E8 Sem2 0506

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ECE 2312 Sem 2 0506

Experiment #8- Band-pass and Band-stop Filters using R, L and C Venue : Electronic & Instrumentation Lab Aims Analyze the operation of band-pass and band-stop filters using series RLC Analyze the operation of band-pass and band-stop filters using parallel RLC Show how a band-pass and a band-stop filters are implemented using low-pass and highpass filters for series RLC Identify a band-pass and a band-stop filters using parallel RLC Discuss dB measurement, selectivity and filter quality factor Define and determine resonant frequency, bandwidth, and output voltage of bandpass and bandstop using series RLC Define and determine resonant frequency, bandwidth, and output voltage of bandpass and bandstop using parallel RLC

Introduction Series and parallel resonant circuits can be used to construct the band-pass and band-stop filter circuits. Figure 7 and Figure 8-2 can be used to design both band-pass and band-stop purposes by taking output voltages from different connections.


Figure 8-1

Figure 8-2

ECE 2312 Sem 2 0506

V o u t 5.0V (23.208K,5.0000) (16.588K,3.5369) 2.5V (10.000K,1.7044) (5.0038K,765.694m) (32.471K,3.5403) (50.038K,1.8782) (70.009K,1.2407) (23.208K,4.5959m) 0V 1.0KHz 3.0KHz V(R23:2,R23:1) V(C10:1,L9:2)

10KHz Frequency



Figure 8-3 : Output voltages curves for series RLC bandpass and bandstop filter

Materials Required

Circuit 3 Series RLC band-pass and band-stop filters : R23 = 10k, L9 = 100mH,
C10 = 470pF (additional R for step 8; R19 = 10k, R20 = 100k)

Parallel RLC band-pass and band-stop filters : R23 = 10k, L9 = 100mH,

C9 = 240pF

2 Digital multimeters (handheld & desktop) Frequency generator Connectors

Procedure Bandpass and bandstop filter using series RLC

Verify that the switches of the circuit in position 1 (normal) so as to avoid any faults (if it is in position 2). Remove all leads or links connected to the boards to avoid possible short circuits.


Construct the series RLC circuit as simplified in Figure 8.1 by connecting the points 3.1-3.5, 3.16-3.17, 3.18-3.26, 3.22-3.23. 1 2 LC


Calculate resonant frequency theoretically fr = values to estimate where it will lie.

using nominal


Connect a supply of 5Vrms with frequency close to calculated fr. Ensure scope calibrations. With scope connected accordingly to monitor Vs and I (VR), vary the frequency close to fr calculated earlier. Resonance occurs

ECE 2312 Sem 2 0506

when both waveforms are in phase. Utilise 10x magnifier and XY display. Acquire the experimental fr using oscilloscope. Find the error. Disconnect the oscilloscope. Using DMM, record the minimum and maximum output voltages for bandstop and bandpass filter respectively at resonance in Table 8.1.

Disconnect the path 3.1-3.5 and replace it with an ammeter. Measure the total current IT at resonance with Vs = 5Vrms; ITmax = _____. Calculate the actual value of ZT using measured values of Vs and IT. Disconnect the ammeter and reconnect the path. At resonance the reactances are cancelled out and resistance solely caused by resistance of series resistor and winding resistance, Rw (dc resistance) of the inductor. Calculate the winding resistance using measured value of IT and Vs; Rwcalc. = _____. Open the inductor. Verify the calculated Rw by measuring it with DMM connected across inductor; Rwmeas. = _____.


With a constant voltage supply of 5Vrms, measure VR and VLC by connecting a voltmeter across points 3.23-3.25 and 3.17-3.28 respectively over the given frequency range. Record down the measured values in Table 8.1 below.

Frequency Hz (Vin=5Vrms) 5000 10000 fr(exp)=________ 50000 70000

Band-pass VR (V) Experimental

Band-pass VR (V) Theoretical % relative error

Band-stop VLC (V) Experimental

Band-stop VLC (V) Theoretical % relative error

Table 8-1 : Output voltages of a bandpass and a bandstop filter for series RLC 7. Using PSpice and utilising measured values, plot the output voltages (Vout) vs. frequency in a semi-log scale as illustrated in Figure 8-3. Find out the center frequency (fc), the lower cut-off frequency (fL), the upper cut-off frequency (fu) and the bandwidth (BW) for each plotted graph. By

ECE 2312 Sem 2 0506

treating the values from the extrapolated curves as theoretical ones find percentage of relative error of output voltages for both type of filters and fill in Table 8-1. Note the given output voltages for the cases of using nominal values. 8. In Figure 8-1, increase circuit impedance by adding resistor R19 and R20 in series one at a time, keeping L and C constant values. For each value of R, measure the output voltages between (1) and (2) for entire frequency range and complete Table 8-2. Use PSPice to plot three set (inclusive of R23) of Vout/f curves on a same graph as shown in Figure 8-4. Calculate the quality factor Q for each cases. Determine the increasing value of bandwidth with increased value of R. Refer to the accompanying notes for calculation.
Freq. Hz Vac=5V 5000 10000 fr 50000 70000
Note : Column 5, VR10k + VR10k, links 1-17 20-26 23-12 22-7; Column 8, VR100k + VR10k, previous links + additional link 22-8; Rt=Rtotal

VR (V); Rt=10k Exp.

VR (V); Rt=10k Theo.

% relative error

VR (V); Rt=20k Exp.

VR (V); Rt=20k Theo.

% relative error

VR (V); Rt=110k Exp.

VR (V); Rt=110k Theo.

% relative error

Table 8-2 : Output voltages for a bandpass filter with increasing Rt

Resistance = 10k 5Vac V1 470pF C10 L9 100mH R23 V+ {Resistance}


Figure 8-4 :

ECE 2312 Sem 2 0506

Figure 8-4a : Bandwidth increases with increased value of Rt Bandpass and bandstop filter using parallel RLC 9. Construct the parallel RLC circuit as simplified in Figure 8.2 by connecting the points 3.1-3.5, 3.16-3.17, 3.12-3.13, 3.23-3.22 and 3.203.28 10. Repeat step 3. 11. Connect a supply of 5Vrms with frequency close to calculated fr. Vary frequency and thus, find fr by monitoring output voltages across resistor and parallel inductor and capacitor using DMM. Minimum and maximum output voltages will be obtained for bandstop and bandpass filter respectively at resonance. Calculate the error of the center frequency. 12. With a constant voltage supply of 5Vrms, measure VR and VLC by connecting a voltmeter across points 3.23-3.25 and 3.17-3.19 respectively over the given frequency range. Record down the measured values in Table 8.3 below. Use PSpice to plot the curves in finding theoretical values for output voltages thus ascertaining the relative error. Figure 8-5 is exemplary. From PSpice simulation find the theoretical values for bandwidth and quality factor for bandpass and bandstop filter. Use the previous value of winding resistance, Rw. Refer to the accompanying notes for calculation.

ECE 2312 Sem 2 0506

V o u t 5.0V


0V 1.0KHz 3.0KHz V(C10:2,C10:1) V(V1:+,R23:1)

10KHz Frequency



Figure 8-5 : Output voltages curves for parallel RLC bandpass and bandstop filter

Frequency Hz (Vin=5Vrms) 5000 10000 fr(exp)=________ 50000 80000

Band-pass VLC (V) Experimental

Band-pass VLC (V) Theoretical % relative error

Band-stop VR (V) Experimental

Band-stop VR (V) Theoretical % relative error

Table 8-3 : Output voltages of a bandpass and a bandstop filter for parallel RLC 13. Disconnect the path 3.1-3.5 and replace it with an ammeter. Measure the total current IT at resonance with Vs = 5Vrms; IT = ____. Disconnect the ammeter and reconnect the path. Measure VLC at fr; VLC = ____. Calculate the actual value of ZT using measured values of Vs and IT Reconnect 3.13.5 and break the circuit at 3.16-3.17 and 3.12-3.13 to measure IC and IL respectively maintaining the supply. IC - IL = _____. IT = ICL = IC - IL. IC and IL effectively substract. Your discussion and conclusion should include but not limited to elaborating each point of the aims.

ECE 2312 Sem 2 0506

Marking scheme 1. Report 3 tabulated results and 3 combined plots (6 x 1pt. = 6pts. ) Answers to questions Q3, Q4, Q5, Q11, Q12 & Q13 (2pts.) Discussion and conclusion (2 pts.) Total points : 10 2. Assignment #8 Schematics to produce corresponding plots of 16.32, 16.34b, 16.36, 16.39a, 16.39b (5 x 0.5pt + 5 x 1.5pts. = 10pts.) Schematic to produce corresponding output of Figure 16.42 (10pts.) Total points : 20

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