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POLICY FORM: TEMPLATE TO SHARE Policy Area: Title of Policy: Effecti e !ate: A##ro e$ !ate: Re i%io& !

ate: Subject: Number: Pa"e Number: A##ro e$ by:

1. Ratio&ale or bac'"rou&$ to #olicy: (this area could also be on the back of this page) It is important to write out why this policy needed to be created. Often when organizations review their policies they wonder where on earth this came from!" #aving a background puts the policy in conte$t so that when reviewing time comes the organization can consider whether in fact it is still necessary for the original purpose. %hat was the issue&challenge behind creating the policy! %hy was it necessary to formulate a policy! 'rovide an e$ample to make it clear.

(. Policy Stateme&t: ) simple statement of %hat is to be accomplished.

() Proce$ure%: *ist in logical format the steps to take. #ow to implement the policy.

+reated by: ,onna *ockhart -he ./-#I01 2.O3' October (414

'age 1

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