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Class Age Group Syllabus Subject Topic Date

V 10-11 years CBSE Moral Value Story June 2004

Hershil singla

It was spring season. There were colors and beauty all around.

Birds and animals were happy. They had fine weather to enjoy and lots of food to eat.

On one such day a grasshopper was happily sitting on a leaf and humming a melodious tune

He was observing some ants collecting eatables for their hard days. Each one of them was busy carrying the grains to their homes and storing them.

Making fun of them,grasshopper said to one of them,

Why are you busy working? Enjoy these beautiful summer days. Eat Well and make merry!
Have Fun !!!

The ant said,

The winter is approaching. It is not known when the snow will fall. We are preparing the food for that time. After snowfall we wont get any food

Ha!Ha ! Ha ! What a foolish thing to do ! Worrying about the future ! ! ! Saying so, the grasshopper lazed in the sun.

By the middle of the winter season the trees were bare of leaves. Then began the snow fall. Insects went underground and the birds flew to the south. animals were not around.

The grasshopper found nothing to eat as the snow had covered the ground. No one came out due to cold

The grasshopper went to the ant and asked for some food.

The ant said

We are happy in our cosy homes with a lot of food. We are reaping rewards of our hard work in the past

You were happy being lazy and singing in the sun. Why dont you sing now? Go away we dont entertain lazy creatures like you!

Saving for the future is the best planning

EXERCISE Q1. What was the grasshopper doing in the spring season ? Q2. What were the ants doing during the spring season ? Q3.What did the grasshopper say to the ants? Q4. Why did the grasshopper go to the ants in the winter season? Q5. What was the ants reply? Q6. What is the moral of the story?

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