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1. 2. 3. 4. The event should be such that the students from any field will be able to participate. The event should have a sense of cultural fundamentals. The file should be sent at The subject of the mail should be in the following format: Event Name_Event Head


Event Head : Batch : Contact Number : Email ID : ______________________________________________________________________________ Event Title: Tag Line: Event Details: Write up to be mentioned on Uurja website:

Event Rules: (for example)

1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Maximum numbers of participants are 8 and minimum are 4. Participants would be judged on the number of movies they guess. Only participants will be allowed to sit inside the event hall. Participants cannot take part in more than one team, etc.

Prize Money: (With break up)

Required Support: Infrastructure Required: (Capacity of the class room, mic, projector, timings for the event. In EXCEL Sheet)

Stationary Required (In EXCEL Sheet) No. of judges required, their details. Judgment Sheet. (EXCEL SHEET) Amount of Sponsorship for the event: (CASH or KIND) *you are supposed to attach only 1 excel file, make different sheets within. Estimated Cost: (Give a detailed break up in Excel Sheet)
Expenses include (FOR EXAMPLE) Particulars Backdrops Flex banner Posters Music system Total 1 15 1 17 Quantity Price (Rs) 700 (lump sum) 150 5 300 (rent) Total 700 150 75 300 1225

Please answer the following queries: 1. How much time will be required to conduct the event (round wise)? 2. How will you ensure maximum participation? 3. How will you attract audience and make them participate actively? 4. How the event will be promoted? 5. How will you attract Sponsors? Also mention your contribution and experience in Uurja12 (Optional)

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