Life Is Short For The Short Minded

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Life is short for the short minded

Image by Linda Biafore on Flickr

Paul Walker never made it to see December 2013. He is a great actor, and is well known for his work in the popular movie franchise 'The Fast and Furious.' It is sad that he had to go the way he did, and I can only imagine what his family must be going through. One thing I have realised is that people will look at situations like this and come to some common conclusions like: "The Lord gives and he takes away," "when the Lord says yes, no one can say know." "When it's your time, it's your time." Seriously, I do not even want to start with these statements and the context within which they are used. Some, will say something like: "life is too short." How do they figure that out? I wonder if it is just said out of popularity, and used without deep thought about what that actually means or how true it is.

I always like to rephrase this statement when people say it around me. I think the case is not necessarily, about life being short. People can get a lot done in a little amount of time. My conclusion is that a wasted life, one lived in vanity, no meaning or purpose, is a short one. I do not care how long that person lives. There are people who do more meaningful things to add value to others with their gifts, before the age of 30, than others do by the age of 70. It is not about the length of time you spend on earth, but what you do with that time. Rather than quantity, it is about the quality of life you live. That is the true measure of a well lived life. Author: Leslie Poku Follow him on Twitter: @LesliePoku

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