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I gasp in delight as I observe the crimson liquid cascade down the dreary old walls of the butchering room.

Its laughable, really, that a simple fluid such as blood, so inconsequential, could ever be of such prominence to us. I watch with glee as the goats eyes slowly shut, its life gradually seeping out of it with every drop of its blood that falls, until eventually, it stops breathing; stops moving. Dead. Closing my eyes, I fantasize that the goat is a human. I envision myself in the wild, stalking a young girl of about fifteen, with long red hair, and big blue doeshaped eyes. I move closer and closer to her with each step I take, until Im close enough to touch her, yet she doesnt see me- an utterly unsuspecting prey. I reach out and grab her, so effortlessly, as if its the simplest thing. Now she knows of my presence. She screams and claws, but I subdue her, being more powerful, more dominant. The scuffle culminates in her becoming unconscious, but thats okay. I have other plans. She awakens tied to an operating table. She shouts and cries, fighting against her restraints, but its in vain. Shes trapped. I dont ease her horror. I want to see her distress, witness her fear, as I steal her life away from her. Sharpening my butchers knife, I lean towards her and grin. She begs, and begs further still, but I pay no heed. She deserves it, for flaunting herself like that, a princess amongst the penurious; an embodiment of everything that they cannot possess. Reaching over, I slice her arm, my knife cutting nimbly into her soft white skin and through her flesh.

She screams. I laugh. I watch in awe, as beads of blood appear, so bright red against the girls light complexion. I slice again, and again, until my hands are caked with her thick scarlet juice. The girl gazes up at me, her huge eyes pained and tortured, pleading for mercy- for escape. Smiling tranquilly, I grant it to her, slitting her throat from one end to the other. A knock on the door whisks me out of my reverie, and looking up, I see a girl walk in, of about fifteen, with long red hair and big blue doe-shaped eyes. Soon, I think to myself.

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