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Learning Task 1 - Revision of what you have studied in Health and Physical Education Physical Activity Written Aspect

Key content learnt during these units Studied Studied

Term 1 Term 2
Swimming Ball Games Field Games Ball/Field Games Fitness Gymnastics Organisation Lifesaving Sex education Danger of Alcohol Fitness Danger of Drugs and Alcohol How do organise time more efficiently. Learnt how to do resuscitation and other lifesaving techniques. Understanding what happens when you go through puberty. Learnt the dangers of Alcohol. Learnt about different types of Fitness and why its important to stay healthy What smoking and Alcohol do to your body and health.

Year 8
Term 3 Term 4 Term 1 Term 2

Year 9

Term 3 Term 4 Term 1 Term 2

Swimming Dancing Basketball./Ball Games Relaxation methods/ Ball/Field Games Mental Illnesses Sex Education, body image Learnt about Mental illnesses and how it affects somebodies everyday life Learned about safe sex and how the media portrays positive and negative body images

Year 10

Term 3 Term 4

The Effects of Alcohol and Learnt about the effects of Alcohol and Drugs and the damage Drugs it can cause. Should HPE be banned Different opinion on Physical Education being In schools

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