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Sample computation for design of superheater a) Steam velocity at superheater tubes: Verify existing loop: Data: 55 heating elements,

2 diameter 0.157 thick 250 psig outlet steam pressure, 506F temp. 220,000 lb steam/hr (upgraded capacity) Specific volume of steam, 2.0362 cu.ft./lb

Volumetric flow of steam, Vfs Vfs = = 220,000 X 2.0362 / 3600 124.43 cu.ft/sec

Flow area of 55 tubes with 1.4351 inside diameter, Af Af = = X 1.4351 X 1.4351 X 55/4 (1/144) 0.6177 ft2

Velocity of steam passing the 55 tubes, Vs Vs = = = Vfs / Af ft/sec

124.43 / 0.6177 201.44 ft/sec (within acceptable range of 130-210 ft/sec for super heated steam per European practice)

II.B.8. Temperature of steam at given heating surface

For 55 tubes 2 diameter with effective heating length of 30 ft, the heating surface area is 728 ft2. From Handbook by Hugot p.883, furnace temperature obtained in practice for a bagasse fired boiler is: Most inefficient furnace Highest recorded Continuously Most Common Super heater gas inlet 1500-1800F 2,350F 2.275F 2,000F 1,500-1800F

For Boiler A calculation assume 2,000F furnace temperature and 1,700F superheater inlet gas temperature.


Superheater outlet steam temperature, Ts K S(2T1-t)/2 + p[ct-r(1-x)][1+S K/(2 P C)] Ts = (K S/2) + p c [ 1 + K S /(2 P C) ]


Ts S

= =

temperature of superheated steam, F heating surface area of superheater, 728 ft2, or 67.66 m2

coefficient of heat transfer, assume 11 Btu/ft2 hr F or 60 kcal/m2 C hr

temperature of saturated steam at drum pressure of 280 psia, 411F or 210.5C

mean specific heat of superheated steam, 0.468 + 0.000087 (411F)

= r =

0.503 kcal/kg C latent heat of vaporization at the boiler drum pressure of 280 psia, 454 kcal /kg

= =

mean specific heat of flue gas 0.27 + 0.00003 Tm Where Tm = (1,700F-32F)/2 = 834F

C p

= =

0.303 kcal/kg C weight of steam to be superheated, 220,000 lb/hr or 100,000 kg/hr

weight of flue gas passing the superheater, 467,824.6 lb/hr or 212,647.5 kg/hr


temperature of flue gas at entrance of super heater, 1,700F or 926.6 C


temperature of flue gas leaving the super heater = coefficient, equal or less than 1, generally 0.9 x = dryness fraction of the saturated steam

(0.8-0.98 in general), use 0.93

Substituting all the given value to the formula, Ts = 265C or 509F (the projected steam temperature at the superheater outlet is 506F)


Degree superheat, at the super heater outlet, SH SH = = = Ts t 265.3C 210.5C 54.8C or 98F


Temperature of flue gas leaving the superheater, T2 T2 = T1 p [ (1-x)r + c(Ts - t) ] / P C (eq. 42.63 p.907 Handbook by Hugot) = 819.9C or 1507.8F


Pressure drop at superheater, Pd Data: 55 elements, 2 OD 0.157 thick but inlet and

outlet spool connected to the superheater headers has OD of 1.75 with thickness 0.157 approximately 33 ft long, flow area per element 0.01123 ft2, 220,000 lb/hr MCR at 250 psig operating pressure and 506F super heat temperature, density of steam at

operating condition 0.4911 cu.ft/lb.

Calculation: Vfs Af Ws = = = = = f = = 124.43 cu.ft/sec (previously computed) 0.6177 ft2 (previously computed)

steam flow per element 220,000 lb/hr / 4,000 lb/hr flow friction coefficient 0.0054 + 0.0375 z /( D V d ) (English units) (eq.14-15, for the flow of steam and air in pipes, p. 605 Power Plant by Morse) where : z = = viscosity of steam 0.0083 + (2 t / 100,000) 55 tubes

(eq. 14-16, viscosity of Steam, p. 606 Power Plant by Morse), t = 506F steam superheat temperature. = D = = 0.01842 centipoises tube inside diameter 1.4351

Velocity of steam passing the superheater tube, Vs

= d = = Substituting coefficient, f f = all variables

201.4 ft/sec density of steam 0.4911 lb/cu.ft in the eq. for flow friction


Friction loss in psi for the flow of steam or air, Pd Pd = f L d V / 6 g D (eq. 14.11 p.605 Power Plant by Morse) where: (see above data) f = 0.005405 L = tube length = 32.5 ft d = density of steam = 0.4911 lb/cu.ft V = flow velocity = 201.4 ft/sec g = 32.2 ft/sec D = tube ID = 1.4351

Substituting all the variables in the eq. for Pd, Pd = 12.62 psi

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