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INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY SAM, aged 9 sits and plays with his toys at the bottom of a set of stairs. The house is quiet. He is wearing a plain navy t-shirt with long sleeves and jeans with tears in. He has light blonde hair, blue eyes and is surprisingly large for his age. Hes playing with a very small male toy, he makes the toy pick things up and put them in the box. He also has a large female toy which he sits above the and watches the small boy. Sam mutters to the small boy toy and put the toy to his ear like hes listening to it, but the speech is unclear. Sam makes the female toy shout and hit the small boy toy. Sam then gets a large action man to come and hit the large girl. Sam hears the opening of the front door. He stops playing instantly. INT. HALLWAY OF A HOUSE - DAY CHARLOTTE, aged 19, wearing a designer leather jacket and dark jeans. She has dark hair and dark eyes. She opens the front door of the house. She takes her clean trainers off and walks down the hallway and into the kitchen. The kitchen is modern and the hallway is clean and well decorated. The real wood floorboards creaking under her footsteps. INT. LIVING ROOM/ KITCHEN - DAY Sam sees Charlotte and begins to put away his toys. She goes to the fridge and get a bottled drink. Sam walks to the edge of the kitchen and stops in the door way looking at Charlotte. He looks shaken in some way. He waits for Charlotte to finish pouring her drink into a glass before approaching her. Charlotte turns and leans on the counter top. She stairs at Sam. Sam looks back at her for a second then looks away. Sam puts his hand out and Charlotte puts some money into his palm. Charlotte notices a bruise on Sams arm, she leans forward and pulls his sleeve down. Sam goes to leave the kitchen. CHARLOTTE The gold ones yeah? Sam looks at Charlotte and replies with a subtle nod, before leaving the kitchen through the door Charlotte entered the kitchen from.


EXT. STREET 1 - DAY A semi-detached, pebble-dashed house, in a middle class area. Sam leaves the house now with a jacket on. The day is cloudy with the sun braking through the clouds every so often. The wind is blowing. As Sam leaves the driveway he turns and begins to walk down the street where he lives. The street is clean and well kept with nice cars outside each house. He keeps his head down as he walks past other residents on the street, doing their gardening or washing their cars. He walks swiftly down and around another corner of the street where he passes a large oak tree. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - DAY Sam crosses the road and walks on the long green grass next to a fence. Sam looks at the large imposing woods across the field as he approaches a gate. He stops there and stairs at the wood for a second, noticing the birds that fly toward and over the wood, before looking at his watch again. He takes a final look at the wood before continuing to walk along the road. EXT. STREET 3 AND SHOP - DAY Sam approaches corner shop. He walks past the smashed windows of a another shop on the street. The floor is unlike the nice clean pavements of the streets Sam lives, rubbish is scattered across the broken pavement. Sam pauses for a second, he bites his lips and starts to breath heavily before, he enters the shop. Sam swiftly exits shortly after with a bulging, unmarked, opaque shopping bag making the contents barely visible, Sam is clearly finding the contents very heavy. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD 2 - DAY The wind and birds can be heard. Sams sees the the large wood again but from the other side. He glances at his watch and stops instantly. He then looks at his heavy shopping. Sam starts to breathe heavily, clench his hands and bite his lips. He looks disappointed and moves towards the gate opens it and enters the field and walks towards the wood. He looks tiny in comparison to the dominating forest.


EXT. WOOD - DAY The woodland floor is covered with shadow and the path ways are small. The colours of the wood are varied but subtle, with deep greens and browns the main colours dominating the area. Sam moves through the wood cautiously but fast, biting his lips as he moves. He moves his head sharply to find the source of any sounds. He slips on the uneven woodland floor but regains his balance quickly. As light starts to break the trees Sam starts to move more freely in the wood, jumping logs, picking up sticks, just playing in a world of his own. Sams actions change as he starts to hear mumbles. The mumbles are unclear in the way that the source cant be seen, but clear in the way that they are defiantly human. As Sam slowly creeps forwards he looks for the source of the sound and then realizes the sound is getting closer. Sam walks out of the small path onto a much larger one that runs perpendicular to the one Sam is currently on. The laughing and mumbles becomes louder and louder. Sam turns and sees to boys coming down the path, towards him, fast. Ssm is froven. BOY 1 and BOY 2, aged 17, both boys wear tight jeans, t-shirts that seem to big for them and backpacks, Boy 1 also wears a hat. As Sam stands in the path as the two boys race past him on their bikes. Sam begins to breathe heavily. His face turns a slightly paler colour. Sam starts to walk up the path the opposite way from which the older boys had just gone biting his lips and muttering to himself. Where Sam stands isnt covered by trees, the area feels open. The sound of the boys bikes can be heard before we see them come back up the path and past Sam again. After they do they turn to face Sam. Sam grip on his shopping tightens as he turns sharply and heads back down the large path. He moves very quickly, almost a jog but very stif. Boy 1 heads down the path again. The sound of his bike getting closer can be heard. Sam starts to breathe and extremely quick and heavy and his eyes start to tear up. As he rides past Sam, he attempts to grabs his shopping off of him. The bag rips sending the milk, bread, cigarettes and its other contents all over the floor. Sam bends down next the shopping, and starts to mutter to himself, he then pinches his own hand. Boy 1 stands looks over Sam. As Boy 2 arrives he starts to laugh slightly.... BOY 2 Nah, thats out of order. Sam continues to look at the shopping, tears in his eyes, he doesy look up at the boys for a second. BOY 1 I didnt mean, I was just playing about.




Sam tries to pick up the shopping but theres to much and he drops it, this makes pinch his own hand again. BOY 1 Look well help you. Boy 1 bends down and tries to help Sam with his shopping, Boy 2 follows, Sam moves himself away from them, snd pushes his shopping away from the boys as well. BOY 1 Were trying to help you, its okay. They put some of the food into their back packs. Still breathing heavily and fast, Sam looks at each one of the boys before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a puffer. He uses the puffer twice, his breathing begins to go back to normal. BOY 1 Do you live close? Sam picks up some of the shopping and starts to walk down the path. The two boys put their bags on their backs, get on their bikes and follow him. EXT. FIELD/COUNTRY ROAD - DAY Music begins to play, an acoustic guitar and a piano. The boys ride their bikes behind Sam across a field. They head through the gate to leave the woods. Sam looks across at the wood and notices the birds, as he did from the same spot earlier, as the two boys go past him on their bikes. EXT. STREET 1 - DAY The same music plays. the three turn the corner leading to the house Sam left earlier that day. The street looks the same, well kept, happy, and as they get closer to the house Sam head begins to drop. The music fades out. They walk Sam to his door. Sam opens the porch and puts the shopping hes holding on the ground. The boys take some of the shopping out of their bags and put it on the ground too. BOY 1 Well erm, see ya then. The two boys look at each other and begin to walk off...




SAM Thanks. Boy 1 turns and looks at Sam. Sam smiles and closes the door.

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