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K2 Tutorial: A Step by Step Guide

Posted by Florante Bautista on December 5, 2009 at 12:30am View Blog

2 is !a content com"onent #or $oomla% wit& '' (li)e #eatures de*elo"ed by $oomla+or)s!, -t allows you to manage your content in a more #as&ionable manner, .ou can "ublis& blog, catalog, directory and maga/ine using a single com"onent, -ts de*elo"ment was started in 2000 but u" to now no documentation was "ublis&ed, 1&ere2s a *ideo tutorial but - wasn2t able to watc& it because o# my slow connection, - wrote t&is tutorial #or t&ose w&o want to use and e3"lore 2 but &a*e no idea w&ere to start, 415P 1, Download t&e latest *ersion o# 2 #rom t&e $5D or #rom $oomla+or)s, 415P 2, -nstall 2 using t&e $oomla 561574-87 9:7:;5<, 415P 3, 8"en 2 das&board #rom t&e '89P87571 957=, 415P >, 'reate 561<: F-5?D ;<8=P4, 7ame your #ield grou"s Blog, 'atalog, Directory or anyt&ing you want, 53tra Field ;rou"s are used as root #or your categories, 415P 5, :dd 561<: F-5?D4 #or your e3tra #ield grou"s, De#ault: 1itle, 1e3t and -mage are t&e de#ault #ields, 1&is could be readily used #or your :rticles, Blogs or 7ews grou"s, :dd e3tra #ield #or Directories, 'atalogs, and ot&er e3tra #ield grou"s, 415P 0, :dd ':15;8<-54, :ssociate e3tra #ield grou" #or your categories, .ou can create categories #or your Blog, 'atalog or Directory, 'on#igure your desired "arameters, 415P @, :dd =45< ;<8=P4, De#aults are <egistered and 4ite 8wner, -# you want certain user grou" to be able to add item at t&e #rontend, select yes #or F<871(57D -159 5D-1-7;, yes #or :DD -1594, yes on &ow t&ey edit an item: 8+7 or :??, and yes #or P=B?-4A, i# you want users to "ublis& t&eir own articles, D8 781 F8<;51 18 :44-;7 ':15;8<-54 #or your user grou", 8"tions are all, none, and select #rom list, 415P B, :ssign your e3isting users t&eir own 2 =45< ;<8=P, 4et t&eir gender, add descri"tion, and u"load an image #or t&eir a*atar, 1&ese details will a""ear as aut&orCs detail at t&e bottom o# t&eir articles i# enabled in your category "arameters, 415P 9, :dd tags, 415P 10, :ssign menus using t&e 9enu 9anager,

8"tions: 'o"y or #orm layout -tem D create a menu item directly to an item in 2 'ategories D dis"lays a list o# items #rom one or more categories, 1ag D create a menu lin)ing to a tag in 2 =ser Page EblogF D create a menu item lin)ing to a user "age Eblog layoutF 415P 11, Publis& 2 ?8;-7 module in module manager, .ou can also "ublis& 2 '8995714 and 2 '8715714 i# you want certain contents and comments a""ear in your module "ositions, 415P 12, :dd an item #or eac& category, -# you #ollowed 4te" @, an :DD :7 -159 menu will a""ear in 2 login module, 1&is allows certain users to add an item at t&e #rontend, Frontend editing is a little o## because t&e creator o# 2 used a sGuee/ebo3 instead o# a standard #orm, 1&e sa*e and cancel button can2t be seen Eor &iddenF i# you are using des)to"s or la"to"s wit& small screen, 1&ere are ot&er "arameters t&at need to be con#igured, -2ll lea*e t&at to you #or e3"erimenting and e3"loring ca"abilities o# 2,

19, Bis&o" ale 'lose, VH-,

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