $alance in li,&t of ali,nment' metaco,nition and intentionalit% to an alread% o+erta6ed ed)cation s%stem' is t&e most diffic)lt tas* t&at $ot& male and female leaders face' $)t it is one t&at I $elie+e -ill &a+e lastin, $enefits for m%self and t&e /eo/le -it& -&om I -or*. W&en -e are a-are of t&e /)lls of o)r o-n Mind and t&e Minds of ot&ers' -&ile stri*in, /)r/osef)l and intentional action' -e can $ecome a s/irit)al or,ani:ation stron, eno),& to accom/lis& neand meanin,f)l tas*s and to $e resilient eno),& to o+ercome t&e o$stacles -&ic& face )s.

A Female Administrators (4 Reflections--SR References 2a)m' C. 034451. Inter+ie- -it& C. 2a)m' ,ender researc&er at t&e Uni+ersit% of Cal,ar% 0notes1. Cal,ar%' Al$erta. Da+is' S. 034451. Inter+ie- -it& S. Da+is' /ast /rinci/al of Forest a-n Hi,& Sc&ool 0notes1. Cal,ar%' Al$erta. D%er' W. W. 0344H1. $he po%er o# intention& 'earning to co(create your %orld your %ay. Nanco)+erG Ha% Ho)se' Inc. Fa)l*ner' M. 0S/ea*er1. 034451. Inter+ie- -it& M. Fa)l*ner' /rinci/al of t&e Westmo)nt C&arter Sc&ool 0notes1. Cal,ar%' Al$erta. #and&i' M. K. 0(5F?1. $he story o# my e)periments %ith truth& *n autobiography. 2ostonG 2eacon !ress. #i$son' D. 0S/ea*er1. 034451. Inter+ie- -it& D. #i$son' assistant /rinci/al of t&e Cal,ar% #irls Sc&ool 0notes1. Cal,ar%' Al$erta. #ra%' C. 0S/ea*er1. 034451. Inter+ie- -it& C. #ra%' co-/rinci/al of t&e Fo)ndations for t&e F)t)re C&arter Sc&ool' Alice M. C)rtis Cam/)s 0notes1. Cal,ar%' Al$erta. Ha-le%' Cac*. 0(55@1. Rea-a*enin, the spirit in %or+. San FranciscoG 2errett-Koe&ler !)$lis&ers Cones' D. C.' ed. 0(55?1. ,ayings #or teachers. Cal,ar%G Detseli,

A Female Administrators (( Reflections--SR Enter/rises td. Cones' D. C. 03444-344A1. S/irit)al leaders&i/ co)rse 0and ot&ers1 at t&e Uni+ersit% of Cal,ar%. Cal,ar%' Al$erta. ons$err%' . 034451. Inter+ie- -it& . ons$err%' /rinci/al of t&e Cal,ar% Science Sc&ool 0notes1. Cal,ar%' Al$erta. Miller' C. 0344A1. Ed)catin, for -isdom and com/assionG Creatin, conditions for timeless learnin,. T&o)sand Oa*s' CAG Cor-in !ress. !artrid,e' . 034451. Inter+ie- -it& . !artrid,e' /ast cos)/erintendent of t&e Cal,ar% Science Sc&ool 0notes1. Cal,ar%' Al$erta. Ro$inson' S. 0344>1. -romising practices and core learnings in arts education& 'iterature revie% o# .(12 #ine arts programs. Edmonton' A2G Cro-n in Ri,&t of Al$erta' Al$erta Ed)cation. Ro$inson' S. 034451. *n autobiography o# the creative %riting e)perience& /o% metacognition in the #ive learning domains in#orms the creative %riting e)perience. Saar$rOc*en' #erman%G NDM Nerla, Dr. MOller !)$lis&in, Ho)se. R)i:' D. 0(55?1. $he #our agreements& Wisdom boo+. San Rafael' CAG Am$er-Allen !)$lis&in,.

A Female Administrators (3 Reflections--SR Walters' Donald C. 0(5>?1. $he art o# supportive leadership& * practical guide #or people in positions o# responsibility. Ne+ada Cit%' CAG Cr%stal Clarit%' !)$lis&ers. Walters' Donald C. 0(5541. $he essence o# sel#(reali0ation& $he %isdom o# -aramhansa 1ogananda. Ne+ada Cit%' CAG Cr%stal Clarit%' !)$lis&ersReflecti+e. Welc&' #. 034451. Inter+ie- -it& #. Welc&' s)/erintendent of t&e Cal,ar% Science Sc&ool 0notes1. Cal,ar%' Al$erta.

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