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|| NOVEMBER 2013

Using Video to Impact Learning Initiatives: Video Learning 2013

VIDEO LEARNING IS ONLY JUST BEGINNING TO MEET THE NEEDS OF 21ST-CENTURY LEARNERS >> This technology can enhance the ways in which learners are able to access, absorb, interpret, process, and use information. Although almost one-half (47 percent) of the companies we surveyed use video learning to some degree, their usage is not consistent or coordinated. In addition, companies do not have a clearly articulated strategy that describes how, when, and why video learning is to be used. Thus, only a small percentage of companies are leveraging video to its fullest capabilities. Our research on video learning focuses on these issues and how to incorporate video into your learning initiatives.1

Video Offers Strong Benefits for Learning

Video is quickly becoming essential for both ondemand and mobile learning because it is flexible, self-governed, and self-sustained. On-demand videos allow learners to consume knowledge that is personalized, highly accessible, and can be rapidly applied to their work effort. We asked survey respondents about their business drivers for using video (see Figure 1): Seventy-eight percent of companies built their business case on the transition from classroom training to on-demand learning using video Fifty-two percent made the decision to use video learning because it enabled them to keep pace with rapid changes in the business environment Fifty-one percent decided to incorporate video learning because it enhanced their efforts in encouraging collaboration and knowledge-sharing among various learning constituencies (including global).

Figure 1: Business Drivers Inuencing the Decision to Use Video Learning

Shift in learning interventions (e.g., from classroom to on-demand) Pace of change in business environment Efforts to encourage collaboration and knowledge-sharing Requirements to increase employee productivity Emergence of multigenerational workforce Increased technical complexity of individual tasks Globalization of workforce Corporate consolidation or merger

78% 52% 51% 47% 28%

18% 3%
50% 100%

Source: Bersin by Deloitte, 2013.

companies are leveraging any sophisticated use of video-learning features with advanced functionality such as one might find in some types of video gaming (e.g., individualization of learning, simulation of authentic learning experiences, or intellectual complexity). The majority of organizations leveraging video are doing so in a simple way. In fact, less than 10 percent of organizations are leveraging video across the organization or even standardizing the use of video across the enterprise. The large majority of organizations have yet to reach a consistent approach to leveraging video as part of learning.

Use of Video Is Still Primitive

Industry publications often feature highly sophisticated and flashy video learning. Real-life companies, however, do not yet produce complex video content. In fact, only about 20 percent of

For more information, Using Video in Learning: A Guide to Creating Rapid and Effective Learning Solutions with Video, Bersin by Deloitte / David Mallon, Janet Clarey, and Melanie Trudell, November 2013. Available to research members at www.bersin.com/library.
Copyright 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.


Learning Teams Lack Sophistication and Experience Working with Video

Video learning, like mobile learning, is a relatively new (formalized) media. For this reason, many learning groups may still retain responsibility for design and production of video / mobile learning within the core training group, rather than having internal resources. Through our study, we learned that: Approximately 48 percent of organizations do not have a separate video-learning team and video content is managed by their core learning group Twenty-three percent had some outsourced staff (e.g., contractors, offshore consultants), but the majority of their teams are comprised of internal employees Fifteen percent leverage mostly outsourced staff and have a small number of internal individuals dedicated to video Thirteen percent of companies have a separate video-learning team comprised entirely of internal employees

There is no substitute or shortcut for solid instructional design. The various details of how to create the video are required, but it is the instructional-design principles behind it that make the difference. Have a strategy that clearly articulates your overall approach to video learning and also includes a roll-out plan (with, for example, required communications for impacted learning constituencies). Have a clear understanding of the available tools and technologies, as well as marketplace options for external providers and other sources of video content. Video learning is here to stay. Make your plans now for how best to leverage this essential learning tool and make it an integral part of your organizations blendedlearning offerings.

Our Research
WhatWorks members select from nearly 1,000 research-based resources, including 230 research bulletins on the latest trends, nearly 200 case studies, and 70 in-depth industry studies comparing solution providers and identifying leading practices in technology assessment, selection, and implementation. We look forward to helping you to make sense of the dynamic and complex technology environment through our WhatWorks membership and system.

Figure 2: Stafng of Video Learning Team

We do not have a separate video training team We have some outsourced staff and/or contractors but the majority of the team is comprised of employees We have some employees but the majority of the team is comprised of outsourced staff and/or contractos Our video training team is entirely composed of employees Not sure Our video training team is entirely composed of outsourced staff and/or contractors

48% 23%

15% 13% 1% 0%
20% 40% 60%

About Bersin by Deloitte Bersin by Deloitte delivers research-based people strategies designed to help leaders and their organizations in their efforts to deliver exceptional business performance. Our WhatWorks membership gives Fortune 1000 and Global 2000 HR professionals the information and tools they need to design and implement leading practice solutions, benchmark against others, develop their staff, and select and implement systems. A piece of Bersin by Deloitte research is downloaded on average approximately every minute during the business day. More than 5,000 organizations worldwide use our research and consulting to guide their HR, talent and learning strategies.


Source: Bersin by Deloitte, 2013.

Leveraging Video
By leveraging some of the basic learning principles, your learning organization can successfully implement video. The following are some fundamental practices for leveraging the capabilities of video for your learning initiatives.

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Copyright 2013 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved.

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