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DEFINITION OF TERMS Philippine Constitution (or the 1987 Philippine Constitution) re!ers to the supre"e l#$ o!

o! the Philippines en#%te& in 1987 '( the Constitution#l Co""ission) repl#%e& the 197* Constitution One o! the +ener#l su',e%ts th#t #re p#rt o! the "#n&#te& +ener#l e&u%#tion %urri%ulu" o! terti#r( %ourses on #ll -i+her E&u%#tion Institutions (-EI) in the Philippines.

Co""on +oo& "ost 'ene!i%i#l #n& +re#test +oo& possi'le !or # %olle%ti/e nu"'er o! people) pro"otes the $ell0'ein+ o! the people thus it is o!ten %onsi&ere& #n& in%lu&e& in the &e%ision0"#1in+ pro%ess o! the +o/ern"ent in or&er to prote%t its %iti2ens

M#n&#tor( re3uire& or o'li+#te& '( #n #uthorit() o'li+#tor( or %o"pulsor(

Citi2ens re!ers to the inh#'it#nts o! # %ert#in %ountr( or st#te) #s p#rt o! # st#te the( o$e #lle+i#n%e to their %ountr( #n& #re entitle& to en,o( %ert#in %onstitution#l ri+hts #n& pri/ile+es #%%or&e& '( the st#te

C45 #n #%ron(" use& to re!er to the Colle+e o! 4i'er#l 5rts o! De 4# S#lle 6ni/ersit( D#s"#ri7#s

PS811 #n #%ron(" use& to re!er to the pro+r#" %o&e (e#r le/el #n& se%tion o! the First (e#r Ps(%holo+( stu&ents th#t $ere use& #s p#rti%ip#nts in this stu&( #n& tre#te& #s the &epen&ent /#ri#'le in %o"p#rison $ith the First 8e#r Politi%#l S%ien%e stu&ents

PSC11 0 #n #%ron(" use& to re!er to the pro+r#" %o&e (e#r le/el #n& se%tion o! the First (e#r Politi%#l S%ien%e stu&ents th#t $ere use& #s p#rti%ip#nts in this stu&( #n& tre#te& #s the in&epen&ent /#ri#'le sin%e the( #re +i/en !un&#"ent#l

1no$le&+e #n& '#%1+roun& #'out the Philippine Constitution #s p#rt o! their %ourse re3uire"ent.

O'li+#tion # &ut( i"pose& on Filipino %iti2ens #n& 'in&s the l#tter to &o so"ethin+ #+ree#'l( to the %usto"s #n& l#$s o! their %ountr( (Philippines)

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