Islcollective Worksheets Upperintermediate b2 Advanced c1 Adult High School Speaking Conditionals Activity Games Grammar 251304eda82be753921 28073063

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The student ACCEPT sitting next to you now

You meet Johnny Depp at a party. He asks you out. You want to throw a party. Who will you NOT invite? You can buy votes to get in. Would you? You are asked to announce a fake engagement with an actor you hate for publicity.

Giorgio REFUSE REFUSE Armani

You buy a ACCEPT ri!ate "et and #$y to %awaii& One of your students starts a company and offers you a good ob. You are bribed to give a parliament candidate a big loan for her campaign. Your child commits a crime. Will you turn him in? You win the lottery.

You gi!e it REFUSE REFUSE a$$ away&

You get killed a !!!!!!!!! #hey You$ll will find go in out bankrupt& because car accident on !!!!You you don$t have s'he will buy all your way to meet should be really the needed your shares. him.

!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! )ersace will ask !!!..You$re !!!!You$ll for your handco( in !!!..You$ll invited to a have to go back co(operation. star with your to millionaire$s party. heroschool. of all time.

Youare are an a You You are a mu$timi$$ion a,tor& tea,her& banaire #ashion manager& You tea,h +hi,h dire,tor
,hi$dren o# worwou$d you 4o you gi!e o$iti,a$ o##i,ia$s& with. +hi,h do you your #riends +i$$ you try to re#er. and re$ati!es Ste!en S ie$berg u$$ strings.
/Go to E&T&0 5ero3interest A enthouse Yes $oans. Tim to 1urton /Go ar$iament /Go to enthouse0 house0 No /Go to 2ad3hatter&0 /Go to ange$&0



!!!!!!!!! You$ll be red a Open the successful manager You$ll die in a !!!!Your child door. +hoose plane crash. and get votes to go will be proven *pielberg. ,nd to the parliament. innocent. then +hoose

You get a Your child will be You$ll win the You$ll have to resign scholarship to and give back the killed in a police -obel of peace study at Harvard money you gave to and invasion. get a private *chool of your relations. et for a year.


*& +rite as many senten,es as you ,an about the de,isions you made& Then te$$ your artner& Fo$$ow the exam $e)

Exam $e) .f . hadn$t opened the red door& . wouldn$t have become an actress. .f . hadn$t become an actress& . wouldn$t have worked with *teven *pielberg. /. 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

6& Now ma-e 7uestions and as- your


For exam $e) What would have happened if you had opened the yellow door? /. 0. 1. 2. 3.

8& +hat do you thin- about butter#$y e##e,t.


*& Cut three sides o# ea,h door with a ,utter)

6& Cut three sides o# the sma$$er boxes abo!e and under the doors)

8& Put g$ue on the b$ue area on the se,ond age& 4O NOT ut g$ue o!er the words& Now ut the #irst age o!er the se,ond age so that ea,h door o ens to the text written exa,t$y under it& Now you ha!e a sheet with doors o ening to di##erent de,isions& Ea,h de,ision $eads to another one&

You$ll You$ll be have have a very! to! to!

You$ll You$ll have have be a to! to! very!

As an exam $e9 i# you o en the red door9 it means you:re an a,tor& Now you ha!e to ,hoose whi,h dire,tor you want to wor- with& (# you ,hoose Tim 1urton9 then you:$$ ha!e to go to the b$o,- ,ontaining the i,ture o# ;ohnny 4e as 2ad3hatter& Then you:re as-ed another 7uestion& (# you re#use9 you:$$ $i!e& (# you a,,e t9 you:$$ die& <& So a$$ your students ha!e to do is to ,hoose a door to o en9 and then go on with the resu$t o# their #irst ,hoi,e& =& You ,an ada t the ,ontent to go with your students: taste and ,u$ture& >& ( ho e that:s ,$ear enough9 but in ,ase it:s not as ,$ear and ,om $ete as it shou$d be send me a message and (:$$ ,$ari#y more&

( ho e you:$$ $i-e this& 2y students had $ots o# #un& They were so eager to -now what wou$d:!e ha ened i# they had o ened other doors& That way they had $ots o# ra,ti,e o!er 8rd ,onditiona$& En"oy&

Sara Na"m

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