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Directed by: Masayuki Suo, in 1996

GROUP MEMBERS: Emmy, Miae Yoo, Kyujong Park

1. What is the problem Sugiyama faces and why has he lost his motivation when he achieved his goals?

2. What is the responsibility of a company beyond providing a standardized job, secure income and promotion?
3. How does this emphasis affect his family life and personal growth? Is it available to achieve work-life balance in Asia?

4. Is it ethical for companies to demand young employees to be dedicated to work and sacrifice their personal growth and family life? 5. How can companies promote work- life balance? Should it be the right of employees and responsibility of company?

1. What is the problem Sugiyama faces and why has he lost his motivation when he achieved his goals?

Motivation is the inner force that drives you to your personal success.
There are two motivation.




External (reward) Internal (value)


Abraham Maslow (1908 - 1970)


Higher order needs: needs that are satisfied internally.

ESTEEM NEEDS Im known SOCIAL NEEDS Im part of a group

Lower order needs: needs that are satisfied externally.

SAFETY NEEDS I feel safe enough PHYSIOLOGICAL NEEDS Im confortable enough

Confidence fail

Focus fail
Direction fail

2. What is the responsibility of a company beyond providing a standardized job, secure income and promotion?
Motivated employees are always the most valuable members of any organization, because they constantly strive for better results and improved efficiency.

Increased royalty to the company

Enhanced efficiency

Maximized results

Generally speaking there are two ways to motivate your employees: by offering more rewards or by using nonreward methods.

Reward methods:
Pay per action Enhance the time spent working Advanced motivation

Non-reward methods:
Open the gates for personal growth Organize teams of employees Think of challenging and interesting tasks Empower your staff.

3. How does this emphasis affect his family life and personal growth? Is it available to achieve work-life balance in Asia?

Employees in China (75%) were the most focused on their jobs, followed by India at 65% and Singapore at 57%. 89% of respondents saying they wanted to move to a higher level position within the next five years.

Long working hours impacts:





Reason of work-life imbalance Competition Individual career ambitions Longer working hours Global instability (Economy) International business

4. Is it ethical for companies to demand young employees to be dedicated to work and sacrifice their personal growth and family life?

Average work hours per a person:

Countries Working hours in a year (2012) 1397- 1752 1790 1745 2090 (as of 2011) asetCode=ANHRS

European countries (Germany- Italy) United States Japan Korea

For Japanese case: 70% of people aged 15 to 64 in Japan have a paid job 80% of men are in paid work, compared with 60% of women. Women encounter difficulties in balancing work and family life. ANHRS

5. How can companies promote work- life balance? Should it be the right of employees and responsibility of company?

Ensure there is adequate vocation coverage.

Ensure departments are adequately staffed

Offer flexible time Help employees work efficiently

Provide on- site child care Provide paternity leave

Offer tuition reimbursement

Offer perks and luxuries

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