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Strawberry Macaroons Recipe

Ingredients 50g ground almonds 140g icing sugar 2 large egg whites 1 tbsp caster sugar Pink food colouring paste tbsp good!"uality strawberry #am Method 1$ Preheat the o%en to 1&0'()fan1*0'()gas 5$ +ine 2 large baking trays with non!stick baking paper$ 2$ Sie%e the ground almonds and icing sugar together into a large bowl$ Put the egg whites into a separate bowl, and using an electric hand whisk, beat to soft peaks$ -dd the caster sugar, and whisk until glossy$ .old into the almond and icing sugar mi/ture, along with a %ery small amount of the pink food colouring$ Mi/ until #ust combined and e%enly pink 0 the mi/ture will reduce as the air bubbles in the meringue burst$ $ Put the mi/ture into a disposable piping bag, snip off 1cm from the end$ Pipe small blobs 1about 1 heaped teaspoon each2 onto the baking paper, spaced apart, so you ha%e about 50 in total$ Set aside for 10 minutes to dry 0 this is important as it gi%es the macaroons the correct te/ture$ 3ake for 5 minutes, then turn the whole sheet of paper o%er 0 the macaroons will be stuck so won4t fall off$ 3ake for another 4 minutes$ Remo%e from the o%en and cool$ 4$ Peel off the baking paper from the macaroons, then sandwich 2 together with a tiny blob of strawberry #am in the centre$ Repeat to gi%e you 25 in total$

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