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Research explaining how living souls are made prisoners for the making of Billions of Dollars for the slave making Governments and their Banking henchmen through incarcerations. I do not know for sure who wrote this but it looks to be right on the money in most !ses !nd I re ommend some "e#i!ns tr!$$ed in these dungeons on the l!nd of "e#!s try this% &### is in'estig!ting more into the rimin!l (!il)$rose ution !s$e ts% "he results !re in redible% *is str!wm!n is urrently on $rob!tion from ! ti'ities th!t were the result of +#### $rose ution of ,- to ,. $eo$le who were !ttem$ting to hel$ $!triots to buy +!dill! s% *e w!s $ut in (!il for ! ye!r, then ! h!lf w!y house% *e/s been rese!r hing !dmir!lty% 0hen he w!s re!dy to le!'e the h!lf w!y house he w!s !ught on the om$uter re!ting ! bill of e# h!nge !nd the gu!rds !nd m!trons thought it w!s rimin!l ! ti'ity so they (erked him b! k into (!il for 'iol!ting his $rob!tion for $utting ! bl!nk bill of e# h!nge% J### h!d !d'ised him th!t he h!d to 1uit fighting these $eo$le or he/d be in dishonor under !dmir!lty !nd he h!d to kee$ r!ising 1uestions r!ther th!n fighting !nd denying the h!rges% *e w!s only in (!il !bout 2 or 3 d!ys !nd when they tried to interrog!te him to get him re!dy for his he!ring where the (udge would e'entu!lly $ut him b! k into $rison% *e st!rted using the orre t t! ti of ! e$ting !nd !sking 1uestions% *e got the $rose utor 4!ssist!nt5 to throw u$ her h!nds !nd s re!m he w!s too sm!rt for her, to (ust get out% *e/s been in ! h!lf w!y house sin e 6!y% "he l!st time he h!d ! $rob!tion he!ring with his offi er in +####, he/d gone to the meeting $erson!lly% Before he went, he/d written ! letter to her, the (udge, the $rose utor, !nd others, !nd s!id th!t he re1uested th!t they deli'er to him the bonds from +7SIP 4+ommittee on uniform se urities identifi !tion $ro edures 4+7SIP5 8 the ommittee th!t !ssigns the numbers to se urities for identifi !tion, usu!lly bonds% %%% &loss!ry9 +7SIP% +ommittee on uniform se urities identifi !tion $ro edures 4+7SIP5 8 the ommittee th!t !ssigns %%% 4www%s$e ul!ti'ebubble% om)terms) usi$%shtml5 whi h were being used to underwrite his time in $rison !nd his time on $rob!tion% *e w!nted them to deli'er the bonds being held by +7SIP !nd other go'ernment !gen ies so he ould ! e$t them for settlement !nd losure% 0hen he went to his $rob!tion offi er meeting he w!s dis!$$ointed be !use his $rob!tion offi er w!sn/t there to meet with him% *e filled out ! form !nd left% It seems th!t no one w!nts to t!lk with him or meet with him now th!t he/s !sked for the +7SIP bonds so he !n settle !nd lose the bonds% +7SIP is !n ! ronym% &### is telling us th!t !ll rimin!l $rose ution is for the $ur$ose for r!ising re'enue for the 7nited St!tes of Ameri ! !nd he/ll tell us who th!t is% Now you/ll h!'e ! better underst!nding of why $eo$le !re in (!il, why they !re in $rison, why they !re on $rob!tion !nd why they !re h!rged with e'erything from (!yw!lking on u$ through murder one% J! k further he!rd from others rese!r hing, !nd &### is !lso s!ying th!t e'ery Ameri !n soldier who dies

in Afgh!nist!n !nd Ir!1 $rob!bly !rries ! :,; million life insur!n e on him !rried by our go'ernment% After !ll, e'ery soldier, m!rine, or !ir for e $erson is !n !sset to the 7nited St!tes of Ameri !% "hey h!'e ! huge in'estment in th!t $!rti ul!r soldier !nd his ! ti'ity !nd it !n e#$l!in why it is th!t the 7S is not so !n#ious to withdr!w its troo$s from th!t !re!% It/s ! money m!king ! ti'ity !nd they don/t w!nt to t!lk !bout the f! t th!t they !re m!king money on de!th !nd th!t they !re m!king money the in !r er!tion !nd im$risonment on otherwise good he!rted $eo$le% &###9 "he key to finding out wh!t you w!nt on the Internet knows how to $ut it into the om$uter% If you $ut the right inform!tion in there, you get the right !nswer% *e/s been finding out who the in'estor is the ,22 holders% "hey h!'e ! rule !lled the ,22 holder% "he rule is th!t they !n/t sell $ri'!te in'estment se urities th!t !re not registered% "he rule $rohibits them from selling the $rison bonds% "hey h!'e to w!it < months before they !n sell ! ert!in 1u!ntity of $ri'!te se urities without being registered, selling them !s $ri'!te se urities% B!si !lly there !re . $eo$le on the bo!rd of dire tors of ++A 4+orre tions +or$or!tion of Ameri ! 4www% orre tions or$% om58Jose$h =% Russell, the to$ holder, !nd John 6 >erguson% Russell owns <2,;;; sh!res of ++A sto k whi h is worth !bout :-; million% >erguson owns ?2,;;; sh!res '!lued !t !bout :?million% >idelity 6!n!gement !nd Rese!r h is the to$ sto k holder, the to$ in'estment firm th!t is selling the bonds !s in'estment se urities% "hey $ool them !nd sell them !s mortg!ge b! ked se urities% "hey !lso when they $ool them, they sell them !s mutu!l funds on the sto k m!rket% By $ooling you me!n the se urities on the inm!tes% 0h!t they !re doing is they !re ! tu!lly t!king the mortg!ge b! ked se urities, whi h !re re!lly bid bonds, $erform!n e bonds !nd $!yment bonds% "hey $ool these bonds !nd when they $ool them together they !ll them mortg!ge b! ked se urities% "hey t!ke these to "BA whi h is the Bond 6!rket Asso i!tion% It/s !n ! tu!l m!rket for bonds% Anytime ! bond is issued there h!s to be !n underwriter% "he bonds h!'e to be underwritten% Bonds th!t !re issued h!'e to be indemnified so there h!s to be surety 4s$elling@5 to indemnify the bonds% "he broker!ge houses !nd the insur!n e om$!nies indemnify the bonds% "hey/re !lled surety om$!nies% After the surety om$!nies indemnify the bonds, whi h !re underwriting them, they do this through !n in'estment b!nker or the b!nks themsel'es do this% "hey (ob it out to them% "hey buy u$ !ll these sh!res !nd turn !round !nd sell them !s in'estment se urities% "he sh!res re$resent the sto k whi h re$resents the ! ount of ++A% All of this h!s been funneled through ++A, the +orre tions +or$or!tion of Ameri !% 0h!t they !re doing is selling sto k in the $rison system by selling the $risoners/ ! ounts !s se urities through the se urities e# h!nge% "hey !re m!king huge !mounts of money off it% "hey $ri'!tiAe the $risoners/ ! ounts !nd bring !ll these in'estors in !nd wh!t they !re doing is underwriting !ll these $risoner/s ! ounts 4bonds5% "his is !fter the surety om$!ny gu!r!ntees the bonds% "hen they !re underwritten through !n in'estment b!nk or b!nker% "hen they !re $ut out on the m!rket !nd resold to the $ubli % In other words the b!nks !re buying u$ !ll the sh!res !nd then they resell them !s

in'estment se urities to the $ubli % "he $ubli then buys them !s mutu!l funds or they !n buy them !s debt instruments, e1uity instruments% 0h!t they !re re!lly doing is they !re buying u$ debt instrument% "hey !re using the fis !l ! ounting y le of ! ru!l !nd they sell the $risoner/s / !$it!l !nd interest/ !s it is !lled in ! ru!l ! ounting% "hey resell these to the $ubli be !use the $risoner did not do full settlement !nd losure on the ! ount% "hey sell the $risoner ! ounts !s ! ommer i!l dishonor !nd sell it to the $ubli !s ! ommer i!l dishonor% 0hen you go in the ourts they !lw!ys s!y they !re o$er!ting under ! st!tute (urisdi tion% "he Bl! k/s L!w Di tion!ry 2th edition s!ys ! st!tute is ! bond or oblig!tion of re ord% "h!t/s wh!t !ll the rimin!l st!tutes !re%%%%%%%%bonds or oblig!tion of re ord% &o in !nd re!d the definition of ! re ogniA!n e bond !nd you find th!t it is ! bond or oblig!tion of re ord% "hey !re selling bonds% "hey !re h!rging $risoners under ! bondB the $risoner signs the bond !nd the bond be omes the !greement for the $!yb! k% "his is done when the $risoner signs the fin!l ourt $!$ers !t ! senten ing he!ring% J###9 how m!ny of us remember when our go'ernment !ttem$ted to fin!n e from the $ri'!te se tor the Se ond 0orld 0!r% 0eren/t they selling w!r bonds@ "hey were so!king u$ the $eo$le/s e1uity in terms of buying bonds, tr!nsferring your funds to the go'ernment% "he go'ernment by $ur h!sing those bonds w!s $romising to $!y you b! k your in'estment !t sometime in the future with interest% At th!t time wh!t they were olle ting from the $eo$le w!s their so8 !lled !sh e1uity% 0h!t &ene s!ying now is th!t $eo$le h!'e gotten too $oor, too stingy !nd too sm!rt to buy bonds to fin!n e the go'ernment@ *ow long h!s it been sin e you he!rd the Post Offi e or !nyone trying to get you down to buy 7S s!'ings bonds@ So wh!t they !re doing now inste!d of getting us to 'olunt!rily gi'e our !sh e1uity to the go'ernment for ! $romise to be $!id b! k in the future, they !re se uring from us some 'iol!tion of ! st!tute by whi h the l!w !s ribes from us ! $en!ltyB i%e%, the $!yment of ! sum of money due% Inste!d of olle ting the !sh from us, they $ut us through ! rimin!l $ro edure where we dishonor the system !nd wh!t &ene s!id is wh!t is h!$$ening is they !re selling our !$it!l !nd our interest% In other words, they !re selling the li!bility you h!d in wh!te'er h!rge h!s been brought !g!inst your str!w m!n% "hey !re t!king th!t !$it!l !nd interest th!t you should $!y !nd !re gr!bbing th!t from us !nd selling it on the o$en m!rket to b!nkers !nd in'estors to tr!nsfer their funds to go'ernment whi h is o'ered by the bond of the 'iol!tion of your str!w m!n of th!t st!tute% In order to se ure the bond the li'ing soul is $l! ed in $rison !s the surety to b! k the bond whi h is fin!n ed on the in'estment of the $ubli m!rket $l! e in terms of the s!les of sto ks !nd bonds% "he $ubli doesn/t dire tly bid on my 4the $risoner/s5 debt% Cour debt is !ssumed by the b!nkers% "he b!nkers issue se ond!ry $!$er th!t !llows me to in'est in wh!t they !re holding !s the holder in due ourse of the l!im !g!inst your str!w m!n% "he re!son they !re doing this is be !use you dishonored the $ost settlement $ro edures for settlement !nd losure of the ! ount% "he $risoner should h!'e ome in !nd ! e$ted !nd used his e#em$tion% Sin e the $risoner

dishonored the $ost settlement $ro eedings, then the $risoner is in dishonor !nd the issu!n e of the bonds by the fin!n ing system w!s done in order to $!ss the $unishment on to him be !use of his in!bility to fulfill his $ost settlement ob(e ti'es% If you get into to dishonor by non8! e$t!n e, wh!t they !re trying to do is get !n ! e$tor whi h is the s!me thing !s ! b!nker% "hey need someone to $!y off the oblig!tion !nd if you get into dishonor, they sell your dishonor !nd $ut you into $rison !s the oll!ter!l !nd they sell the bond% "he bond is issued !nd they get ! surety to underwrite the bid bond with ! $erform!n e bond !nd then they get !n underwriter to underwrite the $erform!n e !nd $!yment bonds% 0h!t the $erform!n e bond does is it gu!r!ntees the bid ontr! t, or the bid bond% 0h!t the bid bond does is gu!r!ntee the $!yment of the $erform!n e bond% "his is done through ! surety om$!ny% "hen they get !n underwriter or !n in'estment b!nker to underwrite it% After it/s underwritten, they sell it to the $ubli !s in'estment se urities, debt instruments, or mutu!l b! ked se urities% It/s !ll done through bonds%%%bonding% "h!t/s wh!t !ll these muni i$!l bonds !re% 0h!t they doing is following e'erything through the $rison system% "he $rison system is being $ri'!tiAed% "hrough $ri'!tiA!tion, $ri'!te enter$rise !n fund the $rison system he!$er th!n the go'ernment !n% "hey !re subsidiAing e'erything through $ri'!tiA!tion% AL=+ does thisB the Ameri !n Legisl!ti'e =# h!nge +oun il, $romotes $ri'!tiA!tion through found!tions like the Re!son >ound!tion owned by D!'id Dnott% "hey get the found!tions to $romote this !nd get in'estors to ome in% +ornell w!s merged with "rinity Eenture +om$!ny whi h is !n in'estment om$!ny% 0h!t they did w!s h!nging their n!me to Reid "rinity Eenture !nd then merged with SB 0!rburg% 40!rburg w!s out of &erm!ny or >r!n e !nd $!rtnered with Roths hild5% SB 0!rburg is in +hi !go, Illinois, !nd they merged with BI> in SwitAerl!nd, whi h is ! settlement !nd losure b!nk, !nd the biggest b!nk in the world for settlements% "hey !re onne ted to +ornell +om$!ny whi h is owned by D!'id +ornell% ='eryone is tied in% P!ine 0ebber &rou$ is the 7nited St!tes of Ameri ! !nd !ll the big intern!tion!l or$or!tions !re the sto kholders !nd own !ll the sto k in ++A% ='eryone is using our e#em$tions on the $ri'!te side% "hey filed ! ,;F< t!# return !nd show it !s ! $re$!id ! ount, !s $re$!id interest !nd they returned it b! k to the $risoner% "hey took the $risoners dedu tion for the e#em$tion !nd they dedu t the t!# !nd the IRS bills the $risoner for the t!#% So the or$or!tions !re ste!ling your e#em$tion whi h is your intelle tu!l $ro$erty% 0h!t/s wrong with this@ "hey !re not telling us wh!t they !re doing% It/s !ll ommer i!l% 0hen you go into the ourt room e'erything is ommer i!l% E##### in her semin!r s!ys the f! ts don/t m!tter, the f! ts !re on the moon% 0h!t m!tters is honor !nd dishonor% "he ourts h!'e to dishonor the $otenti!l $risoner or get th!t /$erson/ to !rgue or get th!t /$erson/s/ !ttorney to !rgue% Just like 6!rth! Stew!rt% Argue !nd you/re in dishonor !nd you/ll end u$ in (!il% "he !ttorneys !re ! tors to m!ke us think the whole $ro ess is ! f! tu!l issue% "hey get us into the guilty)not guilty mode !nd they get into !ll the lo!k !nd d!gger or wh!t e'iden e to $resent% It/s ! dog !nd $ony show to o'er u$ th!t

they !re !fter the debt money% All or$or!tions work on ! fis !l ! ounting ye!r whi h me!ns th!t they s$end debt% "hey !n/t get rid of the debt !nd b!l!n e the books unless they run it through our ! ounts on the $ri'!te side% 0e the $eo$le run on ! !lend!r ye!r !nd the or$or!tions run on the fis !l ye!r% "hey !n only b!l!n e their books is to run it through our ! ounts using our e#em$tions% "hen they !n do their re'erse bookkee$ing entry !nd go to $ost settlement !nd losure% "hey !n/t do th!t until the $risoners do the ! e$t!n e 4if they do it5% "h!t wh!t they !re looking for in the ourt room under ?82,; is the ! e$tor% "h!t me!ns we !re !ssuming the li!bility for the debt !s the $rin i$!l% A lot of times with debt the $rin i$!l is !lw!ys the $rim!ry libell!nt in the ommer i!l setting% *e h!s to !ssume the li!bility !nd then you get your remedy% Otherwise you don/t get ! remedy% "hey sell your ! ount to some or$or!tion while you/re sitting in $rison% *ow m!ny times h!s go'ernment e'er h!d ! !se !g!inst !nyone@ "he !ttorneys h!'e to !ttem$t to get you to go right into !rgument !nd tri!l !nd go into dishonor% A#### w!s gi'en do uments from Redwood "rust on ! mortg!ge fore losure% She did ! ondition!l ! e$t!n e !nd she did ! he k of ! (ob% She sto$$ed them old !nd they took the $ro$erty off the m!rket% At the end she s!id if they didn/t !nswer her within ,2 d!ys she w!s going to resort to notori!l $rotest !nd get remedy for dishonor% She went into the f! t th!t their h!rter doesn/t !llow them to lo!n redit, she w!nted to know the n!me of the om$!ny who w!s the sour e of the redit, she w!nted the n!me of the ! ount number, she w!nted ertified o$ies of the font !nd b! k of the $romissory note% She w!s trying to get them to di'ulge th!t it w!s her se ured $!rty reditor th!t w!s the sour e of e'erything they were doing% She w!s for ing them to !dmit th!t it w!s her $romissory note th!t w!s the b!sis of the redit instrument th!t they lo!ned !nd th!t they h!d !lre!dy sold the note to someone else !nd they didn/t h!'e it in their $ossession% 0h!t they do is they sell the notes (ust !s they do when you go into $rison% "hey endorse the note !nd they no longer the holder of the note% "he mortg!ge om$!ny w!sn/t in'ol'ed in this $ro ess%%%%the !ttorneys !re doing !ll this% 0h!t they !re doing is oming to the $ri'!te side to get the debt without !ny $ermission from the mortg!ge om$!ny% IN this !se they 1uoted from the 7++, !nd it/s from Le# 6er !tori!, the L!w of the 6er h!nt% If you re!d John *!ll/s book it t!lks !bout letter Rog!tory, indi tments where you !re indi ted !nd brought into the ourt under ! w!rr!nt% 0h!t the w!rr!nt is ! dem!nd for $!yment of debt% 0h!t they did under !dmir!lty in the ourt room is they !re dem!nding $!yment% Cou sign ! bond to be rele!sed until the i'il om$l!int is $rose uted !nd then they rele!se you under the bond until i'il bond is $rose uted% If you didn/t $!y the debt they $ut you in $rison until the debt is $!id% "hey use the s!me terms in this $r! ti e book from ,-;;% "his is !n ! tu!l $r! ti e book% It w!s written by +ourts Pr! ti e who worked in the +ourt of Ar hes for the +rown !s ! registr!nt% "his is ! $ri'!te book, not me!nt for $ubli 'iewing% It l!ws out the whole $r! ti e of !dmir!lty during the Ameri !n Re'olution% *!ll tr!nsl!ted this !nd $ut it in $ut it in distri t ourt in 6!ryl!nd in ,.;F% "his w!s written in ,<FG% It/s !n ! tu!l $r! ti e% Benedi t is not ! $r! ti eB it gi'es

inform!tion !bout wh!t !dmir!lty is% Admir!lty is !ll debt !nd it/s !ll i'ilB it be omes rimin!l when the $risoner gets ! ontem$t h!rge when he refuses to $!y% "hey !n kee$ you in (!il until you $!y the debt% "he initi!l get out of (!il bond rele!ses you until you/'e su essfully $!id the debt% "his book goes into the history !nd $r! ti e of !dmir!lty% It tells how to set the bond, !nd do ourt room $ro edure% "he l!ws h!'en/t h!ngedB the ir umst!n es of the go'ernment h!'e h!nged so !dmir!lty !n be !$$lied inste!d of onstitution!l l!w% 0!rden omes from !dmir!lty8w!rden of the se!% "he w!rden is the w!rehouse m!n who is w!rehousing !ll the goodsB he/s the b!ilee% "he ommitment order is your b!ilment, your ontr! t for the ommitment of the goods% "hen they $ut the goods in ! w!rehouse !nd store them there 4$risoners stored in $risons, (ust like the $eo$le stored in the $ods in the mo'ie, "he 6!tri#5% H ?82,;% A++=P"AN+= EARCIN& DRA>"% 4!5 If the terms of ! dr!wee/s ! e$t!n e '!ry from the terms of the dr!ft !s $resented, the holder m!y refuse the ! e$t!n e !nd tre!t the dr!ft !s dishonored% In th!t !se, the dr!wee m!y !n el the ! e$t!n e% 4b5 "he terms of ! dr!ft !re not '!ried by !n ! e$t!n e to $!y !t ! $!rti ul!r b!nk or $l! e in the 7nited St!tes, unless the ! e$t!n e st!tes th!t the dr!ft is to be $!id only !t th!t b!nk or $l! e% 4 5 If the holder !ssents to !n ! e$t!n e '!rying the terms of ! dr!ft , the oblig!tion of e! h dr!wer !nd indorser th!t does not e#$ressly !ssent to the ! e$t!n e is dis h!rged% ,5 IA e$torI me!ns ! dr!wee who h!s ! e$ted ! dr!ft% 4G5 IDr!weeI me!ns ! $erson ordered in ! dr!ft to m!ke $!yment% 4?5 IDr!werI me!ns ! $erson who signs or is identified in ! dr!ft !s ! $erson ordering $!yment% 425 Jreser'edK 435 I6!kerI me!ns ! $erson who signs or is identified in ! note !s ! $erson undert!king to $!y% 4!5 IA e$t!n eI me!ns the dr!wee/s signed !greement to $!y ! dr!ft !s $resented% It must be written on the dr!ft !nd m!y onsist of the dr!wee/s sign!ture !lone% A e$t!n e m!y be m!de !t !ny time !nd be omes effe ti'e when notifi !tion $ursu!nt to instru tions is gi'en or the ! e$ted dr!ft is deli'ered for the $ur$ose of gi'ing rights on the ! e$t!n e to !ny $erson% 4b5 A dr!ft m!y be ! e$ted !lthough it h!s not been signed by the dr!wer , is otherwise in om$lete, is o'erdue, or h!s been dishonored% 4 5 If ! dr!ft is $!y!ble !t ! fi#ed $eriod !fter sight !nd the ! e$tor f!ils to d!te the ! e$t!n e, the holder m!y om$lete the ! e$t!n e by su$$lying ! d!te in good f!ith% 4!5 =# e$t !s $ro'ided in subse tions 4 5 !nd 4d5, Inegoti!ble instrumentI me!ns !n un ondition!l $romise or order to $!y ! fi#ed !mount of money, with or without interest or other h!rges des ribed in the $romise or order, if it9 4,5 is $!y!ble to be!rer or to order !t the time it is issued or first omes into $ossession of ! holderB 4G5 is $!y!ble on dem!nd or !t ! definite timeB !nd 4?5 does not st!te !ny other undert!king or instru tion by the $erson $romising or

ordering $!yment to do !ny ! t in !ddition to the $!yment of money, but the $romise or order m!y ont!in 4i5 !n undert!king or $ower to gi'e, m!int!in, or $rote t oll!ter!l to se ure $!yment, 4ii5 !n !uthoriA!tion or $ower to the holder to onfess (udgment or re!liAe on or dis$ose of oll!ter!l, or 4iii5 ! w!i'er of the benefit of !ny l!w intended for the !d'!nt!ge or $rote tion of !n obligor% 4b5 IInstrumentI me!ns ! negoti!ble instrument% 4 5 An order th!t meets !ll of the re1uirements of subse tion 4!5, e# e$t $!r!gr!$h 4,5, !nd otherwise f!lls within the definition of I he kI in subse tion 4f5 is ! negoti!ble instrument !nd ! he k% 4d5 A $romise or order other th!n ! he k is not !n instrument if, !t the time it is issued or first omes into $ossession of ! holder, it ont!ins ! ons$i uous st!tement, howe'er e#$ressed, to the effe t th!t the $romise or order is not negoti!ble or is not !n instrument go'erned by this Arti le% 4e5 An instrument is ! InoteI if it is ! $romise !nd is ! Idr!ftI if it is !n order % If !n instrument f!lls within the definition of both InoteI !nd Idr!ft,I ! $erson entitled to enfor e the instrument m!y tre!t it !s either% see O0N=RS O> "*= PRISON SCS"=6 IN A6=RI+A
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>reedom S hool is not !ffili!ted with the links on this $!ge 8 unless otherwise st!ted% >reedom S hool inform!tion ser'ed for edu !tion!l $ur$oses only, no li!bility !ssumed for use% "he inform!tion you obt!in !t this site is not, nor is it intended to be, leg!l !d'i e% >reedom S hool does not onsent to unl!wful ! tion% >reedom S hool !d'o !tes !nd en our!ges one !nd !ll to !dhere to, su$$ort !nd defend !ll l!w whi h is $!rti ul!rly !$$li !ble%
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