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Vanessa Jaiamillo 2/13/2013

Charles Drew
Charles Drew was born on June 3 1904. His birth place is Washington D.C. Charles Drew was a medical doctor and surgeon. He was the first director of the blood banks of American Red Cross. He went to the McGill University. He studied under anatomy instructor Dr. John Beattile who was interested in blood transfusion .He also had occasion as an interm to save a patents life blood transfusions. He also determined that while each person has a certain type of blood. Also, therefore prevented from receiving a full blood transfusion from someone with a different blood types, everyone has the same type of plasma. His discoveries and his work in organization and administering blood banks in Europe and the pacific during world war two saved countless lives he was awarded the springarn from the National Association for the Advancement of colored people in 1944 for his work on blood plasma.

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