You Have The Right To Remain Silent Miranda Lorimer December 2, 2013 Honors US 5 Hour

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You Have the Right to Remain Silent Miranda Lorimer December 2, 2013 Honors US



!or"s #ited $ergman, %aul, and Sara &' $erman($arrett' The Criminal Law Handbook: Know Your Rights, Survive the System' $er"ele), #*'+ ,olo, 2002' %rint' - used this boo" to learn more about .hat Miranda .as charged .ith' /his is a secondar) source' 0#onstitution o1 the United States ( 211icial'0 Constitution of the nited States ! "ffi#ial' ,'3', n'd' !eb' 24 ,ov' 2013' 5htt3+66...'archives'gov6e7hibits6charters6constitution'html8' used this to learn e7actl) .hat the 1i1th amendment sa)s' /his is a 3rimar) source' &ohnson, &ohn !' Histori# $S$ Court Cases: %n &n#y#lo'edia' ,e. Yor"+ Routledge, 2001' %rint' - used this boo" to learn more about the Miranda 9' *ri:ona case' /his is a tertiar) source' Lie1, Michael S', and Harr) M' #ald.ell' The (evil)s %dvo#ates: Lawyers and %rguments That (efined the %meri#an Criminal *usti#e System' ,e. Yor"+ Scribner, 200;' %rint' /his boo" .as used to learn more about the ruling o1 the Miranda v' *ri:ona case' /his is a secondar) source' 00Miranda0 Rights and the <i1th *mendment'0 +indlaw' ,'3', n'd' !eb' 1= ,ov' 2013' 5htt3+66criminal'1indla.'com6criminal(rights6miranda(rights(and(the(1i1th( amendment'html8' - used this site to learn more about the histor) o1 the Miranda Rights' /his is a secondar) source' 0Miranda Rights'0 ,iranda Rights' ,'3', 200>' !eb' 1= ,ov' 2013' 5htt3+66...'mirandarights'org68' - used this .ebsite to learn .hat the Miranda !arning is' /his is a secondar) source'

/rachtman, Michael ?' The Su'remes) -reatest Hits: The ./ Su'reme Court Cases That ,ost (ire#tly %ffe#t Your Life' ,e. Yor", ,Y+ Sterling, 200>' %rint' - used this boo" to learn more about .h) Miranda v' *ri:ona is historicall) signi1icant' /his is a secondar) source' Rogers, Richard' 0?etting -t !rong *bout Miranda Rights+ <alse $elie1s, -m3aired Reasoning, *nd %ro1essional ,eglect'0 %meri#an 0sy#hologist ;;'= @2011A+ B3;' 1usiness Sour#e Com'lete' !eb' 2 ,ov' 2013' - used this to vie. Miranda v' *ri:ona case' /his is a secondar) source' 2C,eill, Michael Ddmund' 0Undoing Miranda'0 1righam Young niversity Law Review 2000'1 @2000A+ 1= ' 1usiness Sour#e Com'lete' !eb' 2 ,ov' 2013' - used this to learn the 3rocess o1 interrogation' /his is a secondar) source' 2gletree, #harles &' 0*re #on1essions Reall) ?ood <or /he SoulE * %ro3osal /o Mirandi:e Miranda'0 Harvard Law Review 100'B @1>=BA+ 1=2;' 1usiness Sour#e Com'lete' !eb' o3inions o1 the B2=(

2 ,ov' 2013' - used this to learn .hat others critici:e the Miranda Rights 1or' /his is a secondar) source' Schauer, <rederic"' 0/he Miranda !arning'0 2ashington Law Review =='1 @2013A+ 1 (1B0'

%#ademi# Sear#h Com'lete' !eb' 2 ,ov' 2013' - used this to understand .h) the Miranda !arning .as made' /his is a secondar) source' Rodrigue:, &oshua -' 0-nterrogation <irst, Miranda !arnings *1ter.ard+ * #ritical *nal)sis 21 /he Su3reme #ourtCs *33roach /o Dela)ed Miranda !arnings'0 +ordham rban Law *ournal 40'3 @2013A+ 10>1(114 ' %#ademi# Sear#h Com'lete' !eb' 2 ,ov' 2013' - used this to learn .h) the Miranda Rights are sometimes not told to criminals' /his is a secondar) source'

%ictures #ited 0Drnesto Miranda'0 &rnesto ,iranda' ,'3', n'd' !eb' 2> ,ov' 2013' 5htt3+66done)'net6arounda:6celebrit)6mirandaFernesto'htm8' - used this 3icture to sho. MirandaCs gravestone' /his is a 3rimar) source' 0<our !inds 10 ( ,e.s'0 1ye!1ye 3th %mendment : You ,ay 4"T Have The Right To Remain Silent: +our 2inds 56' ,'3', n'd' !eb' 01 Dec' 2013' 5htt3+66...'1our.inds10'net6siterunFdata6government6GudicialFandFcourts6ne.s'3h3E HI13B2=B34; 8' - used this 3icture 1or m) home 3age to re3resent the la. and the #onstitution' /his is a secondar) source' 0Miranda v' *ri:ona+ /he #ase ( $lac" /al" Radio ,et.or"J'0 ,iranda v$ %ri7ona: The Case ! 1la#k Talk Radio 4etwork8' ,'3', n'd' !eb' 01 Dec' 2013' 5htt3+66blac"tal"radionet.or"'com63ro1iles6blogs6miranda(v(ari:ona(the(case8' - used this 3icture to sho. the car that .as identi1ied b) the victim that got Miranda ca3tured' /his is a secondar) source' Morris, Devin' 0Miranda vs *ri:ona ( DevinCs $log'0 (evin)s 1log' ,'3', 1> 2ct' 2012' !eb' 01 Dec' 2013' 5htt3+66devinmorris'.eebl)'com6163ost620126106miranda(vs(ari:ona'html8' used this to get a 3icture o1 Drnesto Miranda' /his is a secondar) source ' 0,ational Histor) Da) in M,'0 Theme 9nformation' ,'3', n'd' !eb' 01 Dec' 2013' 5htt3+66education'mnhs'org6histor)da)6theme(in1ormation8' - used this 3icture to re3resent the theme o1 Histor) Da)' /his is a 3rimar) source Siegel, Dl)se' 0Miranda Rights /rimmed Do.n $) Su3reme #ourt'0 The Huffington 0ost' /heHu11ington%ost'com, 02 *ug' 2010' !eb' 01 Dec' 2013'

5htt3+66...'hu11ington3ost'com6201060=6026miranda(rights(trimmed( doFnF;;B023'html8' - used this 3icture to sho. the Su3reme #ourt' /his is a secondar) source' 0!orld Histor) 1or the Rela7ed Historian'0 2orld History for the Rela:ed Historian' ,'3', n'd' !eb' 2> ,ov' 2013' 5htt3+66...'emerson"ent'com68' - used this 3icture to sho. the card that the 3olice read to a criminal' /his is a secondar) source'

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